Blog Entries

01. 12. 2022 Gianluca Piccolo Development, PHP

A Developer’s Life is Like a Box of Chocolates: You Never Know What Bug You’re Gonna Get – Part 2

Intro This post continues the analysis of a bug I had to deal with recently. If you missed the first part, I suggest you go take a look at it before continuing with this. If, on the other hand, you’ve been anxiously waiting for this post XD, we’re ready to get into the thick of…

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25. 11. 2022 Benjamin Gröber Development

What is the perfect development team size?

When a team practicing agile software development is growing, one common question that arises is the optimal size for a development team. While some argue that smaller teams are more effective, others believe that larger teams can be equally successful if managed properly. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages we encountered…

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07. 11. 2022 Gianluca Piccolo Development, PHP

A Developer’s Life is Like a Box of Chocolates: You Never Know What Bug You’re Gonna Get – Part 1

Intro In this post I’d like to explain the technique I chose to discover the cause of a bug I recently worked on, and why I made certain choices, given the not-so-common circumstances: part of a GUI I was debugging stopped working. It depended on third-party code and was therefore largely unfamiliar to me. Another…

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14. 10. 2022 Benjamin Gröber Development

The Most Important Question in Product Development

Communication is the single most important thing whenever and wherever people interact. Communication is the key to great relationships both in business and also in personal life, however it seems like it’s also the hardest thing to get right. When a software product evolves, between the birth of a good idea, the formalization of a…

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02. 10. 2022 Damiano Chini APM, Development, NetEye

Implementation of Distributed Tracing in Tornado with OpenTelemetry

In a previous post we showed how Distributed Tracing and Elastic APM can help Tornado administrators track down events from their generation on Tornado Collectors to the Actions they trigger in Tornado. This blog post will be more technical and will give you an insight on how we managed to implement Distributed Tracing in Tornado…

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24. 09. 2022 Mattia Codato Development, NetEye

Consultant for a Day (or Three)

In August I had the opportunity to assist an experienced consultant who was upgrading a NetEye cluster. Now, I’m a software developer, and while I know the consultants here who work with clients, I’ve always worked at the Würth Phoenix offices. I’ve never actually gone out in the field. So my goal was to try…

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24. 09. 2022 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video (Tutorials), Part 10: Animation

Since one apparently just can’t have enough parts of a multi-part blog post, why not one more? Let’s depart slightly from the usual themes, because I want to talk about something that’s applicable to videos that are slightly more marketing oriented than your typical tutorial videos. Of course you could always make full-blown marketing videos…

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30. 06. 2022 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video Tutorials, Part 9: Interviewing an Expert

Welcome back to our ongoing series of how to improve the video tutorials you make, especially when you’re on a tight budget, and by that I mean both money and time. Today let’s look at conducting a live, one-on-one in-person interview. Note that online interviews and documentary-style off-screen interviews are their own full, separate topics)….

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10. 06. 2022 Attilio Broglio Development, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitor Cisco’s APIC FAULT (Application Policy Infrastructure Controller) in NetEye 4

Introduction As introduced in a previous post, Cisco’s APIC is a core component for several of our customers; it’s a complex solution that every user can employ to fully customize their configuration. There I explained how to monitor the APIC at a high level, summarizing the fault information tenant by tenant. Some customers needed to…

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19. 05. 2022 Mattia Codato ctf-writeups, Development

Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022 – Red Island Writeup

The Cyber Apocalypse CTF is back with the 2022 edition. It’s a Jeopardy-style competition organized by Hack The Box and is open to everyone. Together as a security-focused guild (a concept taken from the Spotify model) we here at Würth Phoenix participated in this challenge and in particular I focused on the web challenges. After…

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06. 05. 2022 Alessandro Valentini Development, NetEye

Pinning a Module to a Specific Kernel Release

During our implementation of the NetEye migration to Red Hat 8 we decided to drop our internal mirror for system packages and instead rely on Red Hat’s official repositories. Our goal was to improve reliability, speed up the delivery of updates, and alleviate the development team’s workload. But it also introduced a new issue: we…

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28. 04. 2022 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video Tutorials, Part 8: It’s All About That Audio

So your video shooting and editing skills are at a high level now, and you’re comfortable and even confident appearing in your videos. You’ve acquired a good quality microphone, greatly improving the resulting audio. But down deep you know there are still some things about the sound you could improve. I’ve already written a bit…

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29. 03. 2022 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Tutorials, Part 7: Script Delivery

You might remember from the last post in my series on creating video tutorials that we talked about improving the quality of picture-in-picture video tutorials. I broke it down into two parts, the background and the presenter, with this summary for the latter: What’s realistically the most natural way you can present yourself in the…

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22. 03. 2022 Mattia Codato ctf-writeups, Development

CTF Insomni’hack Teaser 2022 ─ Vault Challenge

On January 29th, I attended my first CTF (capture the flag) competition: the Insomni’hack teaser.Based on my skills, I decided to go for the challenge called Vault which consists of a web-based vault of five pages: a home page, one where you can see the key/value pair you entered after logging in, a page for…

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11. 03. 2022 Benjamin Gröber Development

How to tackle uncertainty during development

Uncertainty is an inherent part of the complex domain of software development. To reduce uncertainty, we made it a part of our custom agile software development methodology. We plan the next sprint for each team by picking the top-most items from the backlog and giving a rough estimate. However, sometimes a new feature request is…

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