Blog Entries

22. 09. 2016 Luca Di Stefano NetEye, Predictive Analysis, Real User Experience, Unified Monitoring

Why does my local network latency increase during working hours?

Sometimes you get a higher network latency during certain periods of the day.

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17. 08. 2016 Susanne Greiner Events, NetEye, Real User Experience, Unified Monitoring

Automatic Network Management – A Challenging Goal

Würth Phoenix – Research News Currently researchers around the world are competing to bring automatic network management to the next level. Würth-Phoenix S.r.l. has recently released a dataset and is currently organizing one of this year’s ECML-PKDD discovery challenges together with The H2020 EU 5G-Cognet project and the University of Trento. The challenge consists in…

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29. 03. 2016 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye, Real User Experience

NetEye 3.7 Has Been Released!

New release strategy, extended Log Management and more precise Service Level Management Before I’m going to talk about the functional news of our latest NetEye version, I’m very glad to provide you some other kind of information: At the beginning of this year, we started a new internal project, which aims to the “agile transformation”…

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29. 03. 2016 Sandro Santinato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye, Real User Experience

Updated package application-latency-web-1.9.1-1

ChangeLog: fixed bug when saving a config item the page has been reloaded (RUEF-164) fixed bug in creating PDF reports, which were empty (RUEF-167)

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24. 02. 2016 Luca Di Stefano NetEye, Real User Experience

Discover Overloaded Machines with NetEye RUE

With NetEye RUE we are able to build up a reliable Application and Network Performance Monitoring, by analyzing the real traffic. However, is there also a possibility to gather information about the state of the PCs and servers? Yes, it is! In the TCP communication, there exists a certain event, which informs us about the…

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25. 01. 2016 Sandro Santinato Real User Experience

Tag Special Events on your Baseline

As you already may know, we have introduced several new features in the version 1.9 of our Real User Experience, such as the history feature in the Configuration, the custom time periods on the dashboard and the flexible filters in Analyze. Another new and very useful feature introduced in the latest release is the event…

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21. 01. 2016 Arianna Cunaccia Asset Management, Log Management, NetEye, Real User Experience, Service Management

Würth Phoenix Training Calendar 2016

The new Würth Phoenix training calendar 2016 is now available. The training contents have been enriched to deepen your technical and professional skills.

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15. 01. 2016 Luca Di Stefano NetEye, Real User Experience

Network Performance: Explicit Congestion Notification

When the network apparatuses are asking for help. We often hear of network congestion, perhaps a little less often than what are the mechanisms that try to manage it. The primary mechanism for managing the congestion is the drop packet. When the apparatus is in trouble it throws packets in a pseudo-random order to save…

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21. 12. 2015 Juergen Vigna Events, NetEye, Real User Experience

End-To-End Monitoring presented at the OSMC in Nuremberg

Mid November I had the opportunity to present our End-To-End Monitoring solution Alyvix at the Open Source Monitoring Conference (OSMC) in Nuremberg.

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15. 12. 2015 Patrick Zambelli Asset Management, Downloads / Release Notes, Events, Log Management, NetEye, Real User Experience, Unified Monitoring

NetEye 3.6 and RUE 1.9 Have Been Released!

Effective log auditing, meaningful reports and better integration of the single modules The new version NetEye 3.6 provides some substantial improvements, to respond to specific customer needs, as well as to satisfy the continuously growing requirements in the complex world of IT monitoring. Major investments were made in the fields of reporting and SLA measurement….

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27. 11. 2015 Juergen Vigna Events, Real User Experience

Do Users Really Suffer That Much?

Open Source Based Application Performance Monitoring At SFScon 2015 The yearly South Tyrol Free Software Conference SFScon took place on Friday, 13th of November at the TIS Innovation Park in Bolzano. In this occasion, I held a speech about Application Performance Monitoring (APM) using our monitoring engine Alyvix. In this article I just want to provide…

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24. 09. 2015 NetEye Blog Admin Real User Experience

Improve Your User’s Experience

With the release of Alyvix 2, End-User-Experience Monitoring reaches a new level. Since, in association with the optimization of business success, end user experience is gaining more and more importance, a dedicated monitoring strategy becomes essential for goal-oriented companies. Users have to rely on faultlessly working applications independent of time, location and device. To assure…

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08. 06. 2015 Susanne Greiner Machine Learning, Real User Experience

Statistics and Machine Learning Techniques for RUE

In the age of the cloud the optimization of real end-user experience (RUE) is getting essential for success. On the one hand users expect applications to work faultlessly independent of the time, location, and device one is using them from. Application performance monitoring (APM) is therefore often based on RUE performance metrics. On the other…

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24. 02. 2015 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Real User Experience

End User Experience Training in Padua

It often happens that users complain of IT services, especially aout performance and response time. With a traditional monitoring strategy it is not always so immediate to identify the cause of these problems. The proactive identification of potential bottlenecks is therefore a must for a company that wants to increase the usability of the various…

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04. 02. 2015 NetEye Blog Admin Events, NetEye, Real User Experience, Service Management

Würth Phoenix also at this year’s CeBIT

At this year’s CeBIT, which takes place from 16th to 20th March in Hannover, everything revolves around Open Source IT-System Management. The focus lies on the latest release of NetEye that offers numerous improvements and innovations.

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