Blog Entries

17. 04. 2019 Tobias Goller NetEye, Predictive Analysis, Unified Monitoring

MSSQL Performance Monitoring: The Sequel

Due to the very positive customer feedback on our extended MSSQL performance monitoring article, I would like to briefly highlight this functionality. We have been implementing systems for MSSQL performance monitoring for a long time, offered either as a managed IT service, or on-premise depending on the requirements. Previously, we recorded and evaluated counters such…

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08. 04. 2019 Alessandro Romboli ITOA, NetEye

Anonymous Access for Wall Dashboards

Scenario A lot of people who have a NetEye monitoring system will set up a Wall Dashboard to display the status of their most important services and vital performance data. If these Dashboards are built using Grafana (in the ITOA menu in NetEye 4), you will encounter the problem that you will need to bypass…

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27. 03. 2019 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye

NetEye 4 Performance and Tactical Monitoring Overview

In one of my previous posts I described how to create a customized NetEye 3 Tactical Monitoring Overview dashboard with Grafana and Telegraf. Here I’d like to show you how you can create a similar dashboard (much faster) for NetEye 4. The NetEye 4 Tactical Overview quickly provides basic information on the status of hosts, services…

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21. 12. 2018 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye, Service Management

How to Back Up All of Your Grafana Dashboards

Grafana has become one of the most used modules of NetEye.  As many of you know, it’s very easy to export and import individual Grafana dashboards using the existing export functionality via JSON. [1] Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy way to export all dashboards and data sources at once and then implement a…

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26. 11. 2018 Susanne Greiner ITOA, NetEye

How to Drop a Tag in InfluxDB

If  you’ve ever had cardinality problems with InfluxDB, you might have discovered that a tag is the likely culprit.  Well done!  But now your next step is getting rid of that tag, and that’s when you’ll realize that in a time series database, tags play an important role in indexing.  Because dropping tags is rather complicated,…

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21. 11. 2018 Juergen Vigna ITOA, NetEye, Predictive Analysis, Unified Monitoring

Manage the Performance of your MSSQL Databases

So you have MSSQL databases and you’d like to keep an eye on the performance of your DB.  Using NetEye this is quite easy.  The  tools you need are already available on your NetEye server:  InfluxDB, the Telegraf agent, and Grafana for visualizing your Dashboards. The SQL Server Input Plugin provides metrics for your SQL…

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08. 11. 2018 NetEye Blog Admin Anomaly Detection, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Attending the OSMC in Nuremberg

From this November 5th to 8th, more than 250 system engineers, developers, network engineers and IT managers met in Nuremberg, Germany to discuss the latest approaches to monitoring and observability.  The four-day event comprised 3 tracks of expert presentations on November 6th and 7th, technical workshops on the 5th, and a full-day hackathon directly following…

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18. 09. 2018 MarinovMihail ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Telegraf Plugin for VMware Counters from a Windows Guest OS

Telegraf is a plugin-driven agent for collecting metrics from various sources (based on the configured input plugins), preprocessing and aggregating them (based on configured processor and aggregator plugins), and forwarding them to the desired destinations (depending on the configured output plugins). Telegraf is used throughout NetEye to collect performance data, forward them to InfluxDB where…

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28. 06. 2018 Roberto Palmarin ITOA, NetEye

Measure, Measure, Measure… and then Decide

Before making decisions it’s good practice to gather data. Important data, I should say. In this post I will propose how to use Telegraf to gather that data. Telegraf is open source software that allows you to gather raw data (metrics) from your configured plugins and then forward them to the destination of your choice…

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09. 05. 2018 Arianna Cunaccia Anomaly Detection, ITOA, NetEye

NetEye Analytics and Dashboards Training

The main objective for IT today is to guarantee high performance services and business continuity. To achieve these goals, you need to combine at least three fundamental aspects: the right analytical capacity to measure each relevant metric both at the application and at the infrastructural level; timely notifications to intervene quickly and preemptively; and finally,…

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08. 05. 2018 Georg Kostner Predictive Analysis

The Future of NetEye

NetEye unveils redesigned interface with fully enhanced monitoring capabilities We are proud to announce that we are continuing to innovate with our NetEye 4 monitoring solution.  This major update provides a significant step forwards, and is the clear result of the development of our business solutions synchronizing with market demand. This new version is a…

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02. 05. 2018 Charles Callaway Anomaly Detection, Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

NetEye 3.13 and 4.1 Release Notes

NetEye 3.13 Release Notes Welcome to the latest version of our NetEye Unified Monitoring Solution that introduces methods to automate business process creation, scheduling of asset import via CSV, load balancing best practices, and improved Grafana dashboards. Product: NetEye Release Number: 3.13 Release Date: April 30, 2018 Release Type: Minor Previous Release: 3.12 System Requirements: NetEye 3.12 installation or…

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26. 04. 2018 NetEye Blog Admin Anomaly Detection, Events, NetEye, Service Management

NetEye & EriZone User Group: Presentation review

On the 18th April in Munich the second edition of our German NetEye & EriZone User Group took place at the Microsoft HQ in Munich. The yearly customer event also in its German edition proved to be an important sharing platform for the definition of our solutions’ new evolution phase. What resulted from the presentations and dedicated…

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04. 04. 2018 Susanne Greiner Anomaly Detection, Events, ITOA, NetEye

Würth Phoenix @ GrafanaConEu 2018

Ever since Version 3.8, Grafana and InfluxDB have been integrated into NetEye.  This step was undertaken for many reasons.  First of all, we wanted to give several metrics a nicer look; second, we wanted to make it possible for our customers to play around with their data, so they could start from predefined templates without…

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27. 03. 2018 Susanne Greiner Anomaly Detection, ITOA, NetEye, Visual Synthetic Monitoring

Multi-Level Dashboarding with Grafana – Use Case: NetEye ITOA | Alyvix

Data collection is one of the key steps when you want to analyze the current state of your network, system or application in terms of performance.  Data visualization is another:  even the most sophisticated data collection cannot help you solve problems if it is visualized poorly. Nowadays a single visualization is often not enough since…

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