Blog Entries

24. 07. 2018 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Check Your Exchange Server Status

If you have an Exchange Server and want to check its status, Exchange has a PowerShell API just for this.  Check out this zip file exchange-serverhealth, which includes a powershell script to put on your Exchange Server and a “Monarch” Service Profile that you can import into your NetEye Monarch Monitoring Configuration Application. On your…

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24. 07. 2018 Juergen Vigna NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Total Control Over Your Citrix User Connections

Do you have Citrix or Windows RDP servers, and your users keep calling you because of problems?  The first problem is to see which server the user was connected to.  I solved this problem by monitoring the user connections on Windows Terminal Servers (including Citrix Servers), so that you know how many users are connected…

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07. 03. 2018 Juergen Vigna Log Management, NetEye

Analyze your OpenLDAP Logs

Suppose you have an OpenLDAP Server and you want to analyze what it does.  A good way to do this is to send the logs to NetEye’s LogServer.  Some elements you will see include: – Returned Entries! (ENTRY) – Search Operations! (SEARCH) – Total Connections! (BIND) To do this you need to add a new…

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07. 02. 2018 Juergen Vigna Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Harmonize Your Monitoring with Your Elasticsearch Database Entries

If you have an Elasticsearch Database like the one in the NetEye Elastic Stack Module then you are surely interested in integrating this information into your Monitoring environment.  To do this, use this new plugin: check_elasticsearch_query # /data/neteye/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/local/check_elasticsearch_query –help Check a count of number of events fount in elasticsearch over a query and timeframe Usage:…

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07. 11. 2017 Juergen Vigna Uncategorized

Monitoren sie Ihren XtremIO EMC Storage

Sie haben eine XtremIO Dell EMC Storage und möchten sie gerne überwachen, dann habe ich das richtige dafür. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit habe ich ein Monitoring Plugin für XtremIO Storages geschrieben. Was kann dieses Plugin: XTREMIO_CTRL_Status: Damit überwachen sie die Kontroller und sehen den Status der Hardware XTREMIO_DPG_Status: Damit überwachen sie ihre DPG Gruppen…

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07. 11. 2017 Juergen Vigna Uncategorized

Monitoraggio dell’XtremIO EMC Storage: con NetEye non è più un problema

Se avete uno Storage XtremIO Dell EMC che vorreste monitorare, ho la soluzione che fa al caso vostro. Non molto tempo fa ho scritto un Plugin di monitoraggio per gli storage XtremIO che si occupa delle seguenti attività: XTREMIO_CTRL_Status: monitora i controller e visualizza lo status dell’Hardware XTREMIO_DPG_Status: monitora i gruppo DPG dallo Storage XTREMIO_Storage_Efficiency:…

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07. 11. 2017 Juergen Vigna Unified Monitoring

XtremIO EMC Storage Monitoring with NetEye

If you need to monitor a Dell EMC Storage XtremIO unit, then I have the right solution for you. Not long ago, I wrote an XtremIO storage tracking plug-in that can execute the following activities: XTREMIO_CTRL_Status: monitors the controllers and the hardware status XTREMIO_DPG_Status: controls the DPG groups from the storage array XTREMIO_Storage_Efficiency: verifies and…

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31. 10. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Invio dei log Cisco ad Elasticsearch: ecco la guida!

Avete un’infrastruttura di rete CISCO e desiderate visualizzare i log attraverso il protocollo syslog in un database di Elasticsearch? Scoprite ora come impostare i filtri e i modelli necessari per le funzionalità del Logstash. Come sapete, per ottenere i dati nel database di Elasticsearch è necessaria un’istanza di Logstash. Il vantaggio consiste nell’analizzare questi dati…

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31. 10. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Ihre CISCO Syslog in Elasticsearch, so geht es!

Sie haben eine CISCO Netzwerk Infrastruktur und möchten die Logs über das Syslog Protokol in eine Elasticsearch Datenbank schreiben? Hier erfahren Sie wie das geht mit allen notwendigen Filtern und Pattern für ihre Logstash Funktionalität. Wie man weiss bekommt man über eine Logstash Instanz Daten in die Elasticsearch Datenbank. Der Vorteil liegt darin diese Daten…

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31. 10. 2017 Juergen Vigna Log Management, Log-SIEM, NetEye

Sending Cisco Syslogs to Elasticsearch: A simple guide

Do you use Cisco’s network infrastructure? Would you like to view its logs through the syslog protocol in an Elasticsearch database? Find out below about the filters and templates needed for the Logstash setup. As you probably already know, you need a Logstash instance in order to get indexed data into the Elasticsearch database. Cisco…

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31. 07. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Using Active Direcory for defining new NetEye Users

Every so often I get asked whether it is possible to integrate Active Directory Users and Groups with NetEye. Until now my answer has always been that it is possible to use AD via its LDAP functionality as an authentication backend, and that you may manually add each AD user one-by-one to NetEye. I was…

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31. 07. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Using Active Direcory for defining new NetEye Users

Every so often I get asked whether it is possible to integrate Active Directory Users and Groups with NetEye. Until now my answer has always been that it is possible to use AD via its LDAP functionality as an authentication backend, and that you may manually add each AD user one-by-one to NetEye. I was…

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31. 07. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Come velocizzare la creazione di utenti NetEye – ecco la guida per l’integrazione dell’Active Directory

Spesso mi si chiede se è possibile integrare gli utenti e i gruppi dell’Active Directory con NetEye. Fino ad ora ho sempre risposto che è possibile utilizzare l’AD con la funzionalità LDAP che funge da backend di autenticazione, aggiungendo manualmente ogni utente AD in NetEye. Non sono però mai stato troppo soddisfatto da questa opzione…

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14. 02. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Monitoring-Benachrichtigungen über Telegram oder Microsoft Teams versenden

Üblicherweise werden auftretende Probleme mittels E-Mail oder SMS an die zuständigen IT-Mitarbeiter gemeldet. Aber sind das tatsächlich schon alle möglichen Kanäle um Benachrichtigungen zu versenden? Natürlich nicht. Zwei sehr geschickte Beispiele sind diese hier: Benachrichtigungen über die Telegram App (CLI) Benachrichtigungen über die Office 365 Web API (Microsoft Teams) Telegram Wie Sie wahrscheinlich wissen, ermöglicht die…

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14. 02. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

How to send monitoring notifications to Telegram or Microsoft Teams

The conventional thing in a monitoring environment is to notify problems to your staff over E-Mail. Other than E-Mails also SMS are a very common notification type. But is this all we can offer to notify people about problems in our IT? Obviously, there is more than that. Two very handy examples are: Notifications over the Telegram App…

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