Continuously rising demand for the NetEye Shutdown Management solution
More and more companies trust in the NetEye Shutdown Management solution.
Businesses from different branches (financial, chemical, public, industrial, commercial) already implemented our manufacturer-independent solution.
One main advantage of the NetEye Shutdown Management is the flexible integration of the shutdown policies for devices that are already inserted in the NetEye monitoring. Moreover, it is possible to create complex shutdown procedures by using the Business Process module. You can for example launch the shutdown procedure by monitoring the remaining UPS time and the fuel status of the current generator.
With the NetEye Shutdown Management module, it is possible to create shutdown procedures for multiple datacenters, using different shutdown criteria. Furthermore, you are able to interact and launch shutdown commands for almost all systems, like Windows, Linux, AIX, Firewalls, ESXi, Storage (EMC, HP, etc.) and so on.
The shutdown procedures can be dynamically defined for each datacenter architecture, by centrally controlling the various shutdown algorithms from one single interface.
Additionally, the integrated event logging function allows analyzing the various shutdown steps after a real shutdown procedure was executed.
Summing up, the advantages of Shutdown Management module are:
open interfaces for shutdown commands for all systems
Shutdown launches from monitoring results of various components as UPS systems, environmental sensors, current generators, hardware, rack sensors, etc.
manually or automatic launch of shutdown procedure
centrally manageable interface for multiple datacenters
Moreover, we are proud to announce that we are currently working on several enhancements of the Shutdown Management module, which will be released NetEye 3.9 this winter. Among others, there will be included a revised dashboard and the extension of shutdown commands for further device types as for example storage systems and virtual infrastructures.
I started my professional career as a system administrator.
Over the years, my area of responsibility changed from administrative work to the architectural planning of systems.
During my activities at Würth Phoenix, the focus of my area of responsibility changed to the installation and consulting of the IT system management solution WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye.
In the meantime, I take care of the implementation and planning of customer projects in the area of our unified monitoring solution.
Tobias Goller
I started my professional career as a system administrator.
Over the years, my area of responsibility changed from administrative work to the architectural planning of systems.
During my activities at Würth Phoenix, the focus of my area of responsibility changed to the installation and consulting of the IT system management solution WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye.
In the meantime, I take care of the implementation and planning of customer projects in the area of our unified monitoring solution.
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