22. 05. 2024 Alessandro Taufer Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.34

RPM Mirror

We fixed some bugs related to the NetEye rpmmirror:

  1. We fixed a bug that caused the rpmmirror to not prune properly the artifacts that belonged to legacy NetEye versions.
  2. We fixed a random failure that occurred when setting up the mirror due to timeouts.

Updated packages

We updated the following packages:

  • neteye-pulp3-mirror to version 1.2.2-1

Post installation steps

After installing the neteye-pulp3-mirror package you should re-run the setup of the rpmmirror ( neteye rpmmirror setup ) to make the bugfixes effective.

Alessandro Taufer

Alessandro Taufer


Alessandro Taufer

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