Blog Entries

23. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package neteye-plugins-1.14.5-1

Changelog: – consider “Bit Error Rate: not known or not detectable” as OK (fixes #8)

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23. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package neteye-plugins-1.14.5-1

Changelog: – consider “Bit Error Rate: not known or not detectable” as OK (fixes #8)

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15. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.10-1

Changelog – fix priorities when creating / deleting rules

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15. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.10-1

Changelog – fix priorities when creating / deleting rules

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15. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.10-1

Changelog – fix priorities when creating / deleting rules

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04. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.9-1

changelog: – Changing/setting Priority of rules does not work as expected (fix #1) – Email Rules: only first setting/parameter/variable of rule is matched (fix #11) – Email Rules: macro management (fix #13) – Errors in machting mode (fix #15) – [Tour]: improve usability (rename cancel->Use application, remember choice also on “use application” (fix #19) –…

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04. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Uncategorized

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.9-1

changelog: – Changing/setting Priority of rules does not work as expected (fix #1) – Email Rules: only first setting/parameter/variable of rule is matched (fix #11) – Email Rules: macro management (fix #13) – Errors in machting mode (fix #15) – [Tour]: improve usability (rename cancel->Use application, remember choice also on “use application” (fix #19) –…

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04. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Uncategorized

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.9-1

changelog: – Changing/setting Priority of rules does not work as expected (fix #1) – Email Rules: only first setting/parameter/variable of rule is matched (fix #11) – Email Rules: macro management (fix #13) – Errors in machting mode (fix #15) – [Tour]: improve usability (rename cancel->Use application, remember choice also on “use application” (fix #19) –…

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01. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.8-1

changelog: match general regex against entire content in a single line (solves #12) avoid big spike when showing dashboard tab again after some time (fixes #2) minor bugs

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01. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Uncategorized

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.8-1

changelog: match general regex against entire content in a single line (solves #12) avoid big spike when showing dashboard tab again after some time (fixes #2) minor bugs

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01. 06. 2015 Thomas Forrer Uncategorized

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.8-1

changelog: match general regex against entire content in a single line (solves #12) avoid big spike when showing dashboard tab again after some time (fixes #2) minor bugs

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09. 04. 2015 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-eventhandler-1.3.6-1

changelog: API: add possibility for custom Actions API: custom Nagios livestatus socket Added /var/log/neteye/eventhandler-web.log in order to debug testing in webui EventConsole Action: increase “set severity minutes” attribute max value to 60 * 24 * 365 increase “autoclose cycles” attribute max value to 1000 fix bug in EventConsole Action that prevented correct inserting of events…

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16. 12. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Eventhandler ersetzt SNMP-Traphandler

Für die bevorstehende Veröffentlichung von NetEye 3.5 haben wir den bestehenden SNMP-Traphandler mit dem neuen, erweiterten Eventhandler ersetzt. Bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt war lediglich die Handhabung von SNMP-Traps möglich, durch die Implementierung des Eventhandler kann dies nun auf E-Mails, SMS und Logs ausgeweitet werden. (Diese Liste kann zukünftig um weitere Arten von Events ergänzt werden.)

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16. 12. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Eventhandler Replaces SNMP Traphandler

For the new release NetEye 3.5 we replaced the existing NetEye SNMP-Traphandler with the new so-called Eventhandler. When we previously where able just to handle snmp traps, we now can also handle e-mails, sms and logs. This list clearly isn’t a closed one – it can be extended to other types of events.

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16. 12. 2014 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Eventhandler sostituisce SNMP Traphandler

La nuova release NetEye 3.5 introduce un nuovo modulo denominato Eventhandler che andrà a sostituire il SNMP-Traphandler con l’obiettivo di ampliarne le funzionalità. Quando in precedenza eravamo in grado di gestire solamente delle trap snmp, ora e’ possibile gestire anche email, sms e log. Ovviamente questa lista non deve essere vista come statica, ma può…

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