Blog Entries

26. 10. 2010 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

Centralized syslog agent configuration for SAFED

Today’s blog article will highlight the latest news from the Syslog Server development area. The focus lays on the integration of the distributed syslog agents into the SyslogView module of the NetEye server. The motivation for this strategic implementation is the acceleration of the installation – only a single MSI executable without user iteration has…

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22. 10. 2010 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

Monitoring the status of the SAFED agent

This article will highlight quickly an approach for the monitoring of your syslog agent in terms of availability and reactiveness. SyslogView OS agent check defintions The NetEye SyslogView server includes a  check logic for the monitoring of the syslog agent on the remote server. The monitoring techniques cover the strategy to launch a Nagios interpretable…

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22. 10. 2010 Patrick Zambelli Uncategorized

Monitoring the status of the SAFED agent

This article will highlight quickly an approach for the monitoring of your syslog agent in terms of availability and reactiveness. SyslogView OS agent check defintions The NetEye SyslogView server includes a  check logic for the monitoring of the syslog agent on the remote server. The monitoring techniques cover the strategy to launch a Nagios interpretable…

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22. 10. 2010 Patrick Zambelli Log Management

Monitoring the status of the SAFED agent

This article will highlight quickly an approach for the monitoring of your syslog agent in terms of availability and reactiveness. SyslogView OS agent check defintions The NetEye SyslogView server includes a  check logic for the monitoring of the syslog agent on the remote server. The monitoring techniques cover the strategy to launch a Nagios interpretable…

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13. 08. 2010 Patrick Zambelli Predictive Analysis

Capacity View: Exchange 2007

For the capacity management it is of interest to monitor the development of performance values over a longer time distance within graphs. Today we will offer the community a collection of templates to monitor the load of a Microsoft Exchange 2007 server infrastructure. This template is made up of an data import file for Cacti…

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05. 08. 2010 Patrick Zambelli Unified Monitoring

Linux / Unix Memory and CPU monitoring

MEMORY: Free system memory The check of free system memory of linux systems may not be pointed directly to the information of the really ‘free’ memory, since Linux is making use of the best reasonable amount of pysical memory. Indeed, we can find the information of the memory occupied by the system but not used…

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01. 07. 2010 Patrick Zambelli Unified Monitoring

Check File or Directory Size

To implement an effective and easy to customizable monitoring of the size of a single file or an entire directory on a Microsoft based system, can be implemented a very simple check. Making use of the default NetEye monitoring agent for Microsoft, the NSClient++, a new NRPE command can be defined without mayor adaptations in…

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26. 02. 2010 Patrick Zambelli Asset Management

Asset management: Monitorare la qualita’ dell’inventario hardware / software

L’asset management di NetEye comprende un inventario alimentato automaticamente da agent distribuiti ed installati sui server/client  remoti. La rimozione, la reinstallazione e la modifica della configurazione hardware e software possono risultare in configurazioni non correttamente interpretabili dai meccanismi di inventario e possono risultare assets non piu’ aggiornati ( oggetti inventariati non sincronizzati )  o duplicati…

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10. 02. 2010 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

NetEye releases configuration tool for web service monitoring based on webinject

A new web configuration has been integrated into NetEye for effective monitoring of web services. The test engine is based on the open webinject project and aims to simplify the creation and configuration of xml – formatted test scenarios for the webinject test engine. The webinterface makes part of the NetEye configurationTool, but the module…

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10. 02. 2010 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

NetEye releases configuration tool for web service monitoring based on webinject

A new web configuration has been integrated into NetEye for effective monitoring of web services. The test engine is based on the open webinject project and aims to simplify the creation and configuration of xml – formatted test scenarios for the webinject test engine. The webinterface makes part of the NetEye configurationTool, but the module…

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10. 02. 2010 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

NetEye releases configuration tool for web service monitoring based on webinject

A new web configuration has been integrated into NetEye for effective monitoring of web services. The test engine is based on the open webinject project and aims to simplify the creation and configuration of xml – formatted test scenarios for the webinject test engine. The webinterface makes part of the NetEye configurationTool, but the module…

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08. 02. 2010 Patrick Zambelli NetEye

Cluster NetEye – failover anche sui canali di notifica GSM

Per ottenere, oltre la completa replicazione dei dati con RAID, anche una flessibilita’ di continuita’ dei servizi NetEye in caso di problemi,  tanti clienti hanno installato un cluster con tutti i servizi di monitoraggio, capacity view/management ed asset management (inventario hw / software ) in failover. La configurazione di questo cluster comprende la funzionalita’ di…

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23. 12. 2009 Patrick Zambelli Predictive Analysis

Cacti: Ottimizzare la lettura SNMP con SPINE

Di recente abbiamo migrato le installazioni del capacity management di Cacti alla versione piu’ recente, la 0.8.7e. Con questa versione sono state sviluppate nuove funzionalita’ e ottimizzatori di performance, che permettono di migliorare e otimizzare il processo del poller, il scheduler di Cacti che pianifica l’esecuzione della lettura dei dati remoti. Una di queste funzioni…

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18. 11. 2009 Patrick Zambelli Unified Monitoring

Monitoraggio avanzato Microsoft SQL Server

Esistono ormai vari Plugin Nagios che controllano la disponibilita’ e la reazione di un Database Server Microsoft. Un progetto con lo scopo di andare pero’ oltre questo monitoraggio e stato implementato e pubblicato sotto licenza GPL da un partner Nagios in Germania. Questo plugin, sviluppato in Perl, permette di estrarre e analizzare piu’ di 20…

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01. 10. 2009 Patrick Zambelli Unified Monitoring

Monitorare device non critici

Esistono situazioni dove si desidera monitorare device che non sono critici per l’infrastruttura IT, ma che possono lo stesso avere problemi da controllare. Esempi per questo tipo di situazioni possono essere stampanti di rete che sono spenti la sera, ma che possono avvisare via SNMP difetti o mancanza di toner etc. Ovviamente si potrebbe evitare…

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