Blog Entries

30. 09. 2020 Benjamin Gröber Development, NetEye

Tips & Tricks for Building RPM Packages

An RPM (RedHat Package Manager) package is the file format used by RHEL and CentOS, and their package manager yum (now called dnf). Since NetEye is based on CentOS, we use this standard package manager for distribution. How an RPM is constructed is defined in so-called spec files. In this blog post I’m going to…

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28. 09. 2020 Mattia Codato Contribution, Development, Icinga News, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

NetEye – Icinga2 Execute Command API

In the last few weeks, we collaborated with the Icinga2 developers to create a new powerful API, called “Execute Command“. The main purpose of this new API is to execute specific commands on a node by sending the request to the parent node. This is useful when the user cannot reach the desired node (an…

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18. 09. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

The NetEye Design System

As already mentioned in my previous Blog Post, I would like to present our Design System project, based completely on Vue.js. It’s not just a modern UI component library. The whole purpose of a Design System is to define the design principles, style guide, patterns, content tone, and the rules and specifications of “reusable” components….

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31. 08. 2020 Giuseppe Di Garbo Development, NetEye

Getting in Touch with the Flux Language and NetEye

NetEye is a constantly evolving solution that allows you to monitor the status of heterogeneous objects and collect metrics from different sources. Properly correlated, this data can become an important source of information for your business. With the 4.13 release we added an important tool that allows you to manage data: we upgraded InfluxDB to…

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18. 06. 2020 Gianluca Piccolo Contribution, Development, Icinga Web 2, PHP

How to Apply PHP Coding Conventions for Icinga Web 2 Projects

In this article we’re going to take a look at the main tool for validating PHP code and explain in detail how to check the code we write so we can contribute it to Icinga Web 2 and its modules. First, let’s talk a little about coding conventions and what’s the standard for PHP projects….

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01. 12. 2019 Charles Callaway Documentation, NetEye

Squaring the User Guide Circle

The official Icinga 2 user guide is quite extensive, but it’s not always complete.  That’s normal in today’s world of fast changing software where the focus is on delivering new capabilities quickly.  Even here at NetEye most of the documentation we produce for our user guide is written when we add new modules and features,…

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20. 09. 2019 Angelo Rosace Development

Selenium Flakiness and How to Tackle It

A piece of code can’t be considered good if it doesn’t work properly. One of the questions that arises from the previous sentence is, “So how can I know that my code is actually doing what it’s supposed to be doing?” The quick and easy answer is: Tests. But how can you decide which types…

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08. 07. 2019 Charles Callaway Documentation, Unified Monitoring

“How To” Improve the User Guide

Every software suite needs documentation. But the more features we add to NetEye to meet customer needs, the larger the user guide becomes.  Over time, it’s important to make sure that the guide continues to meet the needs of NetEye users despite this. In particular, modern methodologies like Agile that we use in NetEye often…

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02. 10. 2018 Charles Callaway Documentation, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Creating Action Shortcuts in your NetEye 4 Custom User Guide

In my last user guide blog I showed you how to create your own menu item, create a space on the file system, write a sample page, and store an image for that page, all in a way that will survive future updates.  This time I want to show you how to use your custom…

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29. 08. 2018 Charles Callaway Documentation, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Custom User Guide Content in NetEye 4

In my last post, I showed you how to set up your own customized documentation in NetEye 3 so that it won’t be overwritten when you upgrade.  Doing the same thing in NetEye 4 is also possible even though there isn’t a dedicated link for external documentation like in NetEye 3’s DokuWiki, and there isn’t…

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12. 04. 2018 Charles Callaway Documentation, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Adding Your Own Documentation to NetEye with DokuWiki

Wouldn’t it be great to have quick access to your favorite pages in the NetEye documentation?  To make customized thumbnail pages of your most frequent screenshots?  To create your own alternative documentation index with categories reflecting your mindset?  To add your own notes, comments, or FAQ with pointers into the existing NetEye documentation? That would…

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