Blog entries by technology: elasticsearch data transformation

28. 12. 2023 Davide Sbetti Log-SIEM, Machine Learning

Semantic Search in Elasticsearch – Testing Our NetEye Guide: Adding the LLM ingredient

You weren’t expecting a part three of this series, right? Well honestly, me neither. But after working together with you on the POC where we firstly crawled the NetEye Guide and applied ELSER to the resulting documents, and then we exploited its semantic search capabilities in the NetEye Guide search, we asked ourselves, what if…

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03. 10. 2023 Davide Sbetti Log-SIEM, Machine Learning, NetEye

Semantic Search in Elasticsearch – Testing Our NetEye Guide: Can We Improve the Search Experience? (Part 1)

Once upon a time (in fact it was just a month ago, but it sounds more dramatic this way) I had the opportunity to attend a webinar about Vector Search, Generative AI, and modern NLP by the Elastic Team. One of the topics that was touched on during the webinar was ELSER , Elastic’s new…

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03. 05. 2023 Davide Sbetti Anomaly Detection, ITOA, NetEye

A Simple Grafana Data Source for Outlier Detection (POC) – Part 2

In my previous post, we saw how it’s possible to build a simple Grafana Data Source Plugin, which we can use to read data from whatever source we’d like to use. In particular, we used it to read data from a simple web service we created so we could expose data containing some outliers. In…

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21. 06. 2022 Davide Sbetti Log Management, Log-SIEM

Elastic Transformations: How to Aggregate and Enrich Your Data

In a previous article I analyzed how you can create effective visualizations in Kibana, and how to apply machine learning jobs with the goal of extracting as much information as possible from our data. However, you can also think of data as a raw material, which sometimes needs to be transformed and manipulated before allowing…

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14. 12. 2021 Luca Franzoi Bug Fixes, NetEye

NetEye 3 Logstash and Elasticsearch – Security Advisory

Synopsis Important: Elasticsearch and Logstash security mitigation Type/Severity Security Advisory: Important Topic A mitigation for Logstash and Elasticsearch is now available for NetEye 3. NetEye Product Security has rated this mitigation as having a security impact of Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for…

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02. 10. 2020 Enrico Alberti Log-SIEM, NetEye

NetEye Ingest Pipelines – How to Modify and Enrich SIEM Data

Is it possible to add Geo IP information automatically to my events even if it’s not present in the original log? How can I automatically decode a URL to dissect all its components? How can I convert a human readable byte value (e.g., 1KB) to its value in bytes (e.g., 1024) so I can use…

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13. 12. 2021 Thomas Forrer Bug Fixes, NetEye

NetEye 4 APM, Log and SIEM Module – Security Advisory

Synopsis Important: Elasticsearch and Logstash security updates Type/Severity Security Advisory: Important Topic An update for Logstash and Elasticsearch is now available for NetEye 4.20 and 4.21. NetEye Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is…

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11. 01. 2021 Enrico Alberti Log-SIEM, NetEye

Alerting on NetEye SIEM: Watcher & ‘Alerts and Actions’ (Part 1)

The main goal of a monitoring system like NetEye is to alert and notify you when something noteworthy happens in your environment. All the logs coming in to NetEye SIEM can be analyzed, and could raise one or more alerts in the Elastic Stack, such as detection, machine learning anomalies, etc. How can you make…

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01. 12. 2020 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

NetEye 4.15 Release Notes

Core New Feature JWT Authentication We introduced a new authentication backend for NetEye, the JWT Authentication. Now it is possible to enable this method to log in from one or more external authentication providers that forward the information about the logged user to NetEye in a secure way via JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Improvement NetEye…

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21. 12. 2018 Franco Federico Icinga News, NetEye

How to Monitor Icinga 2 Itself with Icingabeat

NetEye 4 is based on Icinga 2. How can we monitor it? There are several options available; here I choose Icingabeat and test it. Icingabeat is an Elastic Beat that fetches data from the Icinga 2 API and sends it directly to either Elasticsearch or Logstash. In my case, I wanted to send the information…

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