Blog Entries

27. 07. 2023 Mattia Codato Development

Cockpit module + Vue.js + TypeScript

The example project used in this article is available on GitHub. A few months ago I started exploring Cockpit and the first thing I noticed is how every single Cockpit module is made with React. Why doesn’t anybody use Vue.js and/or TypeScript in Cockpit? Let’s start with the basics: what is Cockpit? Quoting RedHat: Cockpit…

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03. 07. 2023 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video Tutorials, Part 14: Dark Backgrounds

I’m not one to follow a lot of the latest YouTube trends. Maybe it’s an age thing, though it could also just be a stubborn streak. But after you make enough videos, you start to recognize a good thing when you see it. And one thing that struck me recently were a number of great…

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19. 06. 2023 Fabrizio Dovesi Atlassian, Development, Service Management

👀 The AI is coming! The AI is coming!

A brief presentation of the brand new Atlassian Intelligence features and their potential in real use case scenarios. We don’t need Chicken Little to tell us that our lives will be increasingly influenced by the Artificial Intelligence revolution – AI is transforming how we work, enhancing teamwork, and significantly accelerating team achievements. Machine learning is…

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05. 06. 2023 William Calliari Development

About Set Theory, the N-queens Problem, and SQL

The n-queens problem is a common exercise in computer science. Legend has it that a mathematician once declared that women are like the queens in chess, you can’t put eight of them in a room without them trying to kill each other. This obviously isn’t true, and since I’m a feminist, but also a nerd,…

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25. 05. 2023 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

Moving from Selenium to Playwright – Part 1

In order to visually test NetEye on browsers at each stage of development and before each release, we have a continuous integration (CI) step dedicated to Selenium testing. Selenium is a longtime open-source tool for browser automation; it’s a widely-used tool with a huge community of users. The framework is capable of automating and controlling…

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15. 05. 2023 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video Tutorials, Part 13: (Data-Driven) Communication

You’ve probably watched a number of YouTube tutorials over the last 10 years, whether to help you with a specific task at work, to keep your IT skills refreshed, or even just to learn something new about one of your personal hobbies (no, we don’t want to hear about your favorite cat videos). So I’m…

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28. 02. 2023 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video Tutorials, Part 12: Storyboarding

Okay, this is Part 12, so we’re all experts now. Still, there are a number of things you can do to up your game. Today let’s talk about one of them: planning your video with an organizational tool called storyboarding. Briefly, a storyboard is a visual tool, a series of drawn frames with written dialog…

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17. 01. 2023 Gianluca Piccolo Development, NetEye, Training

Learning Path: Cyber Security in NetEye Development

Overview I think there are different ways companies use to achieve the purpose of making their own software more secure, for example paying other dedicated companies to do penetration tests. Our approach was the same, initially…the most obvious problems were found and fixed. But there was something we weren’t buying. We weren’t satisfied, we knew…

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09. 01. 2023 William Calliari Development

Static Field Validation in Serde

I recently had to parse the JSON-RPC 2.0 standard and ran into the following problem: The standard requires the field “jsonrpc”: “2.0” in the JSON itself, and I wanted to validate that with Serde to ensure the message conforms to the standard. On the other hand I don’t need the field in the actual struct,…

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31. 12. 2022 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video (Tutorials), Part 11: Recording Day

So you read the advice I wrote in parts 1-9, you think to yourself “Oh why not, I’ll try to make a video”, and you then plan everything out: where to film, what to say, how to dress, the equipment you need, etc. You’ll pick or reserve a room somewhere in your office building (we’re…

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27. 12. 2022 Damiano Chini Development, Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Adding Settings to Beats Agents’ Templates Based on the Index Name

With the introduction of the Composable Index Templates in Elastic, we at NetEye had to redesign the way index settings and mappings are applied to the indices generated by El Proxy. In this post I’ll explain: The solution explained in the remainder of the post was designed for El Proxy, but it may apply also…

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23. 12. 2022 Valentina Da Rold Development, ITOA, NetEye

Configuring ClickHouse as an Additional Data Source in Grafana

As mentioned in my colleague Mattia’s blog, NetEye 4.27 comes with a ClickHouse database pre-installed.If you follow that post, you will be able to customize NetEye in order to save data inside a ClickHouse database. Your data is now ready to be visualized on a dashboard, and you can accomplish this by configuring the ClickHouse…

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22. 12. 2022 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video (Tutorials), Part 11: Animation Redux

After my last post on the advantages and disadvantages of the animation style of video, I hope you did your homework! I certainly did, and you can see the results of my first animated video that conveys some basic information on the need for cybersecurity both in English and in Italian. Probably like you, I…

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20. 12. 2022 Lorenzo Candeago Development, DevOps

A Simple and Portable Dockerfile for Working with Azure and Ansible

For our use case, we need to be able to deploy Azure machines using Ansible from developer’s laptops and from our own CI/CD infrastructure both on Jenkins and OpenShift. The easiest way to ship a working and easy-to-use environment for our use case is to create a Docker instance: we based our Docker on rockylinux…

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13. 12. 2022 Damiano Chini Development, Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

How We Sped up El Proxy Verification

Before deploying El Proxy in production we, the R&D Team, carried out numerous benchmarks and reproduced real life scenarios to ensure that the real-time log signing performed by El Proxy would not represent a bottleneck in environments where logs that must respect the Italian “Garante Privacy” regulations are generated with data rates of around 2,000…

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