Blog Entries

16. 12. 2022 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.27

We fixed a bug that did not allow the RHEL version to be set correctly when the automatic subscription was disabled. For NetEye 4.27 we updated the following packages:

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16. 12. 2022 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

NetEye 4 Core – Security Advisory

Synopsis Important: grafana-panel-renderer security update Type/Severity Security Advisory: Important Topic An update for the package grafana-panel-renderer is now available for NetEye 4. NetEye Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of High. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores provide additional guidance about a vulnerability and give a detailed severity rating….

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12. 12. 2022 Mattia Codato NetEye, Unified Monitoring

ClickHouse – High Availability Cluster

As you have surely read from the release notes of NetEye 4.27, we have integrated ClickHouse to be able to use the historical flows and alerts feature of ntopng. What is ClickHouse? Directly from the official website: ClickHouse is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP). ClickHouse’s performance exceeds…

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15. 11. 2022 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.26

We fixed a bug that was freezing the host page in the director module. Fixed errors that were shown in the director module when clicking on a host template from the preview tab. Fixed the host’s services page of the director module that did not allow more than 100 services to be displayed. For NetEye…

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24. 09. 2022 Mattia Codato Development, NetEye

Consultant for a Day (or Three)

In August I had the opportunity to assist an experienced consultant who was upgrading a NetEye cluster. Now, I’m a software developer, and while I know the consultants here who work with clients, I’ve always worked at the Würth Phoenix offices. I’ve never actually gone out in the field. So my goal was to try…

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12. 08. 2022 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.23

We fixed a bug that during the upgrade to NetEye 4.24 caused the RedHat version to update incorrectly. For NetEye 4.23 we updated the following packages: neteye-upgrade-manager to version 0.31.1-1

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21. 06. 2022 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.24

We have fixed a problem of repository incompatibility that caused an error during the neteye update command. Note that the following command must be run on each node before running the neteye update command For NetEye 4.24 we updated the following packages: neteye-upgrade-manager to version 0.30.7-1 neteye-setup to version 1.86.2-1

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21. 06. 2022 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.23

We have fixed a problem of repository incompatibility that caused an error during the neteye update command. Note that the following command must be run on each node before running the neteye update command For NetEye 4.23 we updated the following packages: neteye-upgrade-manager to version 0.30.7-1 neteye-setup to version 1.85.5-1

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21. 06. 2022 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.22

We have fixed a problem of repository incompatibility that caused an error during the upgrade to version 4.23. For NetEye 4.22 we updated the following packages: neteye-upgrade-manager to version 0.12.25-1

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26. 05. 2022 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.23

We fixed a problem that did not allow special characters to be displayed correctly in the monitoring section. We fixed security vulnerabilities also related to the file permissions. icinga2, icinga2-autosetup, icinga2-bin, icinga2-ido-mysql, icinga2-neteye-config, icinga2-resources, icinga2-common, icinga2-selinux to version 2.11.9_neteye1.48.4-1 icingaweb2-module-assetmanagement-autosetup, icingaweb2-module-assetmanagement to 1.21.2-1

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19. 05. 2022 Mattia Codato ctf-writeups, Development

Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022 – Red Island Writeup

The Cyber Apocalypse CTF is back with the 2022 edition. It’s a Jeopardy-style competition organized by Hack The Box and is open to everyone. Together as a security-focused guild (a concept taken from the Spotify model) we here at Würth Phoenix participated in this challenge and in particular I focused on the web challenges. After…

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17. 05. 2022 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.22

We fixed a bug that was setting an incorrect target version during the upgrade. For NetEye 4.22 we updated the following package: neteye-upgrade-manager to version 0.12.24-1

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22. 04. 2022 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, Icinga Web 2, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.23

We fixed a bug that caused an error when generating a resource report in SLM with a large number of panels. For NetEye 4.22 we updated the following packages: icingaweb2-module-slm,icingaweb2-module-slm-autosetup to version 4.19.0-1 grafana-panel-renderer to version 1.3.1-1 We fixed a problem that was preventing the generation of PDF pages For NetEye 4.23 we updated the…

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22. 03. 2022 Mattia Codato ctf-writeups, Development

CTF Insomni’hack Teaser 2022 ─ Vault Challenge

On January 29th, I attended my first CTF (capture the flag) competition: the Insomni’hack teaser.Based on my skills, I decided to go for the challenge called Vault which consists of a web-based vault of five pages: a home page, one where you can see the key/value pair you entered after logging in, a page for…

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28. 02. 2022 Mattia Codato Bug Fixes, NetEye

NetEye 4 – Security Advisory

Synopsis High impact: Grafana security update Type/Severity Security Advisory: High impact Topic An update for grafana is now available for NetEye 4.22. NetEye Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of High. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores provide additional guidance about a vulnerability and give a detailed severity rating….

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