28. 08. 2024 Tobias Goller Unified Monitoring

ntopng Updates

On 14.08.2024 ntopng released its latest version 6.2. I’d like to use this post to emphasize some of the key innovations it brings.

There were many changes and bug fixes in this release. Some major improvements and enhancements are as follows:

  • ntopng 6.2 uses 60% less memory with respect to v6.0
  • Support for InfluxDB 2.0 for the storage of metrics
  • A revamped UI, with many pages like the flow page having been rewritten:
  • Mitre Att&ck has been integrated into alerts. As you can see, a Remedial Action column has now introduced that shows you some remedial actions you can take to prevent certain problems from recurring in the future:
  • Historical processes can now be reproduced to imitate a historical time machine.
  • A new Security Report has been added:
  • As well as the creation of personalized reports:
  • And there’s a new WeChat endpoint:

Furthermore, ntopng is now cloud-aware. Over the ntop cloud you’ll be able to control all of your ntop instances or applications by verifying product, product version, traffic, hostname and activation time.

Have a lot of fun with the new features.

Tobias Goller

Tobias Goller

NetEye Solution Architect at Würth Phoenix
I started my professional career as a system administrator. Over the years, my area of responsibility changed from administrative work to the architectural planning of systems. During my activities at Würth Phoenix, the focus of my area of responsibility changed to the installation and consulting of the IT system management solution WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye. In the meantime, I take care of the implementation and planning of customer projects in the area of our unified monitoring solution.


Tobias Goller

I started my professional career as a system administrator. Over the years, my area of responsibility changed from administrative work to the architectural planning of systems. During my activities at Würth Phoenix, the focus of my area of responsibility changed to the installation and consulting of the IT system management solution WÜRTHPHOENIX NetEye. In the meantime, I take care of the implementation and planning of customer projects in the area of our unified monitoring solution.

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