Intuitive NetFlow Analyse durch die Abblidung von Kibana4 Dashboards in NetEye
In NetEye nutzen wir NfSen für die Sammlung, Analyse und Abbildung von NetFlow Daten. Allerdings haben sich in Vergangenheit einige User bei uns gemeldet und angemerkt, dass NfSen nicht besonders einfach zu benutzen sei, besonders wenn es darum geht eine schnelle Analyse der gesammelten Daten vorzunehmen und die entsprechenden Ergebnisse an die Vorgesetzten weiterzuleiten.
NfSen ermöglicht zwar verschiedene Varianten für die Analyse von NetFlow Daten, möchten Sie jedoch eine Standardansicht der wichtigsten Szenarios erstellen, ist der Einsatz von Kibana4 und dessen intuitiven Dashboards, die bessere Lösung.
Kibana4 ist in NetEye 3.6 integriert. Durch den Einsatz von Logstash und Elasticsearch gestaltet es sich heute sehr viel einfacher NetFlow Daten zu sammeln und übersichtliche Dashboards darzustellen.
In den folgenden vier Abbildungen sehen Sie einige Darstellungsbeispiele von NetFlow Daten. Selbstverständlich können Sie diese Informationen für eine bestimmte Zeitspanne filtern (direkt über die GUI).
Top 10 Quell-Ports, welche den meisten Traffic generieren.
Top 10 Ziel-Ports, welche den meisten Traffic generieren.
Top 10 Quell-IP’s, welche den meisten Traffic generieren.
Top 10 Ziel-IP’s, welche den meisten Traffic generieren.
I started my professional career as a system administrator.
Over the years, my area of responsibility changed from administrative work to the architectural planning of systems.
During my activities at Würth Phoenix, the focus of my area of responsibility changed to the installation and consulting of the IT system management solution WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye.
In the meantime, I take care of the implementation and planning of customer projects in the area of our unified monitoring solution.
Tobias Goller
I started my professional career as a system administrator.
Over the years, my area of responsibility changed from administrative work to the architectural planning of systems.
During my activities at Würth Phoenix, the focus of my area of responsibility changed to the installation and consulting of the IT system management solution WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye.
In the meantime, I take care of the implementation and planning of customer projects in the area of our unified monitoring solution.
In order to be able to carry out detailed network monitoring, an IT administrator naturally wants to know what is happening in his or her network. To obtain this information, the network flows must of course be analyzed. Many network Read More
First of all, I'd like to explain in simple terms what Elastiflow is all about. ElastiFlow is a NetFlow analyzer that works with the Elastic Stack. The Elastiflow Analyzer can collect various network flows, such as netflow or sflow, and Read More
Keeping historical data around for analysis is extremely useful but often avoided due to the financial cost of archiving massive amounts of data. Retention periods are thus driven by financial realities rather than by the usefulness of extensive historical data. Read More
Some time ago I was able to use the machine learning functionality in Elastic for the first time. I was astonished at how easy it is to use, and how fast it calculates historical data. In my particular case, I Read More
On NetEye we are using NfSen for the collection, analysis and view of NetFlow data. Unfortunately, many users complain, that the NfSen tool is not that simple to use, especially in terms of fast data analysis and for the reporting of Read More