24. 01. 2025 Antonio Cerullo Knowledge Management, Service Management

Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (On-Premises) Certificate Rotation


In this post I’ll describe how to update the certificate used by the Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations on-premises system (which I’ll call D365). This activity is called “certificate rotation” and it was necessary to do on our internal system in December 2024, following the imminent expiration of the company’s wildcard certificate (*.mycompanydomain.com). It’s important to complete everything BEFORE the certificate expires, as doing so later could cause data loss for encrypted fields.

The steps must be performed on one of the Orchestrators. We, out of habit, will perform them on the first of the 3 existing ones.

Certificate Installation on Windows

Our first step is to install the certificate on the chosen Orchestrator operating system via the “Certificates” Snap-in within Microsoft Management Console. It will be placed in the “Personal” certificates of the “Computer account”.

Replace the Current Certificate with a New One

Check the Thumbprint of the Expiring Certificate:

PowerShell command

ls Cert:\LocalMachine\My | Sort-Object | ft Subject,Thumbprint,not*
Subject                                                      Thumbprint                      NotAfter                NotBefore
-------                                                        ----------                        --------                  ---------
CN=*.mycompanydomain.com, O=Company Srl, L=Bolzano, C=IT  1/1/2025 1:0:0AM  1/1/2020 1:0:0AM

Compare the Thumbprint found by the command with the one in the following file and replace it with the new one:    


<Certificate type="ServiceFabric" exportable="true" generateSelfSignedCert="false" generateADCSCert="false">
      <!-- Specify the friendly name of the certificate during import operations -->
      <!-- Specify the file name of the pfx that will be used in export and import operations. If not specified, the name property will be used -->
      <!-- Specify the dns names for ax, service fabric and the wild card for the dns zone created to host these services -->
      <Provider>Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider</Provider>
      <EnhancedKeyUsage>Server Authentication;Client Authentication</EnhancedKeyUsage>
      <Thumbprint><CERTIFICATE THUMBPRINT></Thumbprint>
      <!-- Specify list of semi-colon seperated domain users or group (e.g. contoso\adminuser) that will be given permission to access the pfx files without a password -->

Export Certificate

We’ll use the commands “Export-Certificates.ps1“, used to export digital certificates associated with the D365 environment, and “Export-Scripts.ps1“:

PowerShell command

InfrastructureScripts-x.xx.x\Scripts\Export-Certificates.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xml
InfrastructureScripts-x.xx.x\Scripts\Export-Scripts.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xml

At this point the new certificate “.PFX” file will be created in the following folders:


Certified Update on D365 Machines

Run the following commands on each VM to configure the new certificate:

PowerShell command


Update the Service Fabric Cluster configuration file (ClusterConfig.json) with the thumbprints of the new certificate:

PowerShell command

InfrastructureScripts-x.xx.x\Scripts\Update-SFClusterConfig.ps1 -ConfigurationFilePath .\ConfigTemplate.xml -UpdateThumbprints
Start-ServiceFabricClusterConfigurationUpgrade  -ClusterConfigPath InfrastructureScripts-x.xx.x\Scripts\ClusterConfig.json
Update-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade -UpgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeoutSec 30

Updating LocalAgent Certificate

Replace the “serverCertThumbprint” in the “LocalAgent-xxxxxxx\localagent-config.json” file with the new one:

PowerShell command

.\LocalAgentCLI.exe cleanup LocalAgent-xxxxxxx\localagent-config.json
.\LocalAgentCLI.exe install LocalAgent-xxxxxxx\localagent-config.json

Updating the Environment to “Lifecycle Services”

Change the “Server certificate thumbprint” in the connector settings to the new one and perform the ‘Update settings’.

This step results in DOWNTIME for the entire system!!

Update the Service Fabric Cluster configuration file (ClusterConfig.json)

Edit the file “InfrastructureScripts-x.xx.x\Scripts\ClusterConfig.json“, replacing the values ​​of “ClusterCertificate” and “ServerCertificate” with the thumbprint of the new certificate:

PowerShell command

Start-ServiceFabricClusterConfigurationUpgrade  -ClusterConfigPath InfrastructureScripts-x.xx.x\Scripts\ClusterConfig.json
Update-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade -UpgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeoutSec 30

Final Verification of the Activity

To make sure that the certificate update was successful, run the following command:

PowerShell command


In the output you’ll see the thumbprint of the new certificate:

"Properties": {
    "Security": {
      "$id": "1",
      "CertificateInformation": {
        "$id": "2",
        "ClusterCertificate": {
          "Thumbprint": "<CERTIFICATE THUMBPRINT>",
          "X509StoreName": "My"
        "ServerCertificate": {
          "Thumbprint": "<CERTIFICATE THUMBPRINT>",
          "X509StoreName": "My"

In conclusion, regular SSL certificate rotation on Dynamics 365 is an essential practice to maintain the system’s security. Periodically updating certificates ensures that encryption remains strong and communications are always protected against potential vulnerabilities.

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Antonio Cerullo

Antonio Cerullo

Site Reliability Engineer at Wuerth Phoenix Srl


Antonio Cerullo

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