Blog Entries

09. 07. 2024 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We released an update for GLPI that fixes several vulnerabilities. We updated the following packages:

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05. 07. 2024 Marco Berlanda Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We fixed a bug in Icingaweb2 module Tornado UI which prevented the UI from refreshing after a draft configuration was deleted. We updated the following packages:

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04. 07. 2024 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We fixed a bug in the NetEye Alyvix module related to the Multi Tenancy migration command neteye alyvix-node enable-multitenancy –all, in which we adapted the data sent by the command to the Alyvix node to comply with the latest specification of Alyvix Service. Furthermore, we fixed an issue in the update procedure which was not…

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03. 07. 2024 Marco Berlanda Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We fixed a bug in Icingaweb2 module Tornado UI which made part of the testing form unreachable when multi-tenancy was enabled. We updated the following packages:

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02. 07. 2024 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Monitor the Tasks in the Windows Task Scheduler

A lot of people run regular tasks on their Windows Servers using the Windows Task Scheduler. Now it’s time to find out if these tasks run on time, within a limit, and complete successfully. This monitoring task is done over nscp.exe, so you should have NSClient++ installed along with your Icinga2 Agent. Take a look…

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02. 07. 2024 Andrea Mariani Development, NetEye

Migrating from Network Script to NetworkManager Service

In the near future NetEye will likely introduce the use of NetworkManager instead of the network scripts used so far for the configuration of network connectivity. In this blog I’d like to describe some simple steps to perform a migration to NetworkManager in case it becomes necessary to go through with the transition. Let’s look…

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02. 07. 2024 Emil Fazzi DevOps, NetEye

Enhancing Our CI System with Data Visualization

As you may have noticed from recent posts from some of my colleagues about “Boosting NetEye CI Speed: Test Parallelization” or “Speeding up the NetEye CI Testing Phase“, we are improving our CI in order to have a reliable, fast system that is able to test all the features we implement in NetEye 4. As…

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01. 07. 2024 Damiano Chini Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We fixed a bug in the NetEye Alyvix module which caused some errors to be shown to administrators of Tenants which did not have access to some tenant-shared Alyvix Nodes. We updated the following packages:

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27. 06. 2024 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Streamlining Icinga Director with Grafana

Icinga Director is a powerful configuration tool included in NetEye that streamlines the process of defining and managing monitoring configurations. However, you may encounter issues with duplicate addresses and spaces in hostnames, which can lead to confusion and monitoring inaccuracies. In this post, I’ll discuss these common problems and introduce a Grafana dashboard solution to…

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20. 06. 2024 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We fixed a bug in the NetEye Alyvix module for which, in case of the superadmin, the Test Cases failing were shown duplicated in the Dashboard. Furthermore, we fixed an issue in the upgrade procedure that was causing some packages to skip their update during the upgrade procedure. We updated the following packages:

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17. 06. 2024 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We fixed a bug in the NetEye IDOReports module related to its installation process and in particular with an update of its database. We updated the following packages:

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17. 06. 2024 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.35

We fixed a bug in the NetEye IDOReports module related to its installation process and in particular with an update of its database. We updated the following packages:

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14. 06. 2024 Alessandro Valentini DevOps, NetEye

Automating the Full NetEye Release Procedure

One of the first issues we added more than 2 years ago to our DevOps backlog was automating the infrastructure preparation and release of NetEye, but we postponed it for a long time because it was too big to do. A bit of background Every 2 months we release a new NetEye version: this basically…

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14. 06. 2024 Matteo Cipolletta APM, NetEye, Real User Experience, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

The Right Monitoring Tool: Elastic Synthetic Browser Monitor vs. Alyvix

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring optimal performance and availability of applications is critical. Monitoring tools like Elastic Synthetics Journey Monitor and Alyvix offer unique capabilities tailored to diverse needs. Understanding where each tool excels can help you choose the best solution for your requirements. Elastic Synthetic Browser Monitor: Strengths and Use Cases Elastic Synthetic Browser…

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13. 06. 2024 Davide Sbetti Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We fixed a bug in the NetEye Alyvix module where an error was thrown when the super-admin would create a Test Case in a Tenant associated with a Time Period present in a different Tenant. We updated the following packages:

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