Blog Entries

20. 12. 2023 Gianluca Piccolo Development

How to Debug PHP xDebug XD

Sometimes in NetEye 4 it happens that we need to understand why the system behaves in a certain way. Since a lot of the NetEye 4 GUI is still based on PHP, we use the most powerful tool to debug PHP: Xdebug. Xdebug is an extension of PHP which mainly provides a debugger and profiler….

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19. 12. 2023 Valentina Da Rold Development, Events, NetEye

We spent a (Vue)day in Verona

We are continuously expanding our VueJs integration in NetEye, and we believe that having the opportunity to attend a dedicated conference, not far from home, was an opportunity not to be missed. So on the 10th of November, we joined the Vueday conference in Verona. Vueday is the main international conference in Italy that’s dedicated…

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19. 12. 2023 Fabrizio Dovesi Atlassian, Development, Service Management

Reduce Your “Oh S***! It’s Monday…!😓” Mood with Helpful Jira Automation

How to leverage some Jira features to lighten the workload through automation, replacing manual tasks of low added value that can be frustrating and tedious for those performing them Introduction: What’s the idea behind how to live better Mondays? How many times have you had the feeling that most of the heaviness and stress when…

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01. 12. 2023 Alessandro Valentini Development, DevOps

How to Install Matomo on OpenShift

Recently we felt the need to collect anonymous metrics about how our users are visiting our websites. After some investigation, the development team proposed using Matomo: a free and open source software project which collects usage metrics while guaranteeing 100% privacy alongside the chance to be self-hosted. We decided to install it on OpenShift, since…

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30. 11. 2023 Alessandro Taufer Development

A Minimal Voting System Based on Blockchain

Suggested reader skill level: Proficient in software development Reading time: 10 min What you will learn: “Blockchain is hard.” Even if everyone has heard this sentence at least once, the truth is that it’s not. It’s just a database, with a bit of cool stuff added on top. This article will teach you how to…

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27. 10. 2023 William Calliari Development

Taking RPITIT ― Rust’s Shiny New Feature ― for a Test Ride with Type-system-level Lambda Calculus.

With the upcoming Rust version 1.75.0, two important new features will be stabilized. These features go by the names return-position impl Trait in trait (RPITIT) and async fn in trait (AFIT).

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24. 10. 2023 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video Tutorials, Part 15: Using a Teleprompter

Have you (like me) been spending too much time memorizing a script so in the final video you look as natural as possible? Maybe it’s because the ideas behind each video keep becoming more and more complicated, but I’m sure my scripts are longer than they used to be. And for me, there’s a point…

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24. 10. 2023 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

The Configurator: Moving from a Monolithic to a Modular Approach in NetEye Upgrade

Over the last few months, I’ve had the chance to work on a number of issues that involved many NetEye modules. In all these situations, we had to face the same problem: how to release a new module version without impacting the automated NetEye upgrade procedure. Nothing new for us, but we’d like to improve…

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09. 10. 2023 Emil Fazzi Development, DevOps

NetEye and Space Missions: How Work in the NetEye R&D Team Contributed to My Research Project

Having recently completed an internship at a lab at the University of Trento, I noticed how my work at Wuerth-Phoenix has greatly influenced the development of the research I conducted during my internship. In fact in this post I’d like to share my completed project and how it was influenced by my work in Wuerth-Phoenix’s…

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06. 10. 2023 Lorenzo Candeago Development, DevOps

How to Test Beta Repos for RedHat 8.9 in a Container

We wanted to test the new RedHat 8.9 beta releases, but RedHat doesn’t currently provide a beta container. How can we do it anyway? Please note that this procedure is not officially supported by RedHat. As a first step, we want to retrieve the package redhat-release from the rhel 8.9 beta ISO, in the directory…

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05. 09. 2023 Rocco Pezzani Development, NetEye

Upgrading to the New nep-setup on NetEye 4.31

After a first semester full of great opportunities (many colleagues like to say so), the wheels have started turning again for NetEye Extension Packs. Now, a big evolution is beginning: in the near future, NEP will encompass the entire NetEye infrastructure, meaning it will also configure and manage NetEye Satellites. To do so, the current…

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23. 08. 2023 Alessandro Mizzaro Development, Events, SEC4U

DEFCON 31: My Trip to Vegas w/ mhackeroni

Greetings, cyber enthusiasts! This year we hacked a satellite and won $50K!! Okay, now that I’ve got your attention, that last sentence isn’t fake, but let’s go back to a few days ago… I’m Alessandro — Alemmi on the internet — and while I always enjoy playing CTFs with my workmates here at Würth Phoenix,…

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23. 08. 2023 Charles Callaway Documentation

Tutorial Video Editing Technical Tips, Part 1: Making an Inset Porthole Video

Rather than the type of advice in my series on how to create a tutorial video, today let’s talk about the specifics on how to create a “porthole video”, which is an inset video overlay used during a screencast that doesn’t have the standard square shape (if it were square, we wouldn’t need any special…

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22. 08. 2023 Fabrizio Dovesi Atlassian, Development, Service Management

Scaled Planning in Jira: Another Brick in the Wall

The brand new “Top-level planning” template represents the puzzle pieces that guide us in effectively managing scaled planning in Jira Introduction: Why is “Scaling” fundamental? Do you know that feeling when you find the one puzzle piece that allows you to connect two larger sets of pieces you’ve already assembled? Well, that’s similar to what…

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04. 08. 2023 Mattia Codato Development

How to Brand the Cockpit Login Page

The example code in this article is available on GitHub. From a brand identity perspective, it’s essential that your company’s theme is applied to all parts of your products. After my previous blog post where we saw how you can create a Cockpit module with Vue.js, it’s time to see how we can customize the Cockpit…

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