Blog entries by technology: Redhat

06. 10. 2023 Lorenzo Candeago Development, DevOps

How to Test Beta Repos for RedHat 8.9 in a Container

We wanted to test the new RedHat 8.9 beta releases, but RedHat doesn’t currently provide a beta container. How can we do it anyway? Please note that this procedure is not officially supported by RedHat. As a first step, we want to retrieve the package redhat-release from the rhel 8.9 beta ISO, in the directory…

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01. 03. 2023 Tobias Goller NetEye

Enable DNS Caching on RedHat 8

I was recently with a customer when he pointed out to me that his NetEye 4 system with its RedHat 8 operating system was sending an extremely large number of DNS queries to the DNS servers. After quickly analyzing the situation I found that RHEL does not cache DNS queries by default. Obviously the customer…

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21. 10. 2022 Tobias Goller NetEye

GlusterFS on NetEye 4 and RedHat 8

As you’ve probably read in a previous blog by my colleague Jürgen Vigna, we use GlusterFS for particular requirements in our NetEye 4 cluster environments. After we completed the migration from the operating system CentOS 7 to RedHat 8, a few small things have changed or been updated. For all those who are new to…

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22. 08. 2022 Tobias Goller NetEye

NetEye Upgrade to RedHat 8 – My Experience

As you probably all know, a new NetEye version is released every two months. For this reason I’d like to emphasize that we recommend regular updating of your NetEye system. In particular with version 4.23 we released a major update of the operating system from CentOS 7 to RedHat 8. Since we’re doing a lot…

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07. 07. 2022 Lorenzo Candeago DevOps

How to Use a Host’s Redhat Subscription to Run Containers Using Docker instead of Podman

In NetEye 4.23 we shifted our base containers from CentOS to RedHat Enterprise Linux. Within our NetEye image and container we ship packages that come from RedHat Enterprise Linux’s private repositories and are thus subject to subscription, hence we need a way to be able to use our subscription when building NetEye containers. RedHat allows…

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13. 12. 2019 Juergen Vigna Log-SIEM, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Securing scp/sftp Access to Your Centos7/Redhat7 Server

Sometimes you just need to temporarily grant access to a user to copy some files to your server. But no user should have access to the shell. For sftp this is quite simple (see below), but for scp it’s not that trivial. Also, you probably want to set the user up in a directory with…

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10. 06. 2024 Emil Fazzi Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.36

SIEM – Log Management JVM Configurations We fixed some bugs related to the Elastic JVM configurations, that was duplicating log files in the default directory. The JVM configurations are now up to date and the organization of configuration files has been improved. El Proxy We fixed a bug in El Proxy related to the retry…

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10. 06. 2024 Emil Fazzi Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.35

El Proxy We fixed a bug in El Proxy related to the retry strategy for sending signed logs to Elasticsearch. Previously, after a document has been rejected from the Elasticsearch ingest pipeline, all non-signed logs were deleted during the retry phase including the mandatory “timestamp” field. Our solution now ensures that all mandatory fields remain…

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03. 06. 2024 Mattia Codato Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

NetEye 4.36 Release Notes

Welcome to version 4.36 of our NetEye v4 Unified Monitoring Solution. Merano/Meran is welcoming you with its promenades and palms, gardens and parklands, castles and palaces, noble villas, and unique urbanscape. Always fascinating, Merano is a historical spa town where hospitality and tourism reside in its soul. Merano is about taking a morning walk through…

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24. 05. 2024 Alessandro Valentini DevOps

OpenShift: How to Check and Reset Ceph Storage in Warning State

Every so often it may happen (in particular after a cluster update or hardware issues) that you see your storage in a warning state on OpenShift. The first thing to do is to check what’s wrong with your cluster: sometimes you may have a real issue, in other cases it may just be a temporary…

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30. 04. 2024 Andrea Mariani NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Balancing Two NetEye Satellites with the keepalived Service

NetEye installations can be either in Standalone (Single Node) or in Cluster configuration, and for each one there’s the possibility to extend monitoring in segregated portions of the network or remote locations, or simply to be able to lighten the load of the master through the use of one or more satellites (the number of…

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30. 04. 2024 Alessandro Mizzaro Bug Fixes

NetEye 4 – Security Advisory

Synopsis Important: GLPI security update Type/Severity Security Advisory: High Topic An update for the package glpi is now available for NetEye 4. NetEye Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of High. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores provide additional guidance about a vulnerability and give a detailed severity rating….

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25. 03. 2024 Mattia Codato Development, DevOps, NetEye

Boosting NetEye CI Speed Post-FOSDEM ’24

On February 3rd and 4th, 2024, we attended FOSDEM, a major event where thousands of free and open-source software developers from around the world gather to exchange ideas and collaborate. This year I dedicated much of the second day to the Testing and Continuous Delivery room. Continuous testing is essential for ensuring the safe and…

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28. 12. 2023 Davide Gallo Cloud, ITOA, NetEye

Using Jinja2 to Automate Configuration Files

As you may know, NetEye Cloud is our multi-tenant SaaS solution for monitoring your infrastructure. It’s crucial to us for keeping every tenant aligned with the latest configurations and patches. We’ve managed to automate and align the agents via Desired State Configuration (DSC) and Ansible, but we still had to manually check those agents’ configurations….

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20. 12. 2023 Alessandro Mizzaro Bug Fixes, NetEye

NetEye 4 – Security Advisory

Important: NagVis Security Update Type/Severity Security Advisory: Important Topic An update for the package nagvis is now available for NetEye 4. NetEye Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Important. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores provide additional guidance about a vulnerability and give a detailed severity rating. Description…

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