Blog Entries

15. 12. 2015 Patrick Zambelli Asset Management, Downloads / Release Notes, Events, Log Management, NetEye, Real User Experience, Unified Monitoring

NetEye 3.6 and RUE 1.9 Have Been Released!

Effective log auditing, meaningful reports and better integration of the single modules The new version NetEye 3.6 provides some substantial improvements, to respond to specific customer needs, as well as to satisfy the continuously growing requirements in the complex world of IT monitoring. Major investments were made in the fields of reporting and SLA measurement….

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03. 12. 2015 MarinovMihail Log Management, NetEye

Trace Windows Administrators Login Activities with Safed

Sometimes it is required to trace login/logoff activities of the administrator in order to be compliant with legal guidelines or simply for security reasons (see also our article “What to do with all those logs“). The Safed agent for Windows can be easily configured to collect administrator’s login/logoff. The agent is deployed with some administrator discovery commands,…

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12. 08. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management, NetEye

Updated Safed Agent v1.8.1

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08. 06. 2015 Susanne Greiner Machine Learning, Real User Experience

Statistics and Machine Learning Techniques for RUE

In the age of the cloud the optimization of real end-user experience (RUE) is getting essential for success. On the one hand users expect applications to work faultlessly independent of the time, location, and device one is using them from. Application performance monitoring (APM) is therefore often based on RUE performance metrics. On the other…

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06. 05. 2015 Andrea di Lernia Log Management, NetEye

What to do with all those logs?

The Italian Data Protection Authority requires the management and storage of millions of logs, but also outside Italy, a good log management strategy can provide several advantages. Some years ago, the Italian Data Protection Authority defined that the companies must register and store all data related to the system accesses performed by the administrators. This…

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30. 03. 2015 Juergen Vigna Log Management, NetEye

[Update] Patch Released ! – LogManager (ex. SysLogView) zipping error of archived logfiles

To avoid a similar problem the next time change from winter to summer time ( i.e. CET to CEST )  a fix release has been published, backported for NetEye release 3.4. Update for NetEye 3.4 will be neteye-syslogview 2.1.9 Users of NetEye 3.5 will apply this fix together with other UI improvements and a better…

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08. 01. 2015 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management, NetEye

Rsyslog open FileHandler control with SyslogView 2.1.8

To keep the number of open TCP connections of the Log Auditing server under control, the SyslogView version 2.1.8 contains a control in the daily archiviation script, to check the number of currently open connections. This issue could be found in particular situations, where SAFED or other Audit agents might send across a routing device …

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09. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer Log Management, NetEye

NetEye: New MySQL Audit Plugin for SyslogView

In a standard MySQL setup, the logging of user logins/logouts is done by enabling the “general_log” logfile, which forces the MySQL process to log EVERYTHING. This can clearly produce bad performances under heavy load. To avoid such performance restrictions we added a new MySQL Audit Plugin to the Syslog View of NetEye.

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02. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

NetEye: Integration Logstash/Elasticsearch/Kibana

You probably already heard about Elasticsearch and its potential. Elasticsearch is a full-text search engine based on Lucene. It provides a RESTful web interface and schema-free JSON documents. To be able to better display logs collected by NetEye, we integrated three open source projects: Logstash, Elasticsearch and Kibana. Logstash parses logs and submits them to Elasticsearch, which saves them…

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25. 09. 2014 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management

Update of SyslogView 2.1.7 available

For the current NetEye 3.4 release, has been released an update of SyslogView. This version comes with these new features: Version 2.1.7: Add of new option -T to This option check the TCP Socket 514 to be available on the local Rsyslog server For now it is better to make use of -T and…

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06. 12. 2013 MarinovMihail Log Management, NetEye

Windows process tracking with Safed

As well known, the Safed agent for Windows can collect events from the event log, filters them and forward the matched records to a centralized syslog server. There are some preconfigured set of events concerning basic activities that have to be tracked. The first one, and probably the most famous due to existing law conformity…

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29. 11. 2013 MarinovMihail Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management

Safed 1.6.7

The new version of Safed 1.6.7 comes with a new system administrator discovery executable based on .Net. This version is compatible with old version configurations ( < 1.6.5). Pay attention, the 1.6.6 version that came few days ago had had the same feature but when upgrading an old installation, the system admnistrator discovery configuration of…

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25. 06. 2013 Patrick Zambelli Log Management

SyslogView: Windows Eventlog integration into the MessageConsole

The SyslogView module is the log and events collector for activities on remote hosts. Log messages or Eventlog entries of a Microsoft server are collected with this tool and stored for later auditing or search. A recent customer request was to make these incoming events more transparent for monitoring. What if the remote SAFED agent…

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15. 03. 2013 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management

SyslogView Fix release 2.0.8 – Search 1.2.6

– Added additional Syslog Agent definition for every supported operating system. Each additional definition is customizable and provides compatibility towards older versions of SAFED before 1.6 and possible custom port and communication settings. – FIX: The Syslog Search Statistic:  ( configuration -> search ) is not showing the indexing statistic. – FIX: Syslog Search Statistic:…

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22. 01. 2013 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management

SyslogView Fix release 2.0.7

This release contains a minor fix in case the Rsyslog Server creates a log file without any content. This very uncommon situation was leading in the syslog – parser process to a warning – notified via email – that a zero division occurred since there are no rows of logs to parse. Details of the…

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