Blog Entries

16. 11. 2022 Elena Valgoi Events, NetEye, SEC4U, Unified Monitoring

NETEYE USER GROUP 2022… back again! #italianedition

The event of the year, the NetEye User Group, is back again, in presence! The User group is not only a chance to inform our customers about new products and releases, but also an occasion to meet and exchange feedback and ideas. This year’s NetEye User group took place in the beautiful city of Verona…

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28. 10. 2022 Elena Valgoi Events, NetEye, Unified Monitoring


It-sa is Europe’s largest trade fair for IT security… and we were there!  This fair has taken place in Nuremberg since 2009, and is the meeting point for all decision makers and experts in IT security. It’s the #placetobe for all those searching for security solutions and for learning from major experts in the field. …

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19. 09. 2022 Elena Valgoi Events, NetEye, SEC4U, Unified Monitoring


After two years of online events, we finally made it to organize a live event in Germany! And it was a huge success! The Usergroup is not only a chance to inform our customers about new products and releases, but also an occasion to meet and exchange feedback and ideas. This year’s NetEye Usergroup took…

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24. 08. 2022 Elena Valgoi Events, Service Management, Webinar

On-premise or cloud? This is the dilemma…

This is Jim. Jim is an IT manager working for a company based in London. His company has been using Jira for maaaaaany years. He is quite happy with the tools and has experienced better communication within his and other teams, faster delivery times, and a greater UX as a consequence. It’s the middle of…

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05. 08. 2022 Elena Valgoi Blue Team, Events, Exposure Assessment, Red Team


Ever heard of HackInBo? HackInBo is the main event in Italy for the cyber security community, bringing together (for almost 10 years now!) hundreds of passionate attendees for two days in Bologna…. We were there on May 27th and 28th… and it was an amazing experience! This year, and for the first time, the event…

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27. 04. 2022 Elena Valgoi Events, Service Management

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” – Exciting news from the Atlassian Team ’22

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” … Peter Drucker, the management guru, said it ages ago…and Scott Farquhar, Co-Founder and Co-CEO at Atlassian, repeated it in the opening keynote at the Atlassian Team ’22 in Las Vegas (April 5th-7th). Atlassian Team is an annual meeting about Agile & DevOps, ITSM, culture, and work management, where the…

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