Blog Entries

28. 11. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Log Management, NetEye

The Role of IT Asset Management in GDPR Compliance – Part I

In this post, and in the one that will follow in the next weeks, I would like to analyze the role of IT Asset Management in adapting to the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). In this first article I will briefly introduce what the GDPR is, what measures it introduces, and how the IT…

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31. 10. 2017 Juergen Vigna Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Sending Cisco Syslogs to Elasticsearch: A simple guide

Do you use Cisco’s network infrastructure? Would you like to view its logs through the syslog protocol in an Elasticsearch database? Find out below about the filters and templates needed for the Logstash setup. As you probably already know, you need a Logstash instance in order to get indexed data into the Elasticsearch database. Cisco…

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19. 09. 2017 Massimo Giaimo Log-SIEM, NetEye

Do you want to prevent cyber-attacks? NetEye and Kibana can help.

IT security is one of the highest priorities for every CIO. Cyber-attacks are now a reality that we must deal with on a daily basis. More and more organizations have been the victims of so-called cybercrimes that are the cause of financial losses, operational problems and consequences to the company’s reputation. That is why trying…

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02. 08. 2017 Susanne Greiner Anomaly Detection, Machine Learning, NetEye, Real User Experience

Next Level Performance Monitoring – Part II: The Role of Machine Learning and Anomaly Detection

Machine learning and anomaly detection are being mentioned with increasing frequency in performance monitoring. But what are they and why is interest in them rising so quickly? From Statistics to Machine Learning There have been several attempts to explicitly differentiate between machine learning and statistics. It is not so easy to draw a line between…

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06. 06. 2017 Giuseppe Di Garbo Log Management, NetEye

How to send logs from servers in the cloud to NetEye?

Keeping an offline copy of your logs does not only provide better visibility from the system management point of view, but also turns out to be extremely precious in case of a security incident during which your local copies have been affected. As many of you might know, the Log Management module of NetEye offers…

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30. 05. 2017 Massimiliano De Luca Log-SIEM, NetEye

IoT: The future, today.

The Smith-Family is driving on the highway to arrive to their holiday destination in Italy, as a car in front of them suddenly brakes. A truck accidently has lost demolition debris and thereby almost caused a multiple-vehicle collision. Mrs. Jones is driving the car just behind the truck and as her car brakes, it simultaneously…

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22. 05. 2017 Tobias Goller Anomaly Detection, Log Management, NetEye

NetEye as essential component of a Security Operations Centers

During my last projects I noticed that the implementation of a „Security Operations Center“ (in short SOC) is becoming increasingly important, especially for our enterprise customers. Mainly for big companies that are of public interest like banks, energy providers, assurances etc. the topic of cyber threats is getting more actual and requires special attention. This…

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25. 11. 2016 Juergen Vigna Log Management, NetEye

Some Words about Logstash Filters and Dates

Some time ago I published an article about how to store the NetEye SMS Protocol log into an ELK environment. Now, after using it some times, I discovered that it was not completely correct as the time/date functions for the Logstash filters are a bit more complicated. In particular, it was that the date was…

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11. 10. 2016 Benjamin Gröber Downloads / Release Notes, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Updated package elasticsearch 1.7.5_neteye1.0.2-2 (for NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog: Fixed bug where had no execute permission

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05. 07. 2016 Juergen Vigna Log Management, NetEye

Practical Application of the NetEye Log Management Module to visualize SMS Notifications

Sometimes it is not so visible how many SMS are sent by a NetEye Server and to whom. So it could be a good idea to give the sms-send-protocol file to the Log Management and to include it into the Elasticsearch Index. Then you may create a Dashboard in Kibana to show the usage of your…

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29. 04. 2016 Tobias Goller Log Management, NetEye

Disk Space Optimization for the Index Database of NetEye Log Management

As you already know, from version 3.6 we’ve integrated the Elastic Stack (consisting of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) to the NetEye Log Management. This integration provides a lot of additional possibilities for log analysis, log correlation, dashboard creations, etc. Furthermore, it allows to store the collected logs for different periods, which wasn’t possible on prior…

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15. 02. 2016 Tobias Goller Log-SIEM, NetEye

Easy NetFlow Analysis using Kibana4 on NetEye

On NetEye we are using NfSen for the collection, analysis and view of NetFlow data. Unfortunately, many users complain, that the NfSen tool is not that simple to use, especially in terms of fast data analysis and for the reporting of the analysis results to their responsibles.

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03. 02. 2016 Lukas Franceschini Downloads / Release Notes, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Updated package neteye-syslogview-elasticsearch-2.3.2-1

Changelog: – fixed: Cisco asa vpn connection filter breaks logstash config (#NSE-15)

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29. 01. 2016 NetEye Blog Admin Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

NetEye Log Management on the official Elastic Blog

Thanks to the integration of the Elastic Stack to our NetEye Log Management, we established a professional relationship to Elasticsearch BV. Today we are very proud to announce that the history behind our NetEye Log Management was published on the official Elastic blog. Our business unit manager Georg Kostner, describes the market requirements, which led us to the development…

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21. 01. 2016 Arianna Cunaccia Asset Management, Log Management, NetEye, Real User Experience, Service Management

Würth Phoenix Training Calendar 2016

The new Würth Phoenix training calendar 2016 is now available. The training contents have been enriched to deepen your technical and professional skills.

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