Blog Entries

02. 07. 2024 Andrea Mariani Development, NetEye

Migrating from Network Script to NetworkManager Service

In the near future NetEye will likely introduce the use of NetworkManager instead of the network scripts used so far for the configuration of network connectivity. In this blog I’d like to describe some simple steps to perform a migration to NetworkManager in case it becomes necessary to go through with the transition. Let’s look…

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27. 06. 2024 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video Tutorials, Part 18: Speeding up Your Graphics

Have you ever finished filming your video segments, inserted them into your video project, and thought “Now I just need a few hours to add the graphics, and I’ll be done!”… but you actually wind up finishing 3 days later? Then it’s time we talked about cutting that time down. There are several aspects to…

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11. 06. 2024 Davide Sbetti Development, Events, NetEye

An XPerience: Discussing the Role of AI in the Agile World

Between the 4th and 7th of June this year, Bolzano had the opportunity to host XP 2024, the 25th edition of the premier international conference on Agile software development. The scenario was NOI Techpark and, as Würth Phoenix, we were there and had the chance to participate in the conference with two talks about SecDevOps…

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17. 05. 2024 Mattia Codato Development, DevOps, NetEye

Boosting NetEye CI Speed: Test Parallelization

In a previous blog post, we looked at how we sped up certain stages of the NetEye pipeline through parallelization. This boost not only lifted team spirits but, more importantly, ramped up the pace of delivering new features and bug fixes, giving everyone the motivation to keep enhancing the pipeline across different stages. In another…

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06. 05. 2024 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video Tutorials, Part 17: My Full Video Pipeline

In this series I’ve given you lots of advice on making your own tutorial-style IT videos for YouTube as a single DIY “maker”: writer, lighting, director, cameraman, editor, audio specialist, etc. But these posts weren’t written in the order of my “workflow”, i.e. the sequence I actually go through when making a new video. So…

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03. 05. 2024 Valentina Da Rold Development

Exploring Tailwind CSS: A Game-Changer in Frontend Development

In the R&D Team, it’s imperative to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to emerging technologies. One such innovation that has been making waves in the frontend community is Tailwind CSS, and we decided to adopt it in the development of the Wuerth Phoenix CTF 2024 website. In this blog post, we’ll dive…

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25. 03. 2024 Mattia Codato Development, DevOps, NetEye

Boosting NetEye CI Speed Post-FOSDEM ’24

On February 3rd and 4th, 2024, we attended FOSDEM, a major event where thousands of free and open-source software developers from around the world gather to exchange ideas and collaborate. This year I dedicated much of the second day to the Testing and Continuous Delivery room. Continuous testing is essential for ensuring the safe and…

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01. 03. 2024 Charles Callaway Documentation

Turning Videos into Animated GIFs

So how’s your website doing? Did you set it up, and then leave it alone? It’s not that I’m trying to shame you, but we should all be thinking regularly about how to stay at the top of our game. You know, be agile. I was updating one of our websites last month, and we…

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03. 01. 2024 Charles Callaway Documentation

Making Your Own Video Tutorials, Part 16: Creating and Using B-Roll

Perhaps your first question is, “What is B-Roll”? Great question. After reading the next paragraph, feel free to throw around the term at your next cocktail party. No need to cite me. The easy definition is that it’s any video, animation, or dynamic graphic that doesn’t count as A-Roll. Yes, I love these kinds of…

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31. 12. 2023 Damiano Chini Development, DevOps, NetEye

Speeding up the NetEye CI Testing Phase

Over the course of the last few years, we’ve introduced more and more features in NetEye 4. This fact has had a side effect that’s not directly visible to customers, namely that we keep adding more and more tests to the testing phase of the NetEye 4 Continuous Integration pipelines. While this ensures that regression…

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29. 12. 2023 Emil Fazzi Development, NetEye

Playwright Tests on the NetEye Guide

During the process of developing and improving the official NetEye user guide, some bugs regarding the display of the guide on mobile devices gave us the opportunity to innovate the development process of our product, extending the testing phase prior to the release of new versions of the NetEye user guide. In this blog post,…

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29. 12. 2023 Damiano Chini Development, NetEye

Reusing Code Logic between NetEye and Alyvix

In the last few weeks the NetEye development team and the Alyvix development team have been collaborating to achieve support for Time Periods in Alyvix. In this blog post, we’d like to share some interesting challenges that this feature has brought to the developers. Disclaimer: as of the 28th of December, 2023 the Alyvix Time…

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24. 12. 2023 Damiano Chini Development, DevOps, NetEye

How We Want to Avoid Breaking the NetEye User Guide (Again)

A few months ago while navigating through our NetEye User Guide we noticed that it had a small bug that caused some words in the right-side menu to be slightly truncated in the particular case where that menu contained some monospace characters. Well, since this was quite annoying, we fixed it on the fly with…

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24. 12. 2023 Damiano Chini Development, DevOps, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Making ELK Updates Smoother with Configurators and Ansible

Recently (in September 2023) NetEye integrated version 8.8 of the Elastic Stack, which is just one of many Elastic updates brought into NetEye 4. Since this Elastic update there was a major upgrade (from version 7.17) coming with many breaking changes, so we, as the NetEye R&D team, wanted to make this important upgrade as…

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21. 12. 2023 Alessandro Taufer Development, DevOps

Blue-Green Deployment on Azure

When deploying new features, releasing your code into a production environment might not be as easy as it seems. To ensure the minimal amount of service disruption, we might want to easily roll back to a previous configuration or to gradually migrate traffic to a new one. That’s where blue-green deployment comes to our aid….

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