Blog Entries

29. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-monarch-3.9.4-1

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26. 06. 2015 Lukas Franceschini Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-configtool-3.0.18-2

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26. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-plugins-1.15.1-1

Changelog: – check_webpage: added -A option for advanced perl regexp matching – check_webpage: added -d debug option

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23. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-plugins-1.14.5-1

Changelog: – consider “Bit Error Rate: not known or not detectable” as OK (fixes #8)

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15. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.10-1

Changelog – fix priorities when creating / deleting rules

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11. 06. 2015 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated VMware-vSphere packages to version 5.5.0-1384587

The VMware VSphere packages have been updated to version 5.5. Please use them if you have strange behaviours of the output of the vmware check plugins.

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09. 06. 2015 Stefan Kofler Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package sms-gw-watchdog-1.3.0-2

Fix bug where the status is not updated correctly after committing the watchdog configuration minor changes

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08. 06. 2015 Stefan Kofler Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-configtool-3.0.16-1

UI fix to work with Internet Explorer compatibility mode “edge” Fix bug in User Management > Profiles > Edit Menu where item selections were not read correctly

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04. 06. 2015 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-monarch-3.9.1-1

This issues have been fixed in this release: – Deleting of “3d coords” in host detail does not work (#22) – Host notes are not deleted (#23) – Unviewable Table (width) in Groups Host view with many hosts (#24) – Nagios Host/Host Template definition: no retry_interval definable (#25) – Commit / PreFlight test / Edit…

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04. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.9-1

changelog: – Changing/setting Priority of rules does not work as expected (fix #1) – Email Rules: only first setting/parameter/variable of rule is matched (fix #11) – Email Rules: macro management (fix #13) – Errors in machting mode (fix #15) – [Tour]: improve usability (rename cancel->Use application, remember choice also on “use application” (fix #19) –…

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01. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.8-1

changelog: match general regex against entire content in a single line (solves #12) avoid big spike when showing dashboard tab again after some time (fixes #2) minor bugs

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29. 05. 2015 Nicola Degara Downloads / Release Notes

EriZone 3.3.1 steht ab sofort zur Verfügung!

Major Enhancements Access Management Neue Möglichkeit zum automatischen Start eines neuen Prozesses (Process Management) ausgehend von einer Access Management Aktivität: Bsp.: Anstellung eines neuen Vertrieb Mitarbeiters Neuer Laptop (Purchase process <<<) Neuer ERP Account (Sales Manager approval <<<) Neues Telefon Neues iPad Native Möglichkeit für EriZone für Single Sign-On Kerberos auf Active Directory. Neues Ticket2Process…

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29. 05. 2015 Nicola Degara Downloads / Release Notes, Service Management

EriZone 3.3.1 has been released!

Major Enhancements Access Management New possibility to start a new process (process management) from the single Access Management Activity automatically. Example: New Salesman hiring request New laptop (Purchase process <<<) New ERP account (Sales Manager approval <<<) New Phone New iPad Native possibility for EriZone for Single Sign-On Kerberos on Active Directory. New Ticket2Process admin…

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29. 05. 2015 Nicola Degara Downloads / Release Notes

Nuovo rilascio di EriZone 3.3.1

Major Enhancement Process Management  Possibilità di innescare un nuovo processo (Process Management) automaticamente dalle singole attività dall’Access Management: Es. Richiesta di assunzione nuovo commerciale Nuovo Laptop (Processo di acquisto <<<) Nuove credenziali per sistema gestionale (Processo di approvazione del direttore vendite <<<) Nuovo smartphone Nuovo iPad Predisposizione all’autenticazione Kerberos per il single sign-on su Active…

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09. 04. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.6-1

changelog: API: add possibility for custom Actions API: custom Nagios livestatus socket Added /var/log/neteye/eventhandler-web.log in order to debug testing in webui EventConsole Action: increase “set severity minutes” attribute max value to 60 * 24 * 365 increase “autoclose cycles” attribute max value to 1000 fix bug in EventConsole Action that prevented correct inserting of events…

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