Blog Entries

04. 06. 2015 Juergen Vigna Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package neteye-monarch-3.9.1-1

This issues have been fixed in this release: – Deleting of “3d coords” in host detail does not work (#22) – Host notes are not deleted (#23) – Unviewable Table (width) in Groups Host view with many hosts (#24) – Nagios Host/Host Template definition: no retry_interval definable (#25) – Commit / PreFlight test / Edit…

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30. 03. 2015 Juergen Vigna Log Management, NetEye

[Update] Patch Released ! – LogManager (ex. SysLogView) zipping error of archived logfiles

To avoid a similar problem the next time change from winter to summer time ( i.e. CET to CEST )  a fix release has been published, backported for NetEye release 3.4. Update for NetEye 3.4 will be neteye-syslogview 2.1.9 Users of NetEye 3.5 will apply this fix together with other UI improvements and a better…

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30. 03. 2015 Juergen Vigna NetEye

[Update] Patch Released ! – LogManager (ex. SysLogView) zipping error of archived logfiles

To avoid a similar problem the next time change from winter to summer time ( i.e. CET to CEST )  a fix release has been published, backported for NetEye release 3.4. Update for NetEye 3.4 will be neteye-syslogview 2.1.9 Users of NetEye 3.5 will apply this fix together with other UI improvements and a better…

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30. 03. 2015 Juergen Vigna NetEye

[Update] Patch Released ! – LogManager (ex. SysLogView) zipping error of archived logfiles

To avoid a similar problem the next time change from winter to summer time ( i.e. CET to CEST )  a fix release has been published, backported for NetEye release 3.4. Update for NetEye 3.4 will be neteye-syslogview 2.1.9 Users of NetEye 3.5 will apply this fix together with other UI improvements and a better…

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10. 10. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Update of nagios-plugins package to version 1.4.16-7

– Fix check_snmp Multiplier conversion which did not see negative values or was not used when not having warning/critical values

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10. 10. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Update of nagios-plugins package to version 1.4.16-7

– Fix check_snmp Multiplier conversion which did not see negative values or was not used when not having warning/critical values

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10. 10. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Update of nagios-plugins package to version 1.4.16-7

– Fix check_snmp Multiplier conversion which did not see negative values or was not used when not having warning/critical values

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06. 08. 2014 Juergen Vigna Configuration Management, NetEye, Non categorizzato

Nuovo: Service Clone Tool – NetEye 3.5

Amministratori che sono incaricati a gestire una rete composta da un numero elevato di hosts, corrono il rischio di perdere parecchio tempo quando devono configurare lo stesso servizio su più hosts. Per facilitare la vita degli amministratori IT in questo ambito specifico abbiamo implementato una nuova funzionalità nella configurazione NetEye. Il cosiddetto “Service Clone Tool”…

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06. 08. 2014 Juergen Vigna Configuration Management, NetEye, Unkategorisiert

NEU: Service Clone Tool in NetEye 3.5

In umfassenden Netzwerken kommt es oft vor, dass einzelne Dienste auf mehreren Hosts betrieben werden. Das Konfigurieren der diversen Services auf den einzelnen Hosts gestaltet sich oft sehr zeitaufwendig. Um das Hinzufügen ein und desselben Dienstes zu verschiedenen Hosts zu vereinfachen, haben wir ein neues Tool in die NetEye Konfiguration eingebaut. Das neue Service Clone…

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06. 08. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Unified Monitoring

New: Service Clone Tool – NetEye 3.5

Administrators of networks, which consist of a huge number of hosts, are often facing time management problems. Frequently, specific services have to run on more than just one host, consequently those services have to be copied from one host to one or more other hosts. To save as much time as possible we expanded the…

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25. 06. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye

NetEye: VMware vSphere Leistungsüberwachung mit Alarmen

Die Überwachung der virtuellen Maschinen und Hosts eines Unternehmens, ist ausschlaggebend um deren angemessene Performance zu garantieren. Zur Überwachung von VMware VSphere ist es ratsam, passende Schwellenwerte zu setzten und diese mit, auf Alarmen basierenden, Reaktionen zu verbinden. So kann verhindert werden, dass dem Administrator, eventuelle Leistungseinschränkungen oder Kapazitätsengpässe entgehen. Dank des NetEye SNMP Trap…

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25. 06. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye

NetEye: Monitoring VMware vSphere performance using alarms

Monitoring a company’s virtual machines and hosts is essential to ensure high performance at all times. To monitor VMware VSphere, an appropriate benchmarking combined with alarm-based actions is required to avoid that the administrator misses the existence of possible performance issues or lack of capacity. Thanks to the well-running NetEye SNMP Trap Eventhandler, NetEye users…

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25. 06. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye

NetEye: Monitorare VMware vSphere performance usando allarmi

Per poter garantire un’alta prestazione dei sistemi, è necessario di effettuare un monitoraggio adeguato. Per il monitoraggio di VMware VSphere è raccomandata la definizione di soglie in combinazione con l’impostazione di allarmi corrispondenti. In questo modo può essere assicurato che l’amministratore si accorga di eventuali problemi di performance o di capacità. Poiché il NetEye SNMP…

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19. 06. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Update of neteye-plugins package to version 1.11.1

The NetEye Plugins package has been updated with this changes: – Added new plugin which can do 64bit counters – Small bugfix for check_inventory and new option to exclude items in trash from GLPI check – Added check_hpasm for checking HP SIM Agent status – Small fix to detect also outdated XML files in…

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19. 06. 2014 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Update of neteye-plugins package to version 1.11.1

The NetEye Plugins package has been updated with this changes: – Added new plugin which can do 64bit counters – Small bugfix for check_inventory and new option to exclude items in trash from GLPI check – Added check_hpasm for checking HP SIM Agent status – Small fix to detect also outdated XML files in…

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