13. 02. 2025 Damiano Chini Bug Fixes, NetEye

Bug Fixes for NetEye 4.40

Renewed Elastic Enterprise License

We renewed the Elastic Enterprise license, which was originally scheduled to expire on February 28, 2025. The new expiration date is now February 28, 2026.

If your NetEye version is older than 4.39 and you wish to utilize the Elastic Enterprise license, you will need to upgrade to at least NetEye 4.39. Alternatively, you can reach out to NetEye Support for assistance.

Fix of an unnecessary Elasticsearch restart

We’ve fixed an issue during the Elasticsearch update and upgrade procedures which, in case of the availability of a kernel update, would have caused an unnecessary restart of the service even if Elasticsearch itself was not updated.

List of updated packages

To solve the aforementioned issues, the following packages have been updated:

  • elastic-agent, elastic-agent-autosetup, elastic-agent-neteye-config, filebeat, filebeat-autosetup, filebeat-neteye-config, logstash, logstash-neteye-config, logstash-autosetup, logstash-neteye-config-autosetup, kibana, kibana-autosetup, kibana-neteye-config, elasticsearch, elasticsearch-autosetup, elasticsearch-neteye-config, elasticsearch-xpack-license to version 8.17.0_neteye3.72.11-1
Damiano Chini

Damiano Chini


Damiano Chini

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