Blog Entries

14. 04. 2014 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-glpi packages version 0.83.91

This is a fixrelease for glpi 0.83: – CVE-2013-2225 + CVE-2013-2227 : Security fix ( serialize + filter classname for autoload) – Fix in contract notifications entity params

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14. 03. 2014 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-plugins package version 1.9.1

The NetEye Plugins packages has been updated with this fixes/enhancements: – Fix for directory checking and active/passive ftp mode – Small output fix in – Added check_vmware_api as new plugin which should substitute

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11. 03. 2014 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-monarch-3.5.9-1

ChangeLog: – Permit spaces in Host-name while renaming

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10. 03. 2014 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-plugins package to version 1.9.0.-1

The NetEye Plugins packages has been updated with this enhancements: – Added new plugin for checking single cpu usage on linux – Added new plugin check_mssql_health for checking MS-SQL Server

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03. 03. 2014 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-syslogview-search 1.2.15-1

ChangeLog: – added Source-IP column in PDF report generation

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26. 02. 2014 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-syslogview-search-1.2.14-1

ChangeLog: – added templates for Safed v 1.6.8 (matching usernames with spaces)

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24. 02. 2014 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-plugins package to version 1.8.0.-1

The NetEye Plugins packages has been updated with this fixes and enhancements: – Small fixes for foundry type – Added new plugin for checking linux physical memory – Added new plugin check_3par for checking HP 3PAR Storages over ssh – Added new plugin (check 2 commands and AND,OR,XOR the output) – Added…

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24. 02. 2014 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated version for neteye-monarch package version 3.5.8-1

The NetEye Monarch (Nagios Config Tool) has been updated with the following bug fixes: – Fix View of files in Export function – Fix Groups permission in User_Groups Permissions

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07. 02. 2014 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-configtool-2.0.30-1

ChangeLog: – added following chars to allowed chars for local usernames: “.”,”-“,”_”.

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30. 01. 2014 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-configtool-2.0.29-1

ChangeLog: – fixed bug on creating new profile that prevented setting correctly specific permissions – fixed bug in IE that caused the “null” progress bar during profile editing

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28. 01. 2014 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-configtool-2.0.28-1

ChangeLog: – changed default LDAP filter and NAME field

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24. 01. 2014 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated neteye-plugins package version 1.7.0

The NetEye Plugins package has been updated with this changes: – Fixes and standardization on – Performance fixes for – Added new devices Benning Energy Station and Socomec new snmp devices for

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07. 01. 2014 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-configtool-2.0.26-1

Changelog: – fixed bug in “change user password”

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13. 12. 2013 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-syslogview-search version 1.2.12-1

Changelog: – fixed a bug in the script used for log reindexing.

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29. 11. 2013 MarinovMihail Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management

Safed 1.6.7

The new version of Safed 1.6.7 comes with a new system administrator discovery executable based on .Net. This version is compatible with old version configurations ( < 1.6.5). Pay attention, the 1.6.6 version that came few days ago had had the same feature but when upgrading an old installation, the system admnistrator discovery configuration of…

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