Blog Entries

02. 07. 2024 Andrea Mariani Development, NetEye

Migrating from Network Script to NetworkManager Service

In the near future NetEye will likely introduce the use of NetworkManager instead of the network scripts used so far for the configuration of network connectivity. In this blog I’d like to describe some simple steps to perform a migration to NetworkManager in case it becomes necessary to go through with the transition. Let’s look…

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30. 04. 2024 Andrea Mariani NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Balancing Two NetEye Satellites with the keepalived Service

NetEye installations can be either in Standalone (Single Node) or in Cluster configuration, and for each one there’s the possibility to extend monitoring in segregated portions of the network or remote locations, or simply to be able to lighten the load of the master through the use of one or more satellites (the number of…

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28. 06. 2023 Andrea Mariani Asset Management, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

GLPI Remote Inventory – Part 2 (Windows)

In GLPI Remote Inventory – Part 1 I described how to perform a remote inventory of Linux machines. Here in Part 2 I’ll describe instead how to perform a remote inventory on Windows machines using the WinRM (Windows Remote Management) protocol through an HTTPS listener. In order to create and use an HTTPS Listener on…

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26. 06. 2023 Andrea Mariani Asset Management, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

GLPI Remote Inventory – Part 1 (Linux)

Since NetEye version 4.29, the GLPI module has been upgraded to version 10. With this update GLPI introduced a new feature, making it possible to perform agentless inventories. Given the wide interest regarding this new feature from many of our customers, I decided to describe the steps necessary to be able to configure, link, and…

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07. 06. 2023 Andrea Mariani NetEye


After performing several migrations to NetEye 4, I realized that not all checks present on the old NetEye 3 could be migrated immediately. Sometimes for obsolete host systems on which the new Icinga 2 Agent could not be installed, or for dedicated check types for specific services, it was necessary to continue using our good…

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06. 06. 2023 Andrea Mariani NetEye, Service Management

SSSD for Active Directory Authentication

We all know that NetEye can grant access to its Web Interface through local users, or through the use of LDAP queries that can filter and grant GUI access to users or groups of a given Active Directory domain. What I would like to explore today is the possibility of granting SSH access and elevating…

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22. 12. 2022 Andrea Mariani ITOA, NetEye

Exporting Grafana Graphs to CSV

Some time ago, a customer asked me if it was possible to export the data used by NetEye 4 Performance Graphs to CSV format. In particular, the performance graphs that are displayed within Icinga 2’s web interface currently have no option to export their data. After some research, I found that the only way to…

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