Blog Entries

27. 11. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye, Unkategorisiert

NagMap: Neue Funktionen

Zur Steigerung der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und für eine verbesserte grafische Darstellung der einzelnen Elemente in NagMap, haben wir für die neue Version 3.5 von NetEye zwei neue Funktionalitäten eingebaut. Hinzufügen eines neuen Hosts direkt über die Karte Um den Standort eines Hosts in NagMap abzubilden musste man bisher die Koordinaten des Hosts heraussuchen und diese dann…

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27. 11. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

NagMap: New Features

To increase the usability within NagMap, we’ve implemented two new features for the new version 3.5 of NetEye. Adding a new host directly on the map In order to map a host in NagMap, until now you had to discover the coordinates of your host and subsequently insert them in Monarch. The new feature allows…

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27. 11. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye, Non categorizzato

NagMap: Nuove Funzionalità

Per migliorare l’usabilità e la visualizzazione degli elementi in NagMap sono state implementate due nuove funzionalità disponibili per la versione 3.5 di NetEye. Aggiunta di un nuovo host all’interno della mappa Quando prima era necessario ricavarsi le coordinate di un host manualmente per poi inserirle in Monarch nell’apposito campo, ora e’ possibile specificare un punto…

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30. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer Asset Management, NetEye

OCS Inventory: Auf Benutzerebene installierte Software erfassen

Das neue Plugin für den OCS Inventory Agent ermöglicht die Erfassung lokal installierter Software. Vor Kurzem standen wir vor der Herausforderung, dass auf Microsoft Windows auch die auf Benutzerebene installierte Software der einzelnen User erfasst und aufgelistet werden sollte. Um dieser Anforderung zu entsprechen, haben wir ein neues Plugin für den OCS Inventory Agent entwickelt.

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30. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer Asset Management, NetEye

OCS Inventory: Detect Software Installed at User Level

A new plugin for the OCS Inventory Agent allows to detect software installed at user level. We recently faced the problem of needing to detect user level installations of software on Windows operating systems. To resolve this, we’ve developed a plugin for the OCS Inventory agent.

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30. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer Asset Management, NetEye

OCS Inventory: Registrare software installato a livello utente

Un nuovo plugin per OCS Inventory Agent ora permette il rilevamento di software installato a livello utente. Abbiamo recentemente avuto la neccessità di fare l’inventario su sistemi operativi Microsoft Windows di software installato a livello utente. Per fare in modo che questo accada è stato ideato un plugin per OCS Inventory.

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09. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

NetEye: Neues MySQL Audit Plugin für Syslog View

In Standard MySQL Setups werden die An- und Abmeldungen der Benutzer durch die Aktivierung des “general_log” Logfiles aufgezeichnet. Dies führt zur Aufzeichnung ALLER SQL-Statements. Bei hohen Auslastungen kann dies natürlich zu Einschränkungen der Performance führen. Um solche Leistungsverringerungen zu vermeiden, haben wir Syslog View von NetEye um ein neues MySQL Audit Plugin erweitert.

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09. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

NetEye: Nuovo Plugin MySQL Audit per SyslogView

In un installazione standard di MySQL il logging degli accessi avviene tramite l’attivazione del “general_log”, il quale forza a loggare qualsiasi attivita’ al processo MySQL. Come si puo’ immaginare, questo comporta un degrado delle performance generali del database nei momenti di maggiore utilizzo. Per ovviare a questi problemi di performance abbiamo pacchettizzato un plugin nativo per…

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09. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer Log Management, NetEye

NetEye: New MySQL Audit Plugin for SyslogView

In a standard MySQL setup, the logging of user logins/logouts is done by enabling the “general_log” logfile, which forces the MySQL process to log EVERYTHING. This can clearly produce bad performances under heavy load. To avoid such performance restrictions we added a new MySQL Audit Plugin to the Syslog View of NetEye.

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02. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

NetEye: Integration Elasticsearch/Logstash/Kibana

Wahrscheinlich haben Sie bereits von Elasticsearch und den umfassenden Möglichkeiten welche von diesem Open Source Projekt geboten werden, gehört. Die auf Lucene basierende Full-Text Search Engine, bietet eine RESTful Weboberfläche und schema-free JSON Dokumente. Um die von NetEye gesammelten Logs besser veranschaulichen zu können haben wir drei Open Source Projekte, nämlich Logstash, Elasticsearch und Kibana…

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02. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

NetEye: Integration Logstash/Elasticsearch/Kibana

You probably already heard about Elasticsearch and its potential. Elasticsearch is a full-text search engine based on Lucene. It provides a RESTful web interface and schema-free JSON documents. To be able to better display logs collected by NetEye, we integrated three open source projects: Logstash, Elasticsearch and Kibana. Logstash parses logs and submits them to Elasticsearch, which saves them…

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02. 10. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

NetEye: Integrazione Logstash/Elasticsearch/Kibana

Per migliorare la visualizzazione dei log raccolti da NetEye abbiamo integrato tre progetti open source: Logstash, Elasticsearch e Kibana. Logstash legge ed analizza i log raccolti da NetEye e li trasmette ad Elasticsearch (una full-text search engine basata su Lucene che mette a disposizione un’interfaccia web RESTful e documenti schema-free JSON) che li salva come…

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26. 09. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Package bash-3.2-33.el5.1 released fixing security bug (ShellShock CVE-2014-7169)

The updated package bash-3.2-33.el5.1 is now available in our stable repository. You can now safely update the bash executable using the following commands: # yum clean all # yum update bash

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26. 09. 2014 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Package bash-3.2-33.el5.1 released fixing security bug (ShellShock CVE-2014-7169)

The updated package bash-3.2-33.el5.1 is now available in our stable repository. You can now safely update the bash executable using the following commands: # yum clean all # yum update bash

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26. 09. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Package bash-3.2-33.el5.1 released fixing security bug (ShellShock CVE-2014-7169)

The updated package bash-3.2-33.el5.1 is now available in our stable repository. You can now safely update the bash executable using the following commands: # yum clean all # yum update bash

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