Blog Entries

16. 12. 2024 Mirko Morandini Asset Management

GUI-based GLPI Network Inventory Setup with the “GLPI Inventory” Plugin

GLPI agents not only perform a local inventory of the computer where they were installed, but also include several tools for discovering and inventorying other devices in their network: Of course, you’ll need to install and execute these tasks on only a few selected servers that reach the network sections you want. My colleague presented…

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01. 07. 2024 Mirko Morandini Asset Management, Unified Monitoring

It’s Time to Move from OCS to GLPI Agents + Exclusive GLPI News for You!

It’s been two years now since TecLib released GLPI 10, a completely redesigned version of the popular Asset Management system. It natively integrates an asset inventory server and is delivered together with inventory agents called “GLPI Agents”. These agents are available for the major operating systems, from Windows to Linux and Android. The GLPI inventory…

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14. 12. 2023 Mirko Morandini Service Management

EriZone Servicedesk: Upgrade to RockyLinux9/RHEL9 (CentOS7 EOL in June 2024)!

Dear EriZone customers! Our legacy servicedesk system EriZone currently runs on CentOS7 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7. These operating systems will not get any security fixes after June 2024. For anyone planning on keeping EriZone running beyond this date, we highly recommend you contact us for an upgrade to Rocky Linux 9. As…

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06. 12. 2023 Mirko Morandini Asset Management, Service Management

Würth Phoenix is a GLPI Gold Partner! Exclusive News from GLPI Partner Day

The popular open source software suite GLPI, an acronym for Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique, has been part of the NetEye ecosystem since its beginnings, more than 15 years ago. GLPI includes a comprehensive, pre-configured IT Asset management database, an ITIL-compliant service desk (ticketing) and feature-packed inventory agents. Within the scope of NetEye, GLPI is…

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04. 01. 2023 Mirko Morandini Asset Management, Unified Monitoring

Using GLPI with the Metabase Open Source BI Tool for Visualizing Rich Reports and Dashboards

Asset management/CMDB tools play (or should play!) a central role in IT operations and management, gathering data from hardware assets on contracts, software licenses, network configurations, tickets and many more. The key task is to keep all this data consistent and up to date. Rigor in manual data insertion and the careful integration of automation…

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02. 11. 2022 Mirko Morandini ITOA, NetEye

Creating Compelling Stacked Bar Charts with Grafana

Grafana is an open source data visualization application that is widely used for displaying interactive monitoring and service dashboards. It focuses on a high-performance visualization of time series data, such as network throughput, access time, or CPU performance data. For this, it connects to specific time series databases such as InfluxDB, but also to common…

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23. 08. 2022 Mirko Morandini Service Management

Should I Implement a Complex or a Lightweight Service Catalogue?

Creating a “Service Catalogue” What do you do all the day in your IT department? You provide services, in this case IT-related services, to the employees of your company. This includes the personal services for each employee, depending on his/her position and tasks (computers, software, internet connection, etc.) and all the strategic services for running…

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23. 05. 2022 Mirko Morandini Cloud, Service Management

Office365/Google Mail Users: Migrate Your EriZone/OTRS Mail Accounts to OAuth2 Authentication NOW!

Both Microsoft and Google will terminate within summer/autumn 2022 the possibility of accessing POP and IMAP mailboxes using usernames and passwords! In the course of the year 2022 Microsoft and Google will terminate support for Basic Auth (the authentication with username and password) for some web services and pass to a more secure method, often…

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22. 12. 2021 Mirko Morandini Asset Management, Unified Monitoring

IPTool: The Fastest Way to Answer Any Question about IPs and Hostnames in Your Network!

Or: a Tool for Collecting, Browsing and Analyzing IP and Hostname Data Available Across Your Organization Take any discretely large, organically grown company network, and you’ll find an interplay of heterogeneous servers, network devices, computers, printers, virtual machines, embedded devices and more. Do you have documentation on all the assets in the network, both the…

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06. 12. 2021 Mirko Morandini Service Management

JIRA: Importing Issues from OTRS/EriZone and Other Ticketing Systems

More and more companies are adopting the now “quasi-standard” JIRA Software issue tracking and software project management tool, and the emerging ticketing tool JIRA Service Management. For most of them, when transitioning from their previous system, it is essential to preserve the recent ticket history and to migrate open bugs and issues to the new…

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14. 06. 2021 Mirko Morandini Asset Management, Service Management

GLPI: the “Swiss army knife” of IT Management

A knife, a saw, a pair of scissors, two screwdrivers, … Having specialized tools at hand when you need them can be convenient. But all these tools together are heavy, bulky and don’t suit everyone’s pocket (budget as well as size!). That’s why the Swiss knife has had and still has such success: you get…

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11. 01. 2021 Mirko Morandini Downloads / Release Notes, Service Management

EriZone 5.9 Release Notes

Welcome to the latest version of our Service Management solution EriZone version 5.9. Product: EriZoneRelease Number: 5.9Release Date: January 7, 2021Release Type: MinorPrevious Release: 5.8 These release notes for EriZone 5.9 describe changes and improvements, and provide information on how to upgrade. Enhancements Upgrade of OTRS to 5.0.42 including security updates and improved translations. Postmaster filter…

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17. 12. 2020 Mirko Morandini Cloud, Unified Monitoring

EriZone/OTRS: Single Sign On with (Multiple) AzureAD Using Shibboleth

More and more enterprises rely on Microsoft Azure Active Directory as a company-wide identity provider for Office365, Teams, Sharepoint and other Microsoft and various non-Microsoft services. It provides Single Sign-On (SSO), so when opening any of these applications, if an authorization is needed, you will always be redirected to the same, trusted, company-wide login page….

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17. 09. 2020 Mirko Morandini Unified Monitoring

EriZone: CentOS 6 EOL: Plan Your Migration to CentOS 7 Now!

Dear EriZone customers! Some of your EriZone VMs are still working on CentOS 6, which will reach its End of Life on November 30th, 2020. This means that no new security or bugfix updates will be released after this date. You can check this by running the command: rpm -q centos-release which will tell you…

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25. 03. 2020 Mirko Morandini Service Management

Informing Customers on the EriZone Web Interface

Your web shop is down, a fact that was already reported by your monitoring system.  After two minutes the first customer sends in a ticket, asking if you’re aware of the problem.  And then another 12 customers after him, resulting in 13 quite useless tickets. Or perhaps you have a planned ERP downtime, and you’ve…

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