Blog Entries

05. 07. 2017 Mirko Morandini Events, Service Management

Towards Self-Adaptive Service Desk Systems

If you don’t work in the field of IT service management, you might suppose that a service desk, and especially an IT service desk, is something quite standard… having similar services and a similarly structured support staff structures across all companies. However, despite having (apparently) a very similar goal and trying to follow a common…

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05. 07. 2017 Mirko Morandini Uncategorized

Towards Self-Adaptive Service Desk Systems

If you don’t work in the field of IT service management, you might suppose that a service desk, and especially an IT service desk, is something quite standard… having similar services and a similarly structured support staff structures across all companies. However, despite having (apparently) a very similar goal and trying to follow a common…

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12. 01. 2017 Mirko Morandini EriZone & OTRS

Effizientes Verwalten von Supportanfragen und Autorisierungen mit Kind-Tickets

Prozesse, an denen mehrere Verantwortliche und Kompetenzzentren beteiligt sind, werden in EriZone häufig mit Hilfe des Konzeptes des Kind-Tickets implementiert. Kind-Tickets sind eigenständige Tickets, die von einem Eltern-Ticket ausgehend erstellt werden und mit diesem verlinkt sind. Je nach Anwendungsfall können die Eigenschaften für das neue Kind-Tickets, wie Titel, Service, Ticket-Typ oder Antragsteller (Kunde) direkt vom Eltern-Ticket…

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12. 01. 2017 Mirko Morandini Service Management

Efficient management of support requests and authorizations by using child tickets

In EriZone, processes that require the involvement of multiple responsible persons and different competence centers are often implemented by using the concept of child ticket. Child tickets are independent tickets that are created from and linked to their so-called parent tickets. Depending on the specific use case, it is possible to copy data and properties…

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12. 01. 2017 Mirko Morandini EriZone & OTRS

Gestione efficiente di richieste di supporto e autorizzazioni tramite ticket figli

In EriZone i processi nei quali sono coinvolti più persone responsabili e diversi centri di competenza, vengono spesso gestiti tramite l’implementazione del concetto del ticket figlio. Ticket figli sono dei ticket autonomi che vengono creati su base del loro ticket padre, restando comunque collegati con esso. A seconda del caso di utilizzo, le caratteristiche del ticket…

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31. 08. 2016 Mirko Morandini Service Management

Using EriZone for Access Management and Provisioning

A critical part of IT Service Management is the management of access to all kinds of IT-related resources, including not only the access to IT systems, networks and software, but also the provisioning of devices such as phones and laptops, contracts (e.g. phone or data contracts with 3rd party operators) and often also items regarding…

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31. 08. 2016 Mirko Morandini Uncategorized

Access Management und Beschaffungsprozesse mit EriZone

Eine wichtige Aufgabe des IT-Servicemanagements ist die Verwaltung des Zugriffs auf IT-bezogene Ressourcen. Darunter fallen nicht nur die Zugänge zu IT-Systemen, Netzwerken und Software, sondern auch die Bereitstellung von Geräten (Telefon, Laptop etc.) und Verträgen (z. B. Telefon- oder Datenverträge mit Drittanbietern). Zudem werden oft auch Ressourcen vom IT-Team verwaltet, die sich auf das Facility…

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31. 08. 2016 Mirko Morandini Uncategorized

Access management e approvvigionamento con EriZone

Una componente molto importante dell’IT Service Management è la gestione dell’accesso a tutte le risorse legate all’IT, includendo sia l’accesso ai sistemi IT, rete e software, che anche la fornitura di dispositivi quali telefoni, laptop e contratti (ad es. contratti con fornitori di servizi telefonici). On molte organizzazioni IT si include anche la gestione di…

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