Blog Entries

21. 11. 2018 Alessandro Romboli NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Microsoft Remote Desktop Services 2016 Issue

Remote Desktop Services 2016: The AppContainer Windows Server 2016 introduced the “AppContainer”, which is created when users connect to the server for the first time. Due to a registry leak, the Windows Server generates registry bloat for firewall rules. This registry bloat can be found in the following registry keys: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\FirewallRules HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\RestrictedServices\Configurable\System Over time, this…

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25. 09. 2018 Alessandro Romboli NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Performance – Part 2

Remote Desktop Services (RDS) Performance In a complex distributed RDS environment, it’s difficult to measure RDS performance: the end user typically notices responsiveness in a different way compared to measuring a single Windows Performance Counter! Overall performance tends to degrade over time: and frequent maintenance is required to keep an RDS Farm efficient. Of course,…

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30. 08. 2018 Alessandro Romboli NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Microsoft Remote Desktop Services: Customization and Performance

A Little History The Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS) architecture is widely used to publish centralized Desktop and Windows Applications to users from remote sites. With RDS, only the software user interfaces are transferred to the client system. All input from the client system is transmitted to the server, where software execution takes place. RDS…

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15. 03. 2018 Alessandro Romboli NetEye, Service Management

Microsoft ADFS service and Non-Claims-Aware applications

Microsoft ADFS service is widely used for integrating Web Applications with Microsoft Active Directory. Since Windows Server 2012 R2, it can also integrate Non-Claims-Aware applications. This configuration is very interesting because ADFS can still be the single point of user authentication, and the whole configuration is much easier as a Claims one. Architecture The whole…

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09. 11. 2017 Alessandro Romboli Uncategorized

Integrazione di Microsoft ADFS con Shibboleth

A partire dalla versione Windows Server 2003 R2, Microsoft ha introdotto il servizio ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) come lo strumento di gestione del controllo di accesso e di autorizzazione di tipo Claim. ADFS si appoggia ad un dominio Active Directory. All’utente che viene autenticato vengono forniti una serie di Claim relativi alla sua identità…

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09. 11. 2017 Alessandro Romboli Service Management, Unified Monitoring

Microsoft ADFS integration with Shibboleth

Starting with the Windows Server 2003 R2 version, Microsoft introduced the Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), a software component which provides users with single sign-on access to systems and applications located across organizational boundaries. ADFS is part of the Active Directory Services. The authenticated user is provided with a series of Claims related to his…

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09. 11. 2017 Alessandro Romboli Uncategorized

Microsoft ADFS integration with Shibboleth

Starting with the Windows Server 2003 R2 version, Microsoft introduced the Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), a software component which provides users with single sign-on access to systems and applications located across organizational boundaries. ADFS is part of the Active Directory Services. The authenticated user is provided with a series of Claims related to his…

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22. 08. 2017 Alessandro Romboli NetEye

Dovete aggiornare Computer Windows con WSUS? Ecco alcuni consigli.

Da molti anni il servizio WSUS (Windows Server Update Services, ex SUS, Software Update Services) rappresenta il modo più utilizzato nelle aziende per gestire gli aggiornamenti dei Computer Windows. Il prodotto esiste dall’anno 2005 e a partire da Windows Server 2008 R2 è diventato un Ruolo installabile sui Server. WSUS gestisce il catalogo degli aggiornamenti…

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22. 08. 2017 Alessandro Romboli NetEye

WSUS: Windows Computer aktualisieren

Seit vielen Jahren ist WSUS (Windows Server Update Services, ex SUS, Software Update Services) die bevorzugte Komponente für das Aktualisieren von Windows Computern. Das Produkt ist seit 2005 auf dem Markt und mit Windows Server 2008 R2 wurde es eine auf den Servern installierbare Rule. WSUS ist eine Softwarekomponente des Microsoft Windows Server, die für…

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22. 08. 2017 Alessandro Romboli NetEye

Upgrading your Windows computers with WSUS? Here’s a guideline.

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) is an application developed by Microsoft that enables administrators to manage the distribution of updates for Microsoft products to computers in a corporate environment. The first version of WSUS was known as Software Update Services (SUS) and was created in 2005. Only after 2008 it was distributed as an installable…

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25. 05. 2017 Alessandro Romboli NetEye

Monitoraggio di un server Microsoft Exchange

Il server Microsoft Exchange è uno dei più diffusi sistemi di posta elettronica in ambito aziendale e spesso risulta un oggetto difficile da monitorare: tante volte i controlli implementati si limitano alla verifica della disponibilità del server in rete. Dalla versione 2013 di Exchange è stato fatto un passo in avanti: infatti Microsoft ha messo…

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25. 05. 2017 Alessandro Romboli NetEye

Überwachen eines Microsoft Exchange Servers

Der Microsoft Exchange Server ist eines der weitverbreitetsten Systeme für das Versenden von Geschäftsemails, aber leider ist es manchmal etwas schwierig ihn zu überwachen. Oft beschränken sich daher die implementierten Kontrollen auf die Überwachung der Verfügbarkeit des Servers im Netzwerk. Mit der Version 2013 ist jedoch ein großer Schritt nach vorne gelungen: Microsoft stellt eine…

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25. 05. 2017 Alessandro Romboli NetEye

Monitoring Microsoft Exchange Server

Microsoft Exchange server is one of the most used email server for companies but sometimes it is hard to monitor because usually the monitoring tools only control the availability of the server on the network. Thanks to the 2013 update, Microsoft offered several URL (Healthcheck URL) to verify the real server availability for clients. The…

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06. 04. 2017 Alessandro Romboli NetEye

Überwachung von Objekten in isolierten Netzwerken

In vielen Unternehmen gibt es isolierte Netzwerke in denen SNMP-Geräte installiert sind, auf die nicht direkt zugegriffen werden kann. Ein typisches Beispiel hierfür sind Backup-Netze in denen Jumbo Frames übertragen werden dürfen. Meist werden dort iSCSI Geräte und NAS positioniert, um den Protokoll- und Verarbeitungsoverhead zu reduzieren und die Performance der Datenübertragung zu steigern.

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06. 04. 2017 Alessandro Romboli NetEye

Monitoring of objects in segregated networks

In many companies, there are installed SNMP devices on segregated networks, which we cannot directly access. A typical example are backup networks on which the transmission of Jumbo Frames is enabled. Conventionally, there are positioned iSCSI devices and NAS, to reduce overheads and CPU cycles and hence, to increase transmission performance.

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