Neteye install, update, upgrade procedures individual service logs weren’t saved in the correct format
We resolved a small issue where logs from parallel install or configurator playbooks were wrongly manipulated resulting in a different format from what they were supposed to be saved.
SIEM – Log Management
Elastic Stack missing systemd configuration files
We fixed a bug regarding missing systemd configuration files during the execution of some autosetups used for the correct configuration of Elastic Stack.
DPO verification containers were not restarted after a system reboot if running on Podman
We resolved a bug where the DPO blockchain verification containers with a restart policy Always were not successfully restarted after a host reboot if running on Podman.
Links inside Fleet Integrations redirected to a 404 page
We fixed an issue where clicking links inside some Fleet Integration dashboards redirected you to a nonexistent page instead of the actual resource.
APM – User Experience
Visual Monitoring with Alyvix
Transactions wrong status when thresholds were used
We fixed a bug in the Test Case reports view, where the transactions timeline could have shown the wrong status for single transactions in case a threshold (critical or warning) was applied.
Test Case enabling right after creation
Furthermore, we fixed an issue for which in the Test Case view it was not possible to enable a new Test Case in a session right after its creation without first refreshing the page. The operation is now possible, allowing a more seamless integration between these two actions.
We updated the following packages:
elastic-agent, elastic-agent-autosetup, elastic-agent-neteye-config, filebeat, filebeat-autosetup, filebeat-neteye-config, logstash, logstash-neteye-config, logstash-autosetup, logstash-neteye-config-autosetup, kibana, kibana-autosetup, kibana-neteye-config, elasticsearch, elasticsearch-autosetup, elasticsearch-neteye-config, elasticsearch-xpack-license to version 8.14.3_neteye3.65.3-1
elastic-blockchain-proxy to version 1.3.1-1
icingaweb2-module-alyvix, icingaweb2-module-alyvix-autosetup, icingaweb2-module-alyvix-configurator to version 0.55.4-1
Renewed Elastic Enterprise License We renewed the Elastic Enterprise license, which was originally scheduled to expire on February 28, 2025. The new expiration date is now February 28, 2026. If your NetEye version is older than 4.39 and you wish Read More
Renewed Elastic Enterprise License We renewed the Elastic Enterprise license, which was originally scheduled to expire on February 28, 2025. The new expiration date is now February 28, 2026. If your NetEye version is older than 4.39 and you wish Read More
Fix of an unnecessary Elasticsearch restart We’ve fixed an issue during the Elasticsearch update and upgrade procedures which, in case of the availability of a kernel update, would have caused an unnecessary restart of the service even if Elasticsearch itself Read More
SIEM - Log Management We’ve enhanced the installation process for the SIEM module. The Filebeat setup will now use a dedicated user instead of the Kibana root user. This change strengthens the security of the installation process by reducing the Read More
General RPM Mirror setup We’ve resolved an issue with RPM mirror which prevents to successfully run the neteye rpmmirror setup command due to incompatible versions of pulp-glue and pulp docker image. Monitoring / Detection Icinga2 We fixed an issue in Read More