Blog Entries

11. 09. 2014 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

Windows Drive Size Monitoring unit changes in Performance Graph

This tecnical documentation should highlight an issue you may find when monitoring a Drive on a Windows machine. The value of occupied space is reported as perfdata and interpreted by the perfgraph. The result is a graph showing the occupational situation of the partition. The issue I am describing, may occur when the partition grows…

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11. 09. 2014 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

Windows Drive Size Monitoring unit changes in Performance Graph

This tecnical documentation should highlight an issue you may find when monitoring a Drive on a Windows machine. The value of occupied space is reported as perfdata and interpreted by the perfgraph. The result is a graph showing the occupational situation of the partition. The issue I am describing, may occur when the partition grows…

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02. 09. 2014 Patrick Zambelli Unified Monitoring

Windows Drive Size Monitoring unit changes in Performance Graph

This tecnical documentation should highlight an issue you may find when monitoring a Drive on a Windows machine. The value of occupied space is reported as perfdata and interpreted by the perfgraph. The result is a graph showing the occupational situation of the partition. The issue I am describing, may occur when the partition grows…

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15. 07. 2014 Patrick Zambelli NetEye, Non categorizzato, Real User Experience Monitoring

Nuovo: Training End User Experience

Siamo lieti di invitarvi al nostro primo training dedicato al monitoraggio della End User Experience che avrà luogo dal 16 al 18 settembre 2014 a Padova. Il training è rivolto a tutti gli amministratori IT che desiderano implementare una strategia di monitoraggio della End User Experience e quelli che hanno già iniziato il percorso. Durante…

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04. 07. 2014 Patrick Zambelli Asset Management, Business Process, Capacity Management, NetEye, NetEye Updates, Non categorizzato, Syslog

Nuovo NetEye training, 5-7 agosto 2014

Buongiorno a tutti, sono Patrick Zambelli, senior consultant NetEye presso Würth Phoenix. Dal 5 al 7 agosto organizziamo un training a Padova che è dedicato agli amministratori IT, che utilizzano NetEye o che hanno intenzione di usarlo. Le tematiche trattate saranno:

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30. 06. 2014 Patrick Zambelli Asset Management, NetEye

Automatische Erkennung: Netzwerk-Geräte und deren Module

Die neue NetEye Version 3.5 ermöglicht Ihnen die automatisierte Erfassung und Verwaltung aller Netzwerk-Geräte Ihres Unternehmens. Dies konnten wir durch die Implementierung einer Schnittstelle zwischen zwei bereits bestehenden Modulen, nämlich GLPI (Lösung zum Asset Management in NetEye) und NeDi (network discovery), erreichen. Diese Schnittstelle haben wir als ein Standard GLPI Plugin realisiert. Dadurch können zukünftige…

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30. 06. 2014 Patrick Zambelli Asset Management, NetEye

Rilevamento automatico di tutti i dispositivi della rete

La nuova versione NetEye 3.5 permette il rilevamento automatico di tutti i dispositivi della vostra rete. Tramite l’implementazione di un’interfaccia tra la soluzione per l’asset management di NetEye (GLPI) e il network discovery (NeDi), siamo in grado di automatizzare l’amministrazione del vostro hardware. Abbiamo realizzato l’interfaccia come un plugin GLPI standard, in modo da consentire…

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30. 06. 2014 Patrick Zambelli Asset Management, NetEye

Automatic Recognition: Network Devices and their Modules

NetEye 3.5 will permit you the automatic recognition and administration of all your network devices. Through the implementation of an interface between the two existing modules GLPI (asset management solution within NetEye) and NeDi (network discovery) we were able to facilitate the overall asset management. This interface was realized as a standard GLPI Plugin. So…

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21. 05. 2014 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Nuova procedura di ShutDown Management in NetEye

Nella nuova versione 3.5 di NetEye, che verrà rilasciata a breve, è stato implementato il modulo “Shut Down Management” per gestire la configurazione delle procedure di spegnimento automatico in un data center. Cercherò di fornirvi un semplice esempio per farvi capire le potenzialità e la necessità di questa funzionalità. Per esempio, se ci sono problemi…

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21. 05. 2014 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

NEU: Shutdown-Management Modul in NetEye 3.5

In Kürze veröffentlichen wir die neue NetEye Version 3.5, welche einige neue Features beinhaltet. Eine der Neuerungen ist das sogenannte Shutdown-Management Modul, welches das Konfigurieren eines automatisierten Shutdown-Prozesses Ihres Rechenzentrums ermöglicht. Den Nutzen und das Potenzial dieses neuen Moduls möchte ich Ihnen anhand eines einfachen Beispiels aufzeigen: Sollt es zu Problemen im Bereich der Stromversorgung…

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21. 05. 2014 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

New Shut Down Management module in NetEye 3.5

In the new NetEye version 3.5 that will be shortly released, it has been implemented the Shut Down Management module that allows to configure automatic shutdown procedures in a data center. I’ll try now to provide a simple example to let you understand the potentiality and the necessity of this feature. For example if there…

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25. 11. 2013 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Monitoraggio di Java Application

I moderni Java application servers sono composti da costrutti complessi di servizi e business logic. Non è quindi possibile poterli monitorare attraverso sistemi convenzionali come ad esempio controllare se un processo sta girando o meno. Nei Java Application Server diversi componenti vengono raggruppati per contenere la logica e fornire l’intelligenza applicativa. Per tutti coloro che…

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25. 11. 2013 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Java Application Monitoring

Modern Java application servers can be a complex construct of services and business logic. It is not possible to monitor them through conventional ways, like checking if a process is running. Within a Java application server multiple components are bundled together, to hold logic and provide intelligence for the application. For everyone who has some…

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25. 11. 2013 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Java Application Monitoring

Modern Java application servers can be a complex construct of services and business logic. It is not possible to monitor them through conventional ways, like checking if a process is running. Within a Java application server multiple components are bundled together, to hold logic and provide intelligence for the application. For everyone who has some…

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18. 09. 2013 Patrick Zambelli NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Job Execution control with new ActionLaunchpad features

The project of integrating the control of Job execution on remote As400 systems was introduced by my colleague in this article. A job process check verifies the number of executing jobs and more important: the failed Jobs. A next step of this project consisted in the implementation of a control panel, that can be used…

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