Blog Entries

11. 06. 2021 Valentina Da Rold Development

Research & Development – The Spotify Model

As described in our prior posts (Insights, Backlog, Planning Poker, and Spike), the Research & Development team adopted a full Agile approach about 5 years ago. We try to continuously improve our process, and that’s why we recently attended a new Agile course. It’s a long journey from basic Agile principles to the most innovative…

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24. 05. 2021 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.17

We updated InfluxDB to version 1.8.5, which solves high disk space usage while performing a backup. More detailed information, about what this new InfluxDB version brings with it, can be found here: InfluxDB Release Notes For NetEye 4.17 we updated the following packages: influxdb, influxdb-autosetup and influxdb-neteye-config to version 1.8.5_neteye2.6.0-1

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02. 04. 2021 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

How to Create a Custom Sphinx Theme

During this release we worked a lot to improve the NetEye User Guide. The new user guide is now independent of the NetEye product itself, it can be found online and its structure is greatly changed. By this I mean that we improved not only its content, but we also decided to use a more…

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25. 03. 2021 Valentina Da Rold Development, ITOA, NetEye

How to Customize a Grafana Component

I’ve been working with Grafana since 2017, when I started as a Frontend Developer here at Wuerth Phoenix.I typically take care of the customization of the Grafana User Interface, with the goal of reflecting the NetEye look and feel inside Grafana, aka the ITOA module. I’ve already written about a simple way to customize the…

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05. 02. 2021 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.16

We changed the default value for the Icinga Monitoring retention policy to 1 year and 6 months (550 days). The retention policy defined will directly affect the SLM report generation. This means that no report data will be available older than the defined retention policy. This parameter can be adapted to user needs, following the…

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06. 10. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, Icinga Web 2, NetEye

Bugfix for NetEye 4.14

We fixed an issue related to weird page rendering in case of duplicate tab on browser. We fixed also some bugs related to the upgrade of OCS Inventory and a bug in GLPI for which the neteye_secure_install was failing in case the default GLPI language was different than English. For NetEye 4.14 we updated: icingaweb2-module-neteye…

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18. 09. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Development, NetEye

The NetEye Design System

As already mentioned in my previous Blog Post, I would like to present our Design System project, based completely on Vue.js. It’s not just a modern UI component library. The whole purpose of a Design System is to define the design principles, style guide, patterns, content tone, and the rules and specifications of “reusable” components….

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26. 08. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.13

With this bugfix release, we fixed a file-permission related bug in the logmanager module. This caused a discordant result between the logmanager graphical interface and the icingacli command after the blockchain consistency verification. For NetEye 4.13 we updated: icingaweb2-module-logmanager and icingaweb2-module-logmanager-autosetup to version 0.33.4-2

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05. 08. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.13

We fixed some bugs on the logmanager module, in particular, we fixed issues related to permission of verifying both retention policy and blockchain consistency, with the icinga user, and in addition we added the new cache option to both commands in order to give the possibility to speed up the blockchain verification, if needed. For…

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03. 08. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.13

The new NetEye release 4.13 brings with it the upgrade of GLPI version 9.4.6 and the Icinga Module Director version 1.7.2 GLPI upgrade This is a security upgrade, that fixes some issues like possible SQL injections and XSS, increases password security allowing the customization of the key for storing them and many others. You can…

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29. 06. 2020 Valentina Da Rold NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Icingaweb2 Module Tornado: Building a NetEye Module with Vue

The Tornado module is improving release after release. With NetEye 4.12 we reached one of our main goals: Tornado is now configurable within the graphical interface, and you can now create new nodes and rules, or edit and delete your existing ones. The icingaweb2-module-tornado module (i.e., the graphical interface of the well-known Tornado module) is…

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18. 06. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fix for NetEye 4.11

For the Update module, we fixed an error in the cluster upgrade procedure. For NetEye 4.11 we updated: icingaweb2-module-update-autosetup to version 1.2.1-1 icingaweb2-module-update to version 1.2.1-1

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24. 04. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.11

For the OCS Inventory NG module, we fixed an error that caused the OCS Inventory NG Report to display a banner with the possibility to download external software updates. For NetEye 4.11 we updated: ocsinventory-ocsreports, ocsinventory-ocsreports-autosetup and ocsinventory-ocsreports-neteye-config to version 2.6.0_neteye1.6.1-1

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22. 04. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.11

For the GLPI module, we fixed an error that caused the GLPI Rest-API to not work properly. In addition we fixed another error that was thrown during neteye_secure_install execution after the root user renaming. For NetEye 4.11 we updated: glpi, glpi-autosetup and glpi-neteye-config to version 9.4.5_neteye1.4.1-2 glpi-plugin-icingaweb2sso and glpi-plugin-icingaweb2sso-autosetup to version 1.3.3-1

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26. 03. 2020 Valentina Da Rold Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.10

For the SLM module, we fixed a bug that didn’t correctly clean up Monitored Object related “Event Adjustments” once a host or service has been deleted. For the module GLPI Plugin OCSInventoryNG, we fix an auto-setup script that blocked the neteye_secure_install execution during a clean installation of the neteye-asset group in a cluster environment. For…

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