10. 09. 2024 Massimo Giaimo Blue Team, SEC4U, SOCnews

SOC News | September 10 – New RaaS Group BloodForge

The team behind the popular underground forum BlackForums has announced, on its Telegram channel, that it has formed a new pact with the BloodForge group. From this pact was born The Brotherhood, an organization that aims to provide a RaaS (Ransomware as a Service).

The new BloodForge channel then presented the features and capabilities of this new RaaS. As of this moment, the BloodForge service will be sold to 10 subscribers, at a cost of $750.


BlackForums Telegram channel hxxps[:]//t[.]me/ridgedforums
The Brotherhood Telegram channel hxxps[:]//t[.]me/thebrotherhoodcorp
BloodForge RaaS Telegram channel hxxps[:]//t[.]me/bloodforgex
BloodForge seller hxxps[:]//t[.]me/ReservedMemory
Massimo Giaimo

Massimo Giaimo

Team Leader Cyber Security at Würth Phoenix


Massimo Giaimo

Team Leader Cyber Security at Würth Phoenix

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