Blog Entries

22. 03. 2022 Juergen Vigna ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitoring Fortigate Firewall SLA Trackers

Recently a customer told me he would like to monitor and graph the values that his Fortigate Firewall was generating for his configured SLA Trackers. What are these SLA Trackers? I informed myself and found the following in a Fortigate Cookbook. Fortigate Performance SLA ─ Link Monitoring Performance SLA link monitoring measures the health of…

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29. 12. 2021 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye

Business Processes and Dashboards

The Business Process module is one of the most useful modules in NetEye, but it’s often underestimated. A Business Process offers a way to model relations between monitored objects by NetEye (host and services), allowing you to model applications or infrastructures. They also allow you to drill down into the details, from high-level services to…

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06. 12. 2021 Rocco Pezzani ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Metrics on NetEye Monitoring

(Or, Who’s Monitoring the Monitor?) Everyone uses a monitoring system to understand what’s going on in their own environment and how it performs, but what about the monitoring system itself? The monitoring system also has its own tasks to perform, and obviously its own needs. Therefore even NetEye itself, while performing its duties, can be…

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02. 12. 2021 Omar Bertò APM, ITOA, NetEye

Really Slow Login? It’s Not Always the Network, It Might Be Your SQL Server

By using DMVmonitor to analyze query metrics on an MS SQL server instance, I was able to identify a missing index in the SQL server as the root cause of why an application was starting up quite slowly. In this specific case I was working in a production environment using Microsoft’s Dynamics AX 2012 R3…

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22. 10. 2021 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye

NetEye Problems Dashboard

Do you need a customizable dashboard to better track problems detected by NetEye? Here’s one: WARNING This dashboard does not take into account the user’s role and related permissions and it is intended for use by an administrator on an on-premise non multi-tenant installation of NetEye. USE CASE The standard Problems display (divided into two…

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19. 09. 2021 Rocco Pezzani ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Understanding Instability in a Monitored Environment

Whenever a new monitoring project gets underway, a consultant discusses with the customer about almost any related topic: what needs to be monitored, how to monitor it, when to implement it, how to represent performance data, etc. Based on customer needs and desires, any sort of implementation strategy can be planned, but almost all of…

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23. 08. 2021 Lorenzo Candeago ITOA

Telegraf’s Starlark Processor

In the world of IT monitoring, we often deal with metrics that are cumulative, or where we cannot control or modify the definition of a metric. Examples include the various Windows performance monitoring metrics for MS Dynamics AX 2013 R3 (AOS) server. These metrics are cumulative, but whenever the AOS services are restarted, or the…

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06. 07. 2021 Lorenzo Candeago ITOA

Continuous Deployment for Grafana Dashboards using Jsonnet and Jenkins, Part 2

In my previous blog post, I introduced our scenario: in a private cloud context, we want to deploy a dashboard for multiple clients created using Grafana, InfluxDB and Telegraf for SQL performance monitoring. We saw how to write a Grafana dashboard programmatically using Jsonnet and upload it to Grafana using the Grafana API. In this…

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06. 07. 2021 Lorenzo Candeago ITOA

Continuous Deployment of Grafana Dashboards Using Jsonnet and Jenkins, Part 1

Say we want to monitor the disk latency of SQL Servers or other Windows Performance Counters in a private cloud context, and plot the results for users of our performance management platform who likely work in different companies. InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana are the right tools to achieve this, and with the power of Flux,…

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28. 05. 2021 Juergen Vigna Contribution, ITOA, NetEye

Monitoring Host Availability inside Grafana

A frequent request I get is how to view the availability of hosts and/or services within a Grafana dashboard. Here I demonstrate how to do this for host availability. To implement this, we first create a new table in our MariaDB on NetEye. I’ll call this table host_daily_sla and put it in the pre-existing reporting…

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13. 05. 2021 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, ITOA, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.17

We fixed two security vulnerabilities related to the web interface.They were related to the cross-site request forgery attack and the clickjacking attack.Both are used to induce users to perform actions that they do not intend to perform by hiding the NetEye web interface under some eye-catching pages or with some malicious links sent for example…

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01. 04. 2021 Giuseppe Di Garbo ITOA, NetEye

NetEye Home Dashboard

“A dashboard should tell a story or answer a question” “Dashboards should reduce cognitive load, not add to it“ Following the two best practices mentioned above I would like to consider the following use case: I am a NetEye customer with a single node implementation and I would like a dashboard that helps me to…

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25. 03. 2021 Valentina Da Rold Development, ITOA, NetEye

How to Customize a Grafana Component

I’ve been working with Grafana since 2017, when I started as a Frontend Developer here at Wuerth Phoenix.I typically take care of the customization of the Grafana User Interface, with the goal of reflecting the NetEye look and feel inside Grafana, aka the ITOA module. I’ve already written about a simple way to customize the…

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08. 02. 2021 Juergen Vigna ITOA, NetEye

GlusterFS as a Shared Elasticsearch Backup Volume

To be able to make Elasticsearch Snapshots you need shared storage mounted on all Elasticsearch Data Nodes. There are various possible file systems you can use for this: GFS, NFS, CIFS and GlusterFS. What is GlusterFS GlusterFS is a scalable network file system suitable for data-intensive tasks such as cloud storage and media streaming. GlusterFS…

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19. 05. 2020 Nicola Degara Anomaly Detection, Log Management, Machine Learning, NetEye, Unified Monitoring, Webinar

Neteye SIEM: processes and tools for IT Services Security 🇮🇹

Talking about IT security is now clearly synonymous with resilience! We are continuously and inevitably under attack… every organization must implement defensive principles and practices that avoid the worst damage and the least impact on its survival and development. From the data selection, to its collection and normalization, for its representation and analysis with techniques…

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