Blog Entries

20. 12. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye

How to create time-based dashboard with Plotly

Plotly is a useful and complete open source tool that allow you to compose, edit and share interactive data visualizations.  Built atop D3.js, Plotly is one of the most common libraries used for browser-based graphing. My aim was to create a nice-looking dashboard with four time-based graphs.  I was searching for a complete, easy-to-implement and free-to-license JavaScript…

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07. 12. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye

How to Customize Your Grafana Theme

Grafana is an open source dashboard tool that helps users to easily create and edit dashboards. Grafana uses Golang as a backend and Angular as frontend. It is quite a large codebase and supports a large number of options for its components (data sources, options, panels, etc.). Grafana’s stylesheet is written using the Sass CSS extension…

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07. 12. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye

How to Customize Your Grafana Theme

Grafana is an open source dashboard tool that helps users to easily create and edit dashboards. Grafana uses Golang as a backend and Angular as frontend. It is quite a large codebase and supports a large number of options for its components (data sources, options, panels, etc.). Grafana’s stylesheet is written using the Sass CSS extension…

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07. 12. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye

How to Customize Your Grafana Theme

Grafana is an open source dashboard tool that helps users to easily create and edit dashboards. Grafana uses Golang as a backend and Angular as the frontend. It’s quite a large codebase and supports a large number of options for its components (data sources, options, panels, etc.). Grafana’s stylesheet is written using the Sass CSS…

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11. 09. 2017 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

JavaScript Design Patterns in Icinga Web 2

Sei alla ricerca delle linee guida per creare nuove funzioni JavaScript in Icinga Web 2? Attraverso quest’articolo cercherò di spiegarti la struttura che la tua funzione dovrà avere per essere correttamente compilata da Icinga Web 2. Se hai già analizzato il codice, ti sarai accorto che le funzioni JavaScript di Icinga sono caratterizzate dalla tipica struttura dei JavaScript Design Patterns. Cos’è un…

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11. 09. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye, Unified Monitoring

JavaScript Design Patterns in Icinga Web 2

Are you looking for some guidelines on how  to create new JavaScript functions in Icinga Web 2?  This article will show you the necessary structure your function should have in order to compile correctly with Icinga. If you’ve already looked at some example functions within the existing Icinga JS code, you will have noticed that…

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11. 09. 2017 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

JavaScript Design Patterns in Icinga Web 2

Sie sind auf der Suche nach Guidlines um neue JavaScript Funktionen in Icinga Web 2 zu erzeugen? Im Folgenden versuche ich Ihnen die Struktur, die Ihre Funktion haben sollte um korrekt von Icinga Web 2 kompiliert zu werden, zu erklären. Sollten Sie bereits den Code analysiert haben, wird Ihnen aufgefallen sein, dass die JavaScript Funktionen…

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28. 06. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye

Erstellen eines neuen Themes für Icinga Web 2

Icinga Web 2 ist ein leistungsstarkes PHP-Framework für Webapplikationen, das sich vor Allem durch sein übersichtliches, minimalistisches Design auszeichnet. Es ist schnell, responsive, benutzerfreundlich und einfach erweiterbar. Folgt man der auf dem offiziellen Repository beschriebenen Konfigurations-Prozedur ist auch die Installation ein Leichtes. (siehe Verlinkung am Ende des Artikels) Neben der Systemkonfiguration, haben die Benutzer auch…

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28. 06. 2017 Valentina Da Rold Icinga News, NetEye

Icinga Web 2 Theming

Icinga Web 2 is a powerful PHP framework for web applications in a clean, minimal design. It’s fast, responsive, accessible and easily extensible with modules. It can be installed quickly and easily from packages found in the official package repositories (see the resource links at the bottom of this blog post). Besides the global configuration…

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28. 06. 2017 Valentina Da Rold NetEye

Creare un tema per Icinga Web 2

Icinga Web 2 é un potente framework PHP per applicazioni web, caratterizzato da un design minimale. É veloce, responsive, user-friendly e facilmente estensibile attraverso l’installazione di moduli. Puó essere facilmente installato seguendo la veloce procedura di configurazione che si trova sul repository ufficiale (vedi riferimento alla fine del blog). In aggiunta alle configurazioni di sitema,…

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