Blog Entries

09. 07. 2024 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We released an update for GLPI that fixes several vulnerabilities. We updated the following packages:

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11. 06. 2024 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

We fixed a bug that causes the kill of unrelated processes during the cluster resource relocation. Important: the NetEye update procedure in this case, in order to fix the existing configuration, will restart most of the PCS cluster resources and will cause a temporary service downtime. We updated the following packages:

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07. 05. 2024 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.35

We fixed a bug in the Logrotate configuration for GLPI that prevented the logs to be compressed and archived. Updated packages We updated the following packages:

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15. 03. 2024 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.34

We resolved a bug in the NetEye PDF exporting module that causes the reporting scheduler to stop working. Updated packages We updated the following packages:

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23. 02. 2024 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.34

We fixed a bug in the Tornado module about a missing validation that caused 500 errors during the deploy of a configuration draft. Updated packages We updated the following packages: Furthermore the tornado-regex-validation package has been replaced with tornado-input-validation package.

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19. 01. 2024 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.32

We fixed a bug in Icinga2 that caused a huge increment of the InfluxDB disk usage. Updated packages We updated the following packages:

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19. 01. 2024 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.33

We fixed a bug in Icinga2 that caused a huge increment of the InfluxDB disk usage. Another bug that was fixed was causing smsd configuration to be lost during the upgrade. Finally, in Tornado it is now possible to correctly insert conditions of type regex in node filters. Updated packages We updated the following packages:

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20. 12. 2023 Gianluca Piccolo Development

How to Debug PHP xDebug XD

Sometimes in NetEye 4 it happens that we need to understand why the system behaves in a certain way. Since a lot of the NetEye 4 GUI is still based on PHP, we use the most powerful tool to debug PHP: Xdebug. Xdebug is an extension of PHP which mainly provides a debugger and profiler….

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19. 10. 2023 Gianluca Piccolo Events

Team Building: Sailing at Lake Garda

Why Sailing? Sailing is the perfect team building event: it combines cooperation, responsibility and commitment, along with a great dose of fun! That’s why this summer we decided to head up to Lake Garda to take part in a sailing team building event. Program The day started early in the morning, our bus picked us…

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26. 09. 2023 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.31

We updated GLPI to 10.0.10. This new version introduces a lot of security fixes. The update is strongly recommended. Furthermore we fixed a bug for which the InfluxDB secure install script could have failed to run some queries due to a numeric database name. Updated packages For NetEye 4.31 we updated the following packages:

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19. 04. 2023 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.29

We applied some vulnerability fixes to GLPI. For NetEye 4.29 we updated the following packages:

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12. 04. 2023 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.29

Fixed a bug that caused SLM reports to fail due to a not considered condition in downtimes. For NetEye 4.29 we updated the following packages:

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17. 01. 2023 Gianluca Piccolo Development, NetEye, Training

Learning Path: Cyber Security in NetEye Development

Overview I think there are different ways companies use to achieve the purpose of making their own software more secure, for example paying other dedicated companies to do penetration tests. Our approach was the same, initially…the most obvious problems were found and fixed. But there was something we weren’t buying. We weren’t satisfied, we knew…

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01. 12. 2022 Gianluca Piccolo Development, PHP

A Developer’s Life is Like a Box of Chocolates: You Never Know What Bug You’re Gonna Get – Part 2

Intro This post continues the analysis of a bug I had to deal with recently. If you missed the first part, I suggest you go take a look at it before continuing with this. If, on the other hand, you’ve been anxiously waiting for this post XD, we’re ready to get into the thick of…

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07. 11. 2022 Gianluca Piccolo Development, PHP

A Developer’s Life is Like a Box of Chocolates: You Never Know What Bug You’re Gonna Get – Part 1

Intro In this post I’d like to explain the technique I chose to discover the cause of a bug I recently worked on, and why I made certain choices, given the not-so-common circumstances: part of a GUI I was debugging stopped working. It depended on third-party code and was therefore largely unfamiliar to me. Another…

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