21. 10. 2024 Marco Berlanda Real User Experience, UX

How Good UX Boosts Business and Cuts Costs

User experience (UX) has become a vital component for companies that strive to stand out in today’s competitive markets. Whatever the digital product may be, a solid UX design ensures that interactions between users and software are intuitive, efficient and satisfying.

It’s pretty easy to understand the benefits of such an approach in a consumer-oriented landscape, such as a smartphone interface, an e-commerce website and so on (in these cases, solid experience directly translates into purchases and revenue), but what are the benefits of implementing it in a B2B product?

In these kinds of products, ease of use and intuitiveness are often left behind in terms of prioritization. The main reason behind this is that unlike consumer oriented products, business products tend to force the user to adapt to them, instead of the other way around. The user doesn’t have a choice, except to simply not use it, and instead he/she needs to learn and adapt in order to reach his/her tasks or goals.

This concept very often leads a company to underestimate the importance of UX in their products, and by the time it’s finally acknowledged, it’s almost certainly too late to correct course.

Let’s look at a few examples where a robust UX design can really boost business growth.

1. Make onboarding and adoption of your product easy and intuitive

B2B software often comes with complex features and multi-step processes, which can often make onboarding overwhelming for new users. A thoughtful UX design simplifies the learning curve by guiding users through the software with intuitive interfaces, clear instructions, and (if needed) helpful tutorials.

The direct consequences of this approach are many, but here’s a few:

  • New business customers can save a lot of money training new hires to use the product. And as we all know, customers are always happy when they save money.
  • If our product is intuitive and easy to use, we won’t have to offer as much training to users. Which means we’ll actually save money.
  • If a user has learned to use our product, and finds it easy and practical to use, he’ll spread the word about it. And if he changes workplaces, most likely he’ll suggest our product as a great solution for them, too. Free marketing for our product!

So as we can see, good UX design has a practical and tangible effect on costs and revenues for the company.

If our product helps them save money on top of fulfilling its function and role perfectly, that’s a huge advantage we have on our competitors.

2. Increase productivity for end users

The main goal of B2B software is to help businesses run more efficiently. Poorly designed UX, however, can slow users down with confusing layouts, redundant steps, or hard-to-find features. UX design ensures that tasks are streamlined and easy to execute, minimizing friction and allowing users to focus on their core work.

This of course translates into less cost per operation for our customers, and less man-hours spent to achieve the same result, which will make them very satisfied. Satisfied customers are more likely to continue using our product and recommend it to others in their industry.

3. Reduce our own support costs

B2B software often deals with complex workflows, which can lead to frequent customer support requests if the user interface is unclear or difficult to navigate. A well-designed UX anticipates user pain points and minimizes the need for ongoing support by making the software more self-explanatory and intuitive.

Investing in UX as a foundation of product development will lead our company to see fewer support tickets and lower customer service costs, allowing its teams to focus more on strategic initiatives rather than on troubleshooting.

4. Improved user retention and loyalty

In the B2B software space, retaining existing customers is far more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. UX design plays a critical role in ensuring that users have a smooth, enjoyable experience with software, which directly impacts retention. When users find software intuitive and easy to navigate, they are less likely to experience frustration that leads to churn.

By maintaining a strong relationship with existing customers through good UX, businesses save on acquisition costs and avoid the operational expenses of onboarding and retraining replacements for lost clients. On top of that, after a certain amount of time, switching from our solution to another one becomes inherently more and more expensive, which will make it progressively less likely that the customer will leave us.

5. Competitive differentiation in a crowded market

In the B2B software space, competition is fierce, and many products offer similar features. What often sets one solution apart from another is how easy and enjoyable it is to use. A software product with an exceptional UX becomes a differentiator, giving companies an edge over competitors with clunky or outdated interfaces.

Also, good UX directly leads to better perception of the product and better conversion rates of prospects into customers: in a report from Forrester Research, a well-designed user interface (a product of good UX design) could raise conversion rates by up to a 200%, and a better UX design could yield conversion rates up to 400%.

6. Boost marketing effectiveness and results

This might not sound very intuitive, but there’s a strong connection between UX and marketing, as both focus on creating positive user experiences. In fact, a successful digital marketing strategy requires the input of UX and UI experts to ensure that every touchpoint (from websites to landing pages and ads) delivers an engaging and seamless experience.

By designing intuitive interfaces and crafting user-friendly journeys or funnels, UX enhances the effectiveness of marketing efforts, ultimately driving higher engagement and conversion rates.


I hope through this article I’ve managed to convey how for B2B software, UX design is far more than a cosmetic feature. It’s a strategic asset that drives user satisfaction, reduces support costs, and increases customer retention.

By investing in UX, companies can deliver software that not only meets functional needs but also delivers a user-friendly experience, helping to increase long-term relationships and business growth, while saving everyone involved lots of money.

Marco Berlanda

Marco Berlanda


Marco Berlanda

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