Blog Entries

08. 08. 2012 Patrick Zambelli Downloads / Release Notes, Log Management, NetEye

SyslogView Fix release 2.0.4

Fix release announcement for NetEye SyslogView and the SyslogView Search engine. SyslogView specific fixes: – FIX: Syslog Statistics: Regex filter selection box not shown in interface – FIX: Syslog Statistics: The statistic regex filters where not applied correctly on the row count of matching lines at the creation of statistics other than “general” – FIX: SyslogStore…

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19. 06. 2012 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Action Launchpad: how to ease the activities for the Service Desk

Today I would like to present a module recently introduced in NetEye. The implementation has been promoted by a customer with the requirement to delegate repeated administrative task to dedicated operating and helpdesk departments. The ActionLaunchpad aims to provide to Non-Priviledged administators tasks they can Run on remote operating systems satisfying these requirements: – Agents do…

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19. 06. 2012 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Action Launchpad: how to ease the activities for the Service Desk

Today I would like to present a module recently introduced in NetEye. The implementation has been promoted by a customer with the requirement to delegate repeated administrative task to dedicated operating and helpdesk departments. The ActionLaunchpad aims to provide to Non-Priviledged administators tasks they can Run on remote operating systems satisfying these requirements: – Agents do…

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19. 06. 2012 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Action Launchpad: how to ease the activities for the Service Desk

Today I would like to present a module recently introduced in NetEye. The implementation has been promoted by a customer with the requirement to delegate repeated administrative task to dedicated operating and helpdesk departments. The ActionLaunchpad aims to provide to Non-Priviledged administators tasks they can Run on remote operating systems satisfying these requirements: – Agents do…

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13. 02. 2012 Patrick Zambelli Unified Monitoring

UPS Monitoring: Include of the APC MIBs

An update of the previous script for monitoring the UPS health status includes now also the APC MIB base. ( Blog article ) The monitoring features for APC include now the monitoring of the Battery capacity %, Temperature and voltage. A comparison against the settable limits in terms of input lines ( availability ) and…

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13. 02. 2012 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

UPS Monitoring: Include of the APC MIBs

An update of the previous script for monitoring the UPS health status includes now also the APC MIB base. ( Blog article ) The monitoring features for APC include now the monitoring of the Battery capacity %, Temperature and voltage. A comparison against the settable limits in terms of input lines ( availability ) and…

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13. 02. 2012 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

UPS Monitoring: Include of the APC MIBs

An update of the previous script for monitoring the UPS health status includes now also the APC MIB base. ( Blog article ) The monitoring features for APC include now the monitoring of the Battery capacity %, Temperature and voltage. A comparison against the settable limits in terms of input lines ( availability ) and…

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13. 02. 2012 Patrick Zambelli NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Integration of SAP solution manager – CCMS

The monitoring of SAP environments requires the application of a specific strategy to access and verify key monitoring variables. SAP provides for this purpose a dedicated data interface – the CCMS interface. This is an open data-exchange interface allowing to communicate through an external source with the SAP-environment. For NetEye we have adapted the opensource…

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13. 02. 2012 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Integration of SAP solution manager – CCMS

The monitoring of SAP environments requires the application of a specific strategy to access and verify key monitoring variables. SAP provides for this purpose a dedicated data interface – the CCMS interface. This is an open data-exchange interface allowing to communicate through an external source with the SAP-environment. For NetEye we have adapted the opensource…

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13. 02. 2012 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Integration of SAP solution manager – CCMS

The monitoring of SAP environments requires the application of a specific strategy to access and verify key monitoring variables. SAP provides for this purpose a dedicated data interface – the CCMS interface. This is an open data-exchange interface allowing to communicate through an external source with the SAP-environment. For NetEye we have adapted the opensource…

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15. 12. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

SyslogView 1.7.7

This Fix version of Syslog Server View is another release to support the comunication compatibility towards the new Safed agent 1.6 family. Due to some specification changes it is required to activate this version of SyslogView to be able to use the centralized configuration utility sending the configuration towards the agent and applying it there…

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15. 12. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Log Management

SyslogView 1.7.7

This Fix version of Syslog Server View is another release to support the comunication compatibility towards the new Safed agent 1.6 family. Due to some specification changes it is required to activate this version of SyslogView to be able to use the centralized configuration utility sending the configuration towards the agent and applying it there…

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15. 12. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

SyslogView 1.7.7

This Fix version of Syslog Server View is another release to support the comunication compatibility towards the new Safed agent 1.6 family. Due to some specification changes it is required to activate this version of SyslogView to be able to use the centralized configuration utility sending the configuration towards the agent and applying it there…

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28. 11. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Unified Monitoring

Automatic Nagios Downtime schedulation script

This blog article presents a little tool that might be useful to automatize tasks around Nagios. In every day’s IT administrator tasks the reboot and downtime for servers and services maintenance is not avoidable. One of the administration tasks in NetEye is also the schedulation of such downtimes in order to avoid predictable alert notifications…

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28. 11. 2011 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

Automatic Nagios Downtime schedulation script

This blog article presents a little tool that might be useful to automatize tasks around Nagios. In every day’s IT administrator tasks the reboot and downtime for servers and services maintenance is not avoidable. One of the administration tasks in NetEye is also the schedulation of such downtimes in order to avoid predictable alert notifications…

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