Blog Entries

15. 11. 2012 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management

SyslogView Fix release 2.0.6

A new SyslogView FIX version has been released to correct the centralized SAFED configuration parameter “number of cache files”.

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12. 09. 2012 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management

SyslogView Fix release 2.0.5

Fix release announcement for NetEye SyslogView and the SyslogView Search engine. SyslogView specific fixes: – Add a new SAFED nagios monitoring template. This can be used for an alternative SAFED configuration together with the main monitoring definition – Fix some JS DOM ID registrations – Add statistics regex to match “Eventlog corruption” SyslogView Search specific:…

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08. 08. 2012 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management, NetEye

SyslogView Fix release 2.0.4

Fix release announcement for NetEye SyslogView and the SyslogView Search engine. SyslogView specific fixes: – FIX: Syslog Statistics: Regex filter selection box not shown in interface – FIX: Syslog Statistics: The statistic regex filters where not applied correctly on the row count of matching lines at the creation of statistics other than “general” – FIX: SyslogStore…

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15. 12. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Log Management

SyslogView 1.7.7

This Fix version of Syslog Server View is another release to support the comunication compatibility towards the new Safed agent 1.6 family. Due to some specification changes it is required to activate this version of SyslogView to be able to use the centralized configuration utility sending the configuration towards the agent and applying it there…

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09. 05. 2011 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management

Neteye SyslogView Search 1.0.3

Changelog 1.0.3 – Fixed issue with date generation – now parser stops execution (with error) if no date is correctly generated.

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04. 04. 2011 Marco Sperini Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management, NetEye

Agent Safed patch 1.4.3 for Unix / Linux

The version 1.4.3 of the Safed agent has been released. The fix solves a race condition problem that, under certain circumstances, can lead to the creation of multiple http server processes. It is recommended to update to this version of Safed.

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01. 04. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management

Neteye SyslogView 1.7

Changelog 1.7.6 – Signature check module: Parse of signature creation date fix. Adaptation to month string case leading to misinterpretation of signature creation date – Update of included database dump to vers. 1.7.6 Changelog 1.7.5 – restartSafed(): Get method header bux fix – fix:log recovery tolerance setting included also for logCheck section – fix:…

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07. 02. 2011 NetEye Blog Admin Log Management, NetEye

Linux Magazine announces Safed

Our Sylog Agent “Safed” quicked interest also at the editorial department of the Linux Magazin. As already announced on this pages, Safed is an new agent developed under GPL licence positioned primarily as OSS alternative for the Enterprise market.

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03. 01. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Log Management

Log flow integration of multiple IP sources

This new feature has been introduced for the auditing of Cluster installations and hosts with multiple IP addresses. The concept behind the aggregation of flows from different sources resides on the integration of log flows from load balanced hosts or hosts in failover configuration within a single host definition. This allows also the registration of…

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26. 10. 2010 Patrick Zambelli Log Management

Centralized syslog agent configuration for SAFED

Today’s blog article will highlight the latest news from the Syslog Server development area. The focus lays on the integration of the distributed syslog agents into the SyslogView module of the NetEye server. The motivation for this strategic implementation is the acceleration of the installation – only a single MSI executable without user iteration has…

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22. 10. 2010 Patrick Zambelli Log Management

Monitoring the status of the SAFED agent

This article will highlight quickly an approach for the monitoring of your syslog agent in terms of availability and reactiveness. SyslogView OS agent check defintions The NetEye SyslogView server includes a  check logic for the monitoring of the syslog agent on the remote server. The monitoring techniques cover the strategy to launch a Nagios interpretable…

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14. 09. 2010 MarinovMihail Log Management

Download dell’agente Safed

L’agente Safed 1.3.1 per Windows e UX e disponibile per il download nella sezione Safed Area della pagina Downloads

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09. 09. 2010 NetEye Blog Admin Events, Log Management

neteye user group: novità sul modulo syslog

In previsione della seconda edizione del NetEye User Group, che si terrà il 21 settembre presso Lottosport, ecco per voi una comoda scheda prodotto con le principali funzioni del modulo Syslog . In occasione di questo incontro verranno presentate le principali novità che riguardano l’Agent Safed, il modulo reporting ed il modulo di ricerca nel…

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31. 08. 2010 MarinovMihail Log Management

L’agente Safed 1.3.0 per Windows

Recentemente e’ stata rilasciata la versione 1.3.0 dell’agente Safed per Windows. La novità presente in questa versione e’ l’integrazione del discovery automatico degli amministratori di sistema (AS). L’agente ora e’ in grado di scoprire in automatico gli amministratori locali, di dominio e quelli dell’enterprise. Una volta scoperti gli amministratori, l’agente si riconfigura per filtrare gli…

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18. 08. 2010 NetEye Blog Admin Log Management, NetEye

Garante sulla Privacy: per saperne di piú

Molti di voi ne saranno giá a conoscenza, ma abbiamo comunque ritenuto opportuno raccogliere le nuove direttive del Garante sulla Privacy sotto forma di FAQS (domande e risposte).

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