Infrastructures get reorganized, organizations grow and naming conventions change.
Icinga2 nodes can reliably trust each other by following the guidelines for certificate generation and building a dedicated certificate chain. Certificates rely on hostnames and DNS, which aren’t usually subject to changes, but it does happen sometimes. What then?
First of all, all certificates in NetEye’s Icinga2 Instances must be signed by the same Certificate Authority (CA). You will usually either use your company’s own internal CA, or rely on the CA generated during the setup of your NetEye installation.
Lets assume the following scenario:
As our business grows, we want to add a second remote location, but the naming conventions above no longer fit our organization. We then decide on a rule set leading to the following setup:
The first step will be adding the new remote satellite to our Icinga infrastructure. This can be be accomplished by either trivially using the Director Self Service API, or by manually executing the node setup command on any fresh icinga2 installation.
To give you a little insight into the process, I’ll show you the manual approach. To start, create a Ticket on the master node for signing the certificate.
[] icinga2-master pki ticket \ --cn 1636a7ef976eddffdf5997dd2784bec59b590fab
IMPORTANT: Execute the node setup command and all commands related to certificates after changing to the following directory: $ICINGA2_STATE_DIR/lib/icinga2/certs/
#Get Master Cert and save as [] icinga2 pki save-cert \ --host "" \ --trustedcert #Run Node setup [] icinga2 node-setup \ --ticket "1636a7ef976eddffdf5997dd2784bec59b590fab" \ --cn "" \ --zone "" \ --endpoint "" \ --master_host "" \ --trustedcert "./" \ --accept-commands \ --accept-config
The only thing left to do is to add the new zone and the new Endpoint to the Icinga Infrastructure in the Director. After the next commit, the master will delegate checks for the new zone to the new Endpoint.
As in the previous example, let’s execute all steps manually. First, we need to correct the way the node sees itself. In the config file constants.conf we need to adapt the NodeName and ZoneName to match the new naming scheme.
const NodeName = "" const ZoneName = ""
const NodeName = "" const ZoneName = ""
If the zones.conf file uses the NodeName and ZoneName variables, you don’t need to do anything else. Otherwise you should replicate the changes here as well.
Trying to restart icinga2 now will result in the following error:
Cannot get certificate from cert path: '$ICINGA2_STATE_DIR/lib/icinga2/certs/'
The CN of the certificate must match the NodeName, so we need a new key/cert:
[] icinga2 pki new-cert \ --cn "" \ --key "" \ --cert ""
Icinga2 will now no longer refuse to start. However the master node will complain as follows:
warning/ApiListener: Unexpected certificate common name while connecting to endpoint '': got ''
To solve this, we generate another ticket on the master node, and use it to send a request to the master for signing our new certificates:
[] icinga2-master pki ticket --cn 055cb6db4296f1e8c75ecf9f3bd3ed613e191122
[] icinga2 pki request \ --ticket 055cb6db4296f1e8c75ecf9f3bd3ed613e191122 \ --host "" \ --key "" \ --cert \ --trustedcert --ca ca.crt
The only work left to do now is in Director > Infrastructure Settings:
1. Adapt the Endpoint “” to be called “”
2. Rename the former “” Zone to “”
Afterwards, all remote checks assigned to the zone will migrate and continue to work without further intervention.
Aaaaand we’re done!
information/ApiListener: Applying configuration file update for path '/neteye/local/icinga2/data/lib/icinga2/api/zones/'