Blog Entries

21. 11. 2014 Sandro Santinato Real User Experience

RUE: Dynamic Filters for your Network Request Analysis

Finding specific requests to identify possible problems of monitored network services is one of the most crucial and important features of our system. With the new version 1.9 of our NetEye Real User Experience we have improved the filter function for your network analysis, allowing you to find specific network requests more easily and more…

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10. 11. 2014 Luca Di Stefano NetEye, Real User Experience

New DNS Plugin for Real User Experience

Users often complain about long load times when trying to access IT services (Web, Citrix, Terminal Server ecc.). Also cloud services like Office 365 can be concerned. Increased load times can have various reasons – one of this reasons may be an elevated timespan needed to resolve the DNS address. To discover such problems we…

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13. 10. 2014 Sandro Santinato NetEye, Real User Experience

RUE: Integration with LDAP

A new feature since version 1.8 of the “Real User Experience” (RUE) is the integration with your LDAP server, which helps you associating network requests to specific users. This is possible if you are monitoring services like the Microsoft Outlook WebApp, where the AD (Active Directory) username is part of the request. In this way…

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08. 10. 2014 Sandro Santinato NetEye, Real User Experience

Export/Schedule Reports using Command Line

So far exporting reports in CSV format was only possible through the web UI of the “Real User Experience” (RUE). Therefore scheduling report creation wasn’t possible. Now we added a new feature in the “Real User Experience”, which allows you to export reports using the command line. In this way you are able to schedule…

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06. 05. 2014 Luca Di Stefano Real User Experience, Unified Monitoring

Real User Experience – TCP Plugin

Until now, the NetEye Real User Experience was able to view the key performance indicators linked only to those applications that are using the http / https protocols. The new TCP plugin allows to display KPI for all the applications that use the TCP protocol with a client request / server response model: The plugin…

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20. 03. 2014 Andrea di Lernia NetEye, Real User Experience, Service Management

End User Experience and traditional monitoring: a perfect match

One of the main challenge in the IT monitoring is the ability to execute complex web service tests to obtain objective KPI able to evaluate the end user experience. As every company we also needed to control our web applications such as the Exchange 2013, our Service Desk solution EriZone powered by OTRS, our reporting…

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15. 03. 2014 NetEye Blog Admin Events, NetEye, Real User Experience, Service Management

NetEye at the CeBIT: Impressions from the Open Source Forum

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12. 03. 2014 Arianna Cunaccia NetEye, Real User Experience

Georg Kostner presents Al’exa at the CeBIT

Video live-stream from the CeBIT: the End User Experience with the Open Source project Al’exa. The live presentation had been already held. The download version will be available soon. We’ll keep you up to date.

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12. 03. 2014 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Real User Experience, Service Management

Impressions from the CeBIT

The first two days at this year’s CeBIT: See some impression from our stand.

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12. 03. 2014 Arianna Cunaccia Events, NetEye, Real User Experience, Service Management

Open Source System Management: the workshops

Would you like to understand the potential of the ITIL processes implemented with EriZone/OTRS ? Or do you want to deepen your knowledge in the End User Experience monitoring? Or are you curious to know what will be the future development of Nagios as an open project ? On April 11th, at the Würth Phoenix…

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02. 12. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Real User Experience

Al´exa: the potential of a young project

The traditional monitoring systems are measuring only the performance of single IT components, but not the reliability and availability of the IT services from the end user perspective. The classical methods of control, even if the entire infrastructure seems to work properly, are not able to guarantee the service performances as they are perceived by…

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06. 11. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia Events, NetEye, Real User Experience

NetEye at the Open Source Conference in Milan

Georg last week presented its enhanced IT Service Management offer with NetEye at the yearly Open Source Conference in Milan. The breakout session pointed out the advantages in implementing NetEye for the Network Traffic Monitoring and focused also on Al´exa. Al’exa, which has recently been integrated in the NetEye offer simulates the end user behavior to…

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24. 10. 2013 Arianna Cunaccia Events, NetEye, Real User Experience

Al’exa and NetEye at the Open Source Monitoring Conference

Georg has presented the potentiality of Al’exa and the benefits of the integration with NetEye at the OSMC (Open Source Monitoring Conference), which was held in Nuremberg, 22 – 24 October. The end user experience monitoring approach provided by Al’exa allows to monitor the availability and reliability of any applications also published via Citrix and…

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19. 07. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin Events, NetEye, Real User Experience

Al’exa features in focus at the OSMC 2013 in Nuremberg

Georg has been invited to the OSCM (Open Source Monitoring Conference) which will take place from the 22nd to the 24th of October in Nuremberg/Germany to highlight the new Al´exa features integrated into the actual NetEye release. Main focus will be given to the The End-User Experience approach taking into account the quality of the provided services, by starting from…

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14. 03. 2013 NetEye Blog Admin NetEye, Real User Experience, Unified Monitoring

The CeBIT 2013 – A big thank you to all our visitors

NetEye auf der CeBIT: Die CeBIT 2013 – Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle Besucher

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