Blog Entries

11. 09. 2024 Davide Gallo Contribution, Development, DevOps

Ansible Development, Part 1: Building an Execution Environment

Right now, at Würth Phoenix, we are investing in automating most of our operations using Ansible. You’re probably already familiar with what Ansible does, but to summarize, Ansible is an open-source, command-line IT automation application written in Python. I’ve talked about it here: One challenge we faced while developing our automation scripts was that we…

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10. 09. 2024 Massimo Giaimo Blue Team, SEC4U, SOCnews

SOC News | September 10 – New RaaS Group BloodForge

The team behind the popular underground forum BlackForums has announced, on its Telegram channel, that it has formed a new pact with the BloodForge group. From this pact was born The Brotherhood, an organization that aims to provide a RaaS (Ransomware as a Service). The new BloodForge channel then presented the features and capabilities of…

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09. 09. 2024 Rocco Pezzani Log-SIEM, NetEye

Prevent Elasticsearch Crashes using Disk Watermarks

Hi all, it’s been a while. I’m deeply sorry not to have sent out some blog posts lately, so now I’ll try to get back your trust by providing some useful information. Not only that, I’ll even go out of my comfort zone: instead of NetEye Core and monitoring strategies, I’ll talk about NetEye SIEM…

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