31. 10. 2017 Juergen Vigna NetEye

Invio dei log Cisco ad Elasticsearch: ecco la guida!

Avete un’infrastruttura di rete CISCO e desiderate visualizzare i log attraverso il protocollo syslog in un database di Elasticsearch? Scoprite ora come impostare i filtri e i modelli necessari per le funzionalità del Logstash.

Come sapete, per ottenere i dati nel database di Elasticsearch è necessaria un’istanza di Logstash. Il vantaggio consiste nell’analizzare questi dati e poterli suddividere in modo che possano essere indicizzati e utilizzati in Elasticsearch. CISCO è un produttore di dispositivi di rete molto noto, quindi è fondamentale possedere una soluzione valida per indicizzare correttamente i registri che si possono inviare da questi dispositivi.

Questo articolo si occupa principalmente di due tipologie di log CISCO:

  • Dispositivi di rete come switch o router
  • Cisco WLC
  • CISCO Radius Appliance

Questi elementi li ho separati in due filtri poichè i log RADIUS sono completamente diversi e non hanno nulla in comune con i log “normali” di CISCO. Quindi ho utilizzato i seguenti modelli:


E poi ho scritto le seguenti regole di filtraggio, il gruppo di log, che ho usato per limitare l’analisi a un determinato gruppo, può anche essere tralasciato:

# FILTER - Try to parse the cisco log format
# Configuration:
#   clock timezone Europe +1
#   no clock summer-time
#   ntp server prefer
#   ntp server
#   ntp server
#   service timestamps log datetime msec show-timezone
#   service timestamps debug datetime msec show-timezone
#   logging source-interface Loopback0
#   ! Two logging servers for redundancy
#   logging host transport tcp port 8514
#   logging host transport tcp port 8514
#   logging trap 6

filter {
  # NOTE: The frontend logstash servers set the type of incoming messages.
  if [type] == "syslog" and [host_group] == "Netzwerk" {
    # Parse the log entry into sections.  Cisco doesn't use a consistent log format, unfortunately.
    grok {
      patterns_dir => "/var/lib/neteye/logstash/etc/pattern.d"
      match => [
        # IOS
        "message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:logsource} ((%{NUMBER:log_sequence#})?:( %{NUMBER}:)? )?%{CISCOTIMESTAMPTZ:log_date}: %%{CISCO_REASON:facility}-%{INT:severity_level}-%{CISCO_REASON:facility_mnemonic}: %{GREEDYDATA:message}",
        "message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:logsource} ((%{NUMBER:log_sequence#})?:( %{NUMBER}:)? )?%{CISCOTIMESTAMPTZ:log_date}: %%{CISCO_REASON:facility}-%{CISCO_REASON:facility_sub}-%{INT:severity_level}-%{CISCO_REASON:facility_mnemonic}: %{GREEDYDATA:message}",

        # Nexus
        "message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:logsource} ((%{NUMBER:log_sequence#})?: )?%{NEXUSTIMESTAMP:log_date}: %%{CISCO_REASON:facility}-%{INT:severity_level}-%{CISCO_REASON:facility_mnemonic}: %{GREEDYDATA:message}",
        "message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:logsource} ((%{NUMBER:log_sequence#})?: )?%{NEXUSTIMESTAMP:log_date}: %%{CISCO_REASON:facility}-%{CISCO_REASON:facility_sub}-%{INT:severity_level}-%{CISCO_REASON:facility_mnemonic}: %{GREEDYDATA:message}",

	# WLC
	"message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:logsource} %{SYSLOGHOST:wlc_host}: %{DATA:wlc_action}: %{CISCOTIMESTAMP:log_date}: %{DATA:wlc_mnemonic}: %{DATA:wlc_mnemonic_message} %{GREEDYDATA:message}"

      overwrite => [ "message" ]

      add_tag => [ "cisco" ]

