Blog entries by technology: Influx DB

15. 02. 2023 Giovanni Davide Saccá NetEye, Unified Monitoring

Grafana: InfluxDB Query to Extract More Than a Single Metric in a Single Panel

A particular client who operates as an ISP for its customers and corporate departments requested the ability to summarize and display, in convenient graphs, a few metrics related to the bandwidth delivered on switch ports, where the available gateways provide connectivity. The first activity I undertook was to obtain the MIB files and OIDs from…

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03. 10. 2022 Davide Gallo ITOA, NetEye

Using Multiple Retention Policies in InfluxDB

By default all metrics in InfluxDB are stored forever, but for certain metrics we need to store them for a much shorter time span. One example is when we’re receiving very large amounts of raw data, when we’re much more interested in derived characteristics of that raw data. In this blog we’ll discuss how to…

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31. 03. 2020 Stefano Bruno ITOA, NetEye

Take Care of Your Data: InfluxDB Sanitization

InfluxDB is the database used in NetEye for saving performance data. It guarantees graphic visibility of the data (thanks to the Grafana frontend) and it is very important that the data stored is useful. I’ll give you an example of how simple it can be to produce obsolete data in Influx: Suppose I create a…

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04. 12. 2019 Patrick Zambelli ITOA, NetEye

Downsampling Performance Data in InfluxDB

During the course of a NetEye installation, a wide range of performance data is collected. From latency metrics of ping checks, to the saturation data of disks and memory units, to the collection of utilization metrics of various kinds. For all of this data we’ve adopted the open source time series database InfluxDB. The time-aligned…

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26. 11. 2018 Susanne Greiner ITOA, NetEye

How to Drop a Tag in InfluxDB

If  you’ve ever had cardinality problems with InfluxDB, you might have discovered that a tag is the likely culprit.  Well done!  But now your next step is getting rid of that tag, and that’s when you’ll realize that in a time series database, tags play an important role in indexing.  Because dropping tags is rather complicated,…

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14. 11. 2016 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package influxdb-0.13.0_neteye1.0.3-1 (NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog: – fixed bug: Wrong logrotate settings cause HUGE logfile (NIFDB-2)

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14. 11. 2016 Thomas Forrer Downloads / Release Notes, NetEye

Updated package influxdb-0.13.0_neteye1.0.3-1 (NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog: – fixed bug: Wrong logrotate settings cause HUGE logfile (NIFDB-2)

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14. 11. 2016 Thomas Forrer NetEye

Updated package influxdb-0.13.0_neteye1.0.3-1 (NetEye 3.8)

ChangeLog: – fixed bug: Wrong logrotate settings cause HUGE logfile (NIFDB-2)

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24. 06. 2021 Alessandro Valentini Contribution, NetEye

NetEye Backup: MariaDB

Roughly one year ago I started working on a set of backup scripts for NetEye with the following requirements: Cluster support without standby Configuration backups InfluxDB backup MariaDB backup In this post I’ll focus on the journey through my MariaDB backup implementation. Backing up MariaDB is usually a simple task: you run the mysqldump command…

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20. 06. 2019 Andrea Avancini Events, ITOA, NetEye, Unified Monitoring

InfluxDays London 2019

As did for the last year edition, our DevOps team participated at InfluxDays, a conference organized by InfluxData and focused on time series data. We were really looking at the event with excitement, for all the new features InfluxData is putting into the new InfluxDB 2.0. So, apart from grabbing a very nice t-shirt, we…

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07. 08. 2023 Alessandro Romboli Business Service Monitoring, ITOA, NetEye

From Icinga 2 Monitoring to ITOA

Scenario NetEye 4 is a comprehensive monitoring platform which natively supports Icinga 2 checks on remote hosts and devices. Several Icinga 2 checks support an historical view of the status. An example is the firewall interface performance status below, which displays a Performance Graph: Getting a better overview All the graph data generated by the…

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02. 07. 2024 Emil Fazzi DevOps, NetEye

Enhancing Our CI System with Data Visualization

As you may have noticed from recent posts from some of my colleagues about “Boosting NetEye CI Speed: Test Parallelization” or “Speeding up the NetEye CI Testing Phase“, we are improving our CI in order to have a reliable, fast system that is able to test all the features we implement in NetEye 4. As…

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19. 01. 2024 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.33

We fixed a bug in Icinga2 that caused a huge increment of the InfluxDB disk usage. Another bug that was fixed was causing smsd configuration to be lost during the upgrade. Finally, in Tornado it is now possible to correctly insert conditions of type regex in node filters. Updated packages We updated the following packages:

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19. 01. 2024 Gianluca Piccolo Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.32

We fixed a bug in Icinga2 that caused a huge increment of the InfluxDB disk usage. Updated packages We updated the following packages:

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28. 12. 2023 Davide Gallo Cloud, ITOA, NetEye

Using Jinja2 to Automate Configuration Files

As you may know, NetEye Cloud is our multi-tenant SaaS solution for monitoring your infrastructure. It’s crucial to us for keeping every tenant aligned with the latest configurations and patches. We’ve managed to automate and align the agents via Desired State Configuration (DSC) and Ansible, but we still had to manually check those agents’ configurations….

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