Blog Entries

15. 03. 2024 Matteo Cipolletta APM, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Unleashing Elastic APM: Containerized Scalability Explored

Introduction: Unveiling Elastic APM in Containerized Environments In today’s dynamic digital landscape, where every interaction matters, understanding the intricacies of application performance has become paramount. Elastic APM is a powerful toolset within the Elastic Stack included in the NetEye SIEM Module, and designed to provide unparalleled insights into the performance of your applications. As organizations…

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23. 02. 2024 Juergen Vigna Log-SIEM, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitoring Logs in Elasticsearch: A Practical Example

Say you want to monitor logs coming into your Elasticsearch instance, and have it send data to your Monitoring Dashboard. I’ll show you how to do this with a practical example, in particular for an event coming from the Active Directory where a user is locked out, and the associated Domain Controller sends the event…

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16. 02. 2024 Reinhold Trocker Log-SIEM, NetEye

Enabling Elastic Agents Upgrades in Restricted or Closed Networks

In this article, we’ll explore how to configure the “Agent Binary Download” setting and set up your own artifact registry for binary downloads within a NetEye cluster. Prerequisites Before we begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place: Configuring the “Agent Binary Download” Setting Hosting Your Own Artifact Registry If routing traffic through a proxy server…

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28. 12. 2023 Enrico Alberti Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Monitor Fleet Elastic Agents with NetEye Extension Packs (NEP)

With the latest version of NetEye 4.33, the Fleet Server and ElasticAgent officially join the NetEye Elastic Stack (see NetEye 4.33 Release Notes ) Related to this new big feature, within the NetEye Extension Packs project we have provided new monitoring checks that can help customers and consultants who use NetEye to keep these new…

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28. 12. 2023 Davide Sbetti Log-SIEM, Machine Learning

Semantic Search in Elasticsearch – Testing Our NetEye Guide: Adding the LLM ingredient

You weren’t expecting a part three of this series, right? Well honestly, me neither. But after working together with you on the POC where we firstly crawled the NetEye Guide and applied ELSER to the resulting documents, and then we exploited its semantic search capabilities in the NetEye Guide search, we asked ourselves, what if…

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24. 12. 2023 Damiano Chini Development, DevOps, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Making ELK Updates Smoother with Configurators and Ansible

Recently (in September 2023) NetEye integrated version 8.8 of the Elastic Stack, which is just one of many Elastic updates brought into NetEye 4. Since this Elastic update there was a major upgrade (from version 7.17) coming with many breaking changes, so we, as the NetEye R&D team, wanted to make this important upgrade as…

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22. 12. 2023 Juergen Vigna Log-SIEM, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

SIEM: Monitor Hosts Sending Data to Elasticsearch

Do you have a SIEM installation based on Elasticsearch (like the NetEye 4 SIEM Module) and are you sending data to it from your hosts? Then you’ll surely want to know whether your host is actually sending data, or if nothing is coming out at all. For this I made available a simple icinga/nagios plugin…

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30. 11. 2023 Juergen Vigna Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitor Your Elasticsearch Agents Registered in the Elastic Fleet Server

Say you’re using the SIEM Module in NetEye and are deploying the Elasticsearch Agent to your clients. You’d surely like to know if those agents are still sending data and are still connected to the Elastic Fleet server. I had this problem recently and came up with a new monitoring plugin that uses the Kibana-API…

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19. 10. 2023 Reinhold Trocker Log Management, Log-SIEM

Integration of Elasticsearch Clients without Authentication and without TLS

Introduction Let’s say… you have a product that has some Elasticsearch output, which deals with parsing and indexes, and also comes with a nice dashboard, etc., and let’s suppose… you would like to use this built-in functionality. And let’s say… the product in question wants to connect to Elasticsearch in an unauthenticated manner over HTTP….

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12. 10. 2023 Reinhold Trocker Log Management, Log-SIEM

stunnel TCP keepalive Settings Preventing Firewall from Blocking Log Traffic

Infrastructure Scenario An image says more than 1000 words 😉 Basically, the log source continuously sends log messages encrypted via TLS to the NetEye server. TLS is handled by stunnel and then content is internally forwarded unencrypted to an Elastic Agent Integration “Custom TCP Logs” inside the NetEye server. Cause: Logs lost due to firewall…

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09. 10. 2023 Davide Sbetti Log-SIEM, Machine Learning, NetEye

Semantic Search in Elasticsearch – Testing Our NetEye Guide: Can We Improve the Search Experience? (Part 2) 

In my previous blog post, we saw how it’s possible to index some documents that we created by crawling our NetEye User Guide, then applying the ELSER model in Elasticsearch to create a bag of words for searching that takes into account the context of the various documents. Moreover, we also performed a simple query…

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03. 10. 2023 Davide Sbetti Log-SIEM, Machine Learning, NetEye

Semantic Search in Elasticsearch – Testing Our NetEye Guide: Can We Improve the Search Experience? (Part 1)

Once upon a time (in fact it was just a month ago, but it sounds more dramatic this way) I had the opportunity to attend a webinar about Vector Search, Generative AI, and modern NLP by the Elastic Team. One of the topics that was touched on during the webinar was ELSER , Elastic’s new…

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29. 08. 2023 Enrico Alberti Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Configuring the New Fleet Server on Elastic 8

The Fleet Management feature was automatically enabled with NetEye release 4.30, and with the current 4.31 version all the Elastic Stack packages will be upgraded to major version 8. These two milestones will permit us to centrally manage log ingestion using the new Elastic Agents (the evolutions of Beats Agents) and forget all the custom…

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03. 04. 2023 Damiano Chini Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Introducing Observability in El Proxy

If you’re familiar with the NetEye SIEM module you probably also know El Proxy, the solution integrated into NetEye to ensure the integrity and inalterability of the logs produced by the SIEM module. Since its introduction in NetEye, the only way to understand what El Proxy was doing was to inspect its logs, but as…

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26. 01. 2023 Damiano Chini Bug Fixes, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Bugfixes for NetEye 4.27, 4.26, 4.25: Elasticsearch License Renewal

The current Elasticsearch license bundled with NetEye will expire this January 31st. To continue enjoying all the SIEM functionalities you must update to the new license. An automatic update has been released for the most recent NetEye version. Older NetEye releases however, can be updated manually. In the case the health-check light/ is preventing you…

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