  # If we made it here, the grok was sucessful
  if "cisco" in [tags] {
    date {
      match => [

        # IOS
        "MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS ZZZ",
        "MMM dd HH:mm:ss ZZZ",
        "MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS",
        # Nexus
        "YYYY MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS ZZZ",
        "YYYY MMM dd HH:mm:ss ZZZ",
        "YYYY MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS",
        # Hail marry

    # Add the log level's name instead of just a number.
    mutate {
      gsub => [
        "severity_level", "0", "0 - Emergency",
        "severity_level", "1", "1 - Alert",
        "severity_level", "2", "2 - Critical",
        "severity_level", "3", "3 - Error",
        "severity_level", "4", "4 - Warning",
        "severity_level", "5", "5 - Notification",
        "severity_level", "6", "6 - Informational"

  } # if
} # filter

Per i CISCO RADIUS LOGS ho utilizzato i seguenti filtri:

# FILTER - Try to parse the ise logfiles (Radius)

filter {
  if [type] == "syslog" and [host_group] == "ISE" {
    grok {
      patterns_dir => "/var/lib/neteye/logstash/etc/pattern.d"
      match => [
        "message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:logsource} %{DATA:ise_log_type} %{NUMBER:ise_log_sequence} %{INT:ise_log_lines_split} %{INT:ise_log_line_sequence} %{ISETIMESTAMP} %{NUMBER:ise_log_number} %{NUMBER:ise_log_id} %{DATA:ise_log_facility} %{DATA:ise_log_id_description},.* Device IP Address=%{IP:ise_device_ip},.* UserName=%{DATA:ise_username},.* NetworkDeviceName=%{DATA:ise_network_device_name},.* User-Name=%{DATA:ise_user_name},.* (NAS-Port-Id=%{DATA:ise_nas_port_id},.* )?(cisco-av-pair=%{DATA:ise_cisco_av_pair},.* )?AuthenticationMethod=%{DATA:ise_authentication_method},.* (AuthenticationStatus=%{DATA:ise_authentication_status}, .*)?(EndPointMACAddress=%{DATA:ise_endpoint_mac_address},.*)? Location=%{DATA:ise_location},%{GREEDYDATA:message}"
      add_tag => [ "ISE" ]
      remove_tag => [ "_grokparsefailure" ]
      tag_on_failure => [ "_iseparsefailure" ]
} # filter

L’intera soluzione ora fornisce i log CISCO ben formattati in Elasticsearch, da cui poter eseguire analisi e visualizzazioni strutturate. I file citati sopra possono essere scaricati dal seguente link ( Cisco-Logstash- Elasticsearch ).

Juergen Vigna

Juergen Vigna

NetEye Solution Architect at Würth Phoenix
I have over 20 years of experience in the IT branch. After first experiences in the field of software development for public transport companies, I finally decided to join the young and growing team of Würth Phoenix. Initially, I was responsible for the internal Linux/Unix infrastructure and the management of CVS software. Afterwards, my main challenge was to establish the meanwhile well-known IT System Management Solution WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye. As a Product Manager I started building NetEye from scratch, analyzing existing open source models, extending and finally joining them into one single powerful solution. After that, my job turned into a passion: Constant developments, customer installations and support became a matter of personal. Today I use my knowledge as a NetEye Senior Consultant as well as NetEye Solution Architect at Würth Phoenix.


Juergen Vigna

I have over 20 years of experience in the IT branch. After first experiences in the field of software development for public transport companies, I finally decided to join the young and growing team of Würth Phoenix. Initially, I was responsible for the internal Linux/Unix infrastructure and the management of CVS software. Afterwards, my main challenge was to establish the meanwhile well-known IT System Management Solution WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye. As a Product Manager I started building NetEye from scratch, analyzing existing open source models, extending and finally joining them into one single powerful solution. After that, my job turned into a passion: Constant developments, customer installations and support became a matter of personal. Today I use my knowledge as a NetEye Senior Consultant as well as NetEye Solution Architect at Würth Phoenix.

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