Blog Entries

18. 03. 2025 Rocco Pezzani Icinga Web 2, ITOA, NetEye, UI, Unified Monitoring

A First Step towards Multitenancy in Icinga 2

Our older customers surely know that, in its earliest releases, NetEye 4 had no support for multitenancy. From a data perspective, there’s just one big bin we throw everything into to be used later. Then, a debate about multitenancy began. Here at Würth Phoenix we’ve discussed at length about the best way to segregate data…

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31. 12. 2024 Rocco Pezzani Business Service Monitoring, ITOA, NetEye, SLM, Unified Monitoring

Display a Service’s Availability with ITOA

This is that Time of the Year when you begin preparing all your SLA Reports to help you understand how your important services behaved during the year itself. It’s like the end of a horse race, when the bets are settled and you realize whether the bets you placed were right or not. And since…

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30. 11. 2024 Rocco Pezzani Business Service Monitoring, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

The Story of a Strange Business Process

Today I’d like to share a peculiar request I received during one of my recent Consulting Sessions. It’s just a highly specific Business Case, but it led me to wonder: what if I could find a way to generalize it? For now, that’s just a fantasy, but let me tell you the whole story so…

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30. 10. 2024 Rocco Pezzani Log-SIEM, NetEye

Elasticsearch Restart and Network Tuning

We all know that NetEye Upgrades are boring activities. Upgrading is important and useful because it brings you bug fixes and new features, but nonetheless it’s extremely expensive in terms of time. The most boring, tiring and lengthy part is when you restart NetEye Services; if you have the SIEM Module installed, the time spent…

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09. 09. 2024 Rocco Pezzani Log-SIEM, NetEye

Prevent Elasticsearch Crashes Using Disk Watermarks

Hi all, it’s been a while. I’m deeply sorry not to have sent out some blog posts lately, so now I’ll try to get back your trust by providing some useful information. Not only that, I’ll even go out of my comfort zone: instead of NetEye Core and monitoring strategies, I’ll talk about NetEye SIEM…

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15. 12. 2023 Rocco Pezzani NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Troubleshooting Icinga Notifications

I don’t really know the reason behind it, maybe because the typical scenario for notifications is just “send all events to this mailing list”, or as we say: set it and forget it. But we shouldn’t use this as an excuse: monitoring projects now consist of tens of thousands of objects (hosts plus services), and…

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05. 09. 2023 Rocco Pezzani Development, NetEye

Upgrading to the New nep-setup on NetEye 4.31

After a first semester full of great opportunities (many colleagues like to say so), the wheels have started turning again for NetEye Extension Packs. Now, a big evolution is beginning: in the near future, NEP will encompass the entire NetEye infrastructure, meaning it will also configure and manage NetEye Satellites. To do so, the current…

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29. 12. 2022 Rocco Pezzani NetEye

Finding Subtle Changes in your NetEye 4 Monitoring during Critical Activities

Rules and standards are important. In a world based on collaboration, following a well defined behavior is key for avoiding errors based on some sort of misunderstanding. This is also true for the world of information technology: someone releases software that is incomplete by design, and then leaves the completion of it to the people…

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15. 12. 2022 Rocco Pezzani NetEye

Strategies for Secret Management

In my previous blog post, we had a long discussion about how Icinga 2 manages its configuration in a Distributed Monitoring environment and how this can lead to unwanted disclosure of sensitive data, be it Secrets or Personal Data. The post ended with a set of recommendations/best practices that can be summarized in the statement…

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30. 09. 2022 Rocco Pezzani NetEye

Secret Management with NetEye Monitoring

Today I want to talk about a topic that, although it is (and always has to be) in the spotlight, is seeing its popularity skyrocket even more in recent months: how to handle Secrets and Personal Data with NetEye. And I’m not talking about the right way to use Director’s Data Fields, how to hide…

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14. 03. 2022 Rocco Pezzani NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Hosts, Zones and Broken Icinga 2 Configurations

During my experience as a Würth Phoenix consultant, I’ve seen a pretty long list of broken Icinga 2 configurations. Several times, customers have begun a scheduled meeting with something like “Hey mister consultant, ever since the last deploy some objects have stopped being monitored, but I don’t see any errors!”. After some troubleshooting, everything always…

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20. 12. 2021 Rocco Pezzani NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Introducing NetEye Extension Packs

One of the strongest points of NetEye is the extremely high level of customization that you can reach. It allows any customer to set up their environment for an almost perfect fit to their own needs or desires. This is typically achieved with the work of our Consultant Team in understanding each customer’s needs, and…

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06. 12. 2021 Rocco Pezzani ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Metrics on NetEye Monitoring

(Or, Who’s Monitoring the Monitor?) Everyone uses a monitoring system to understand what’s going on in their own environment and how it performs, but what about the monitoring system itself? The monitoring system also has its own tasks to perform, and obviously its own needs. Therefore even NetEye itself, while performing its duties, can be…

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19. 09. 2021 Rocco Pezzani ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Understanding Instability in a Monitored Environment

Whenever a new monitoring project gets underway, a consultant discusses with the customer about almost any related topic: what needs to be monitored, how to monitor it, when to implement it, how to represent performance data, etc. Based on customer needs and desires, any sort of implementation strategy can be planned, but almost all of…

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01. 02. 2021 Rocco Pezzani NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Monitoring Certificate Expiration with the x509 Module

Now, if you’ve followed my previous blogs about the x509 Module, you should have in place your x509 Certificates Asset with (or without) a minimum of cleanup routines. Now it’s time to look at what Icinga was made for: monitoring. Making an asset out of all of your SSL Certificates is only half the job….

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