Blog Entries

25. 09. 2018 Benjamin Gröber NetEye, Unified Monitoring

How to Add/Rename an Icinga2 Satellite

Infrastructures get reorganized, organizations grow and naming conventions change. Icinga2 nodes can reliably trust each other by following the guidelines for certificate generation and building a dedicated certificate chain.  Certificates rely on hostnames and DNS, which aren’t usually subject to changes, but it does happen sometimes. What then? First of all, all certificates in NetEye’s…

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28. 06. 2018 Benjamin Gröber NetEye, Unified Monitoring

DRBD 9 Multi-Slave Mesh Network Quickstart Guide

DRBD 9  allows configurations to have multi node replication without stacking. In this post I will briefly describe how to define a multi-node DRBD resource, and highlight the differences for pacemaker cluster integration.

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26. 03. 2018 Benjamin Gröber ITOA, NetEye

Using NATS (Streaming) as a Backbone for Flexible Microservice Architectures

Last week I was happy to hear that NATS had been adopted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, following the example of other popular projects such as Kubernetes, Prometheus, gRPC, and many more. NATS is a powerful, scalable, asynchronous “pub-sub” message broker written in Go. It provides a simple protocol that allows us to build…

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10. 01. 2018 Benjamin Gröber NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Using the NetEye3 Perl API – An Intoduction

In an earlier post we saw how to extend the NetEye Perl API (  By popular request, today we will stay at a higher level and walk through some simple use cases: * Searching for Objects * Adding new Objects * Removing Objects

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10. 01. 2018 Benjamin Gröber NetEye, Unified Monitoring

How to Build Dashboards for NetEye Monitoring Events Using Grafana as a MySQL Datasource

In the latest releases of our dashboarding solution, Grafana, support for new relational datasources is included. These new datasources give us the ability to build native dashboards with relational datasets.  In this blog I’d like to walk you through building up a high level dashboard for monitoring events. The data we want to query is…

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16. 02. 2017 Benjamin Gröber NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.9.11-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed: Services with long names are truncated in SLA tables (NEREP-158)

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16. 02. 2017 Benjamin Gröber Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.9.11-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed: Services with long names are truncated in SLA tables (NEREP-158)

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16. 02. 2017 Benjamin Gröber NetEye

Updated Package neteye-reporting-3.9.11-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed: Services with long names are truncated in SLA tables (NEREP-158)

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16. 02. 2017 Benjamin Gröber Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated Package neteye-monarch-3.12.11-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed Impacted BusinessProcesses sometimes load forever (NMONARCH-59)

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16. 02. 2017 Benjamin Gröber NetEye

Updated Package neteye-monarch-3.12.11-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed Impacted BusinessProcesses sometimes load forever (NMONARCH-59)

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16. 02. 2017 Benjamin Gröber NetEye

Updated Package neteye-monarch-3.12.11-1 (for NetEye 3.9)

ChangeLog: Fixed Impacted BusinessProcesses sometimes load forever (NMONARCH-59)

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23. 11. 2016 Benjamin Gröber EriZone & OTRS, NetEye

Research & Development – Insights (Parte 1)

Il team di ricerca e sviluppo (R&D) è il team più grande all’interno della Business Unit System Integration (SI) di Wuerth Phoenix. Siamo responsabili dello sviluppo, manutenzione e della alta qualità di software per i nostri clienti. Inoltre, cooperiamo con il team di Service&Support per supporti di secondo livello. Dalla sua istituzione, il dipartimento SI…

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23. 11. 2016 Benjamin Gröber NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Research & Development – Insights (Part 1)

The Research and Development team (short R&D) is the largest team in the Würth Phoenix System Integration business unit. Our responsibility is to develop, maintain and deliver high quality software to our customers. We also provide second level support in cooperation with our Service & Support team. In past, the SI department was one of…

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23. 11. 2016 Benjamin Gröber NetEye

Research & Development – Insights (Teil 1)

Das Research & Development Team (kurz R&D) ist das größte Team unserer Business Unit. Unsere Verantwortung liegt darin, qualitativ hochwertige Software zu entwickeln, diese an unsere Kunden auszuliefern und zu pflegen. Außerdem stellen wir gemeinsam mit unserem Service & Support Team den 2nd-Level Support zu unseren Lösungen bereit. Die System Integration Business Unit war immer…

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25. 10. 2016 Benjamin Gröber NetEye

Updated Package neteye-thruk-1.88.4_neteye1.3.0-1 (for NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog: Set all timeperiods as defined in documentation

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