19. 09. 2024 Davide Gallo Development, DevOps

Ansible Development, Part 1.5: Building an Execution Environment in a Pipeline (CI/CD)

Hello everyone, I’m back to discuss Ansible and Ansible Execution Environments. In my previous blog, we talked about why and how execution environments are critical for a successful Ansible implementation. I hope my guide was easy to follow, but as you may have noticed, the process requires a significant amount of manual effort to keep the containers updated.

Now imagine you’re using multiple execution environments for different purposes. You might have one for your Windows deployments, another for your network devices, and yet another for use in air-gapped environments. You need to keep all these environments up to date, and you must be able to test them before making them available to your colleagues.

The solution to this problem is… Ansible! I’ll show you how we can use the Red Hat CoP (Community of Practice) collections to automate the building of our execution environments. I won’t be showing you a full working pipeline; instead, I’ll focus on demonstrating only the building stage of the execution environment (EE).


Use Case

As an SRE/DevOps I want to build a pipeline to automatically manage the lifecycle of my execution environment.


  • Podman
  • Ansible-Collections
    • containers.podman
    • infra.ee_utilities


Install the collections

We can install the collection using this command:

ansible-galaxy collection install $COLLECTION-NAME$

Prepare the Ansible Playbook

This is a slightly modified Ansible Playbook that I use on my lab machines, and it should be easy to implement in your pipelines.

When writing your own playbook, the structure of the ee_list variable must align with the contents of the execution-environment.yml file, which was discussed in my previous blog.

- name: Playbook to create custom EE
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    # For controller configuration definition
    ee_builder_dir_clean: false
    builder_dir: .
    ee_update_base_images: false
    ee_base_image: quay.io/rockylinux/rockylinux:9
    ee_container_policy: ignore_all
    ee_pull_collections_from_hub: no
    ee_builder_dir_clean: true
    ee_image_push: false
    ee_verbosity: 3
      - name: custom_ee
        alt_name: Custom EE
        tag: 1-11-21-2
            package_system: python3.9
            python_path: /usr/bin/python3.9
            package_pip: ansible-core
            package_pip: ansible-runner
            - python-requests
            - python-pyyaml
            - git
            - python3-devel
            - pytz # for schedule_rrule lookup plugin
            - python-dateutil>=2.7.0 # schedule_rrule
            - awxkit # For import and export modules
              - community.general
              - ansible.posix
              - ansible.utils
          package_manager_path: /usr/bin/dnf
            name: quay.io/rockylinux/rockylinux:9
    - infra.ee_utilities.ee_builder

This Ansible Role (infra.ee_utilities.ee_builder) can also automatically push the new container to a container image repository of your choice. Please refer to the documentation to explore all available options.


As you can see from running the podman images command, my execution environment was built successfully (localhost/custom_ee).

REPOSITORY                                   TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED             SIZE
localhost/custom_ee                          1-11-21-2   8f40474a32f3  About a minute ago  453 MB
ghcr.io/ansible/community-ansible-dev-tools  latest      f6df2ac37aae  3 weeks ago         1.3 GB
quay.io/rockylinux/rockylinux                9           3c8f8ff398c0  3 months ago        237 MB

Now all you need to do is build the rest of the pipeline 🙂

These Solutions are Engineered by Humans

Did you find this article interesting? Are you an “under the hood” kind of person? We’re really big on automation and we’re always looking for people in a similar vein to fill roles like this one as well as other roles here at Würth Phoenix.

Davide Gallo

Davide Gallo

Site Reliability Engineer at Würth Phoenix


Davide Gallo

